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The last 12 minutes!

The two sides are still tied.

Today, both Hoffenheim and Stanford are in a state of exhaustion.

As the head coach, Steven naturally understands this truth.

He wants to adjust.

Turn around and look!

The bench doesn't have the players he needs.

A player who can win.

Once again he felt underwhelmed by the bench.

Looking at Stanford again, Christopher has already started to pull up two players and keep talking.

In fact, one is still Jamie.

Steven is naturally very familiar with Jamie, the player known as the Hoffenheim killer at the time, who has won countless honors for Hoffenheim.

But at this time, he also stood on the opposite side of Hoffenheim.

The only good news is that Jamie didn't seem to get along well with Stanford, and now he is even reduced to Biartini's substitute.

But Jamie's ability is still there. As a key player, he has sufficient strength.

Stanford took the lead in making substitutions.

Biartini off, Jamie on!

Alex is off, Romil is on!

Jamie is naturally very familiar, and this Romil also played for Atlético de Madrid in La Liga, so he is a good wide candidate.

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These two physical players will bring qualitative changes to today's Stanford.

Seeing this scene, both Steven and the Hoffenheim fans were silent.

They knew Jamie's horror better than anyone else.

This is a real zone killer.

Every time he appears, he will be accompanied by a goal. He is fundamentally different from a battering hammer like Biartini.

"Jamie is on the field! Be sure to keep an eye on him! Even if he disappears from sight, you must always determine his position!"

Piani approached Manny and reminded Slanka.

The latter two looked at each other and said, "Is he very strong?"

"He's weird!" Piani said; "You can't use common thinking to judge him, anyway, you must make sure you are within sight!"

Piani's reminder made the two of them extremely vigilant.

Jamie was bought by Stanford at a high price, and then kind of faded out of sight.

This is related to his inability to adapt to Stanford's tactics, but it does not mean that Jamie is not strong.

Especially at times like this, Jamie is best at scoring winning goals.


The German commentator said with emotion: "First Christopher, Bialdini, Alex, and now Jamie, Stanford is going to use players trained by Hoffenheim to defeat Hoffenheim .”

In the stands, the Hoffenheim fans also looked dull.

Jamie was a player they used to love and respect very much, even more than Biartini.

After all, Biartini has gone too far, and Jamie has actually played for Hoffenheim in the Bundesliga.

But now, Jamie's appearance completely disrupted Hoffenheim's plans.

Jamie's hair has been shortened, and the flowing locks are gone, replaced by cropped locks.

This also makes this restricted area killer look more capable.

Jamie's height is less than 1.8 meters, and his body is not strong.

But even so, no one dared to underestimate him.

After all, no one is more familiar with Jamie's ability than Hoffenheim.


Ranie was speechless in displeasure!

It's really depressing how everyone has become an opponent.

And one by one is simply too difficult to deal with.

The game restarts.

Stanford began to take the initiative to attack. They made full use of two players with abundant physical strength and kept attacking the defense.

Jamie naturally disappeared from sight again, but Manny and Slanka have been working hard to pay attention to each other.

This also made Jamie play unsatisfactorily.

But most importantly, Jamie seems to be a little derailed from the whole team.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Huber feels that Jamie is a bit out of place with Stanford today.

Jamie likes the shot that goes straight to the goal.

But Stanford often sends the ball to Jamie's feet, allowing him to rely on his personal ability to break through.

Does Jamie have personal abilities?


But not strong!

What Jamie is best at is the kind of surprise attack.

But Stanford doesn't seem to play like this?

Hubbard was a little suspicious.

But if that's the case, it's good news for Hoffenheim.

At least, Jamie couldn't show 100% strength.

Meanwhile, Hubbard was watching Roquel.

Since Leo's goal, Roquel is ready to move again.

Moreover, it is obvious that after such a long fight, Stanford's blockade of Roquel has begun to loosen.

This can be seen from the fact that Roquel can catch the ball from time to time.

Therefore, Roquel's ability to receive the ball means that he can also break through.

When Huber looked at Roquel, the latter also turned his head.

The two looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Habr raised his hand for the ball, and he was ready to use the right.

Hoffenheim's pass control made Stanford feel very uncomfortable.

Especially at times like this, every step I run feels my feet go soft.

This is a signal that their physical fitness is on the verge of exhaustion, but they still have to grit their teeth and persevere.

In order to be able to recover some physical strength, the Stanford guards will slow down the pace.

In the back line fell two more feet.

This allows you to take a breather, and you won't be able to detect laziness.

When the ball was passed to Azakel, the guy stopped.

The ball hit the arch of the foot, bounced off, and came two meters away.

Azakel hurriedly pursued, and was about to catch up, when suddenly a foot appeared in the field of vision.

The tip of the toe touched the ball lightly, and it shot out like an arrow.


"Azakel made a mistake, a serious and stupid mistake!!"

"Roquel grabbed the ball and rushed into the opponent's penalty area!"

"This ball!!!"

Throughout the arena, everyone stood up.

Including everyone in the dugout for both teams.

Christopher and Steven stretched their necks even more.

The former was anxious and hoped that the ball would not be scored.

The latter roared secretly, let me in!

Roquel rushed into the penalty area, and Stanford's defenders realized it later and wanted to block it, but at this time Roquel had already made a shot.

The right foot is raised high, and the thigh is rounded suddenly.

boom! ! ! !

The ball hit the opponent's goal like a shell.

The Stanford goalkeeper's eyelids twitched.

He has cast a shadow on Roquel.

He took advantage of the opportunity to throw the ball to the right.

His fingertips touched the ball, and the goalkeeper smiled with joy.

But the next second, the smile on his face froze.

He can't open it!

The power of the shot is too strong!

Swish! ! ! ! ——

The ball hits the net high! !

At the same time, Roquel turned around on the spot and roared to the sky.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——

"Hat trick!! Hat trick!!! Roquel!!!"

"The game is over! In the 89th minute, in the final stage of the game, Roquel scored the key goal and completed his own hat-trick!"

"This is a goal that combines viewing and competition!"

"This goal will give Hoffenheim a home victory in the first leg!!"

"Roquel!! As I said, he is God!!"

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