From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 55 Logan Pulls His Hair

Latest URL: "Here!"

"Hurry up!"


"Run over there!"

Hoffenheim players are actively running, everyone is shouting, showing an extremely positive side.

And under Hoffenheim's constant mobilization, the rhythm is getting faster and faster, and it has even reached a situation where Barcelona can't keep up.

Fernando looked at the Hoffenheim players in front of him who kept passing the ball with one touch.

This kind of passing, they will also.

But the question is, don't these guys need to think?

Every shot is so decisive, and the angle is extremely tricky, but the turnover rate is basically zero.

Many times, the Hoffenheim players passed the ball through the gap, and the Barcelona players could only watch the ball slip away from their feet, which was extremely uncomfortable.

For the first time, they felt that although both sides played pass control, Hoffenheim's pass control made them feel strange.

The pace is accelerating!

Hoffenheim's offense never stopped.

Hoffenheim has always been a team that attacks with constant passing.

Their offense is fast and dangerous, and once the Barcelona players are out of position, the ball will go directly into the penalty area.

like now!

In the constant passing of Hoffenheim, Barcelona full-back Papanit couldn't bear it.

He ran forward a little recklessly, hoping to steal the ball at Roquel's feet.

But just after he ran a few steps, Roquel suddenly shifted sideways.

Ranier faced the ball and completed the through ball.

The ball is tilted slightly to the right,

It happened to be where Papanit stood before.

But now, Varim has gone there at some point.

"Stop him!"

Lovins's voice of shock and anger sounded.

In this roar, Varim has already completed the shooting action.

boom! !

The ball quickly flew towards the goal, and flew out dangerously touching the right goal post.

At this moment, the hearts of the entire Barcelona players were disturbed.

"Shit! Why did you run out so rashly!"

Barcelona goalkeeper Cormier got up from the ground and scolded Papanit all over his face.

The relationship between the two was not particularly good before.

Cormier has always felt that Barcelona's defense is unstable. The big problem is that Papanit is too impulsive.

And now, it was because of Papanit that he almost lost the ball, and Cormier was naturally very angry.

Faced with Cormier's roar, Papanit was very angry, but he had no reason to refute.

He could only stalk his neck and turn his head back.

"Cormier calling Papanit?"

The German commentator said with a smile on his face; "It seems that Hoffenheim's offense has put a lot of pressure on the Barcelona players, and Papanit's movement just now was a bit reckless. If Varim really scores a goal, Papanit will be the number one sinner."

While speaking, Hoffenheim took a corner kick.

The corner kick is still taken by Habr, also looking for Varim.

Now, Hoffenheim has found some feeling a little bit.

If you play Barcelona, ​​​​playing the high ball has a good effect.

Barcelona's defense line with an average altitude of only 1.8 meters can't stop Varim at 1.93 meters.

Such a battering ram showed great value at this time.

Even if they fail to score, they can make Barcelona's defense dizzy.

The situation in the arena is tilted towards Hoffenheim.

And the Hoffenheim fans in the stands were also shouting and cheering with all their might.

In the coach's bench, Steven was calm and looked towards the field with a smile.

He could feel that the disciples were doing well, even better than he imagined.

Also as a pass and control team, it can be said that the two teams played a very familiar tactical system.

But compared to Hoffenheim's pass control, Barcelona's pass control is closer to tradition, so it is easier to see through.

At least, the current Habr is doing very well.

He has basically let go of his plan to confront Fernando head-on, and directly gave up the midfield area, mainly making troubles in the frontcourt.

Habr's task is also very simple, to send the ball to Ranier.

He believes that Ranier can do a good job of organizing.

The fact is the same, and now Ranier has made Barcelona disgraced and embarrassed.

Barcelona manager Rogan bites his thumbnail in a signature gesture of anxiety.

He didn't expect that after the second half, Hoffenheim played better.

In other words, these guys are really suppressing them.

He never thought that one day he would be forced to this level by such a country team.

Although he didn't say it, he still very much agrees with the players' judgment.

Hoffenheim is a country bumpkin, an inferior team.

He doesn't think Hoffenheim can beat them.

But in fact, they are now standing on the edge of a cliff.

If they don't adjust, they will face failure.

Thinking of this, Logan suddenly turned around, looking for the bench.

He's looking for a game-breaker, but he scans around and finds none available.

Although Barcelona's bench is also considered luxurious, it will not be used in this game.

Logan has the habit of hoarding technical midfielders.

In addition to the three midfielders on the field, the two off the field are also technical.

At this moment, how he wished that he had a scavenger or someone who could do the dirty work.

So, who can organize that No. 8 ball?

Or just limit the No. 6 directly.

Logan is pulling his hair out...


Fernando didn't see his coach pulling his hair, but he also understood that the situation on the court was not good for them.

They have to have someone to limit the No. 6 who is jumping up and down.

If this guy is not restricted, Hoffenheim will continue to attack their penalty area like a perpetual motion machine.

Thinking of this, Fernando yelled, "Harvey!"

"team leader!"


After two more responses, Fernando's face turned dark, and he could only shout again:


Harvey Alonso came over.

"Man, we need someone to restrain that guy!"

Fernando pointed to Ranie behind and said.

Harvey Alonso glanced at Ranier, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and said, "I dare not promise, I will definitely be able to restrain him."

Fernando breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Alonso does not refuse.

"It doesn't matter, do your best, as long as the number six is ​​contained, Hoffenheim's offense will not be blocked, and we will have a chance to counterattack."

Harvey Alonso nodded; "I'll try!"

Hoffenheim's attack continued.

They have already kicked out their morale, and Barcelona has been defeated steadily.

And Ragne even played the flowers, passing people, splitting the ball, leaking the ball, alternating running positions, etc., which became the most troublesome point for Barcelona for a while.

If possible, the Barcelona players would like to cripple the legs of this 'little monkey'.


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