From the Country Team To the Rich

Chapter 27 Dechao = Unstable

The North-South Derby ended, and it did not cause much response in Germany.

After all, many fans know that Hoffenheim is no longer at the same level as Flenborg.

Although the two teams are mortal enemies and Hoffenheim's fortune is late, this does not affect Hoffenheim's cornering overtaking at all.

Of course, this is related to the management style of the club's decision-makers, but not many teams take this matter as a matter, and they will not laugh at Flenborg.

After all, this is tantamount to mocking himself in a different direction.

There are quite a few teams that Hoffenheim has overtaken on corners in these years, and the Flenburgs are not the only ones who have been beaten!

At the end of the five rounds of the league, Hoffenheim topped the list with a complete victory record, showing their dominance in the Bundesliga.

Munich 1900 followed closely behind with Hamburg.

That's right, Wayne's Burger!

Wien Hamburg's performance this season can be described as amazing.

Last season, they loaned Rudimod from Hoffenheim. The 32-year-old Rudimod had a second spring after coming to Hamburg, and Nasser on the wing showed amazing talent.

These two supported the attack line of Wien Hamburg, and they are also the most supported players of Wien Hamburg.

Wien Hamburg completed the buyout of Ludi Moder this season.

They bought Rudimod from Hoffenheim for 35 million euros, and Hoffenheim was also willing to let the player go.

This is a transfer that all three parties are satisfied with!

The only thing that makes Wien Hamburg feel helpless is that there has been no response to another player Nasser's buyout offer.

But this is also reasonable, Nasser is too young, compared to Rudimod, Hoffenheim will not let go of this young player with potential.

Nasser was just leveling in Wienburg.

When he practiced enough, Hoffenheim also recalled.

Moreover, Wien Hamburg has also contacted Nasser, hoping that he can join Wien Hamburg.

In this regard, Nasser's answer was ambiguous, but there was no lack of expectation of return in his words.

Obviously compared to Wien Burger,

Nasser still hopes to return to Hoffenheim to compete on a wider stage with stronger teammates.

Dortmund has been wrangling with Hoffenheim recently.

The general manager of the club, Zuo Lun, visited Hoffenheim five times in a row in order to discuss the transfer of Ravens.

In this regard, Hoffenheim appeared a little loose, which also made Dortmund feel the hope of taking Ravens back.

Leverkusen's situation is not good. They suddenly lost their competitiveness this season, perhaps because of frequent coaching changes and player changes. They have shown a tired attitude in the face of the league.

Not to mention the championship, their goal now is the European theater.

The Shaq situation is the worst.

They are the victims of the last carnival of Jinyuan football. At the time when Jinyuan football was fully released, they relied too much on capital and after the "Financial Fair Play Act" was introduced, this club completely lost its autonomy.

Today's Shaq United is burdened with sky-high loans and can only repay the debt little by little by selling players.

In terms of performance, it has plummeted even more. Many people predict that Shaq United may be relegated this season.

For the relegation of Shaq United, Dortmund, as the rival in the same region, is the happiest.

They even composed music to ridicule, hoping that the other party would never climb up.

Or maybe it was because of too much ridicule, Shaq United broke out in the Ruhr Derby, directly took away Dortmund 5:2, and taught the opponent a hard lesson.

This game directly stunned Dortmund, and also caused Dortmund's performance to drop off a cliff.

Underdogs will win!

Shaq United is miserable enough, and Dortmund's cynicism made this group of injured people explode collectively, and the beatings are justified.

In addition to these teams, the entire mid-range players also showed a chaotic attitude.

Except for the bottom teams that are always losing, every game of the other teams is full of surprises.

Paper strength can no longer be used as a reference to predict the trend of the game, and the German Super League has broken this prediction model many times.

The current German Super League standings are somewhat similar to the Premier League.

But even more confusing.

Because, even Munich 1900 may lose to a mid-range team.

Except for Hoffenheim who still maintain their dominance, the games of other teams are hard to say.

For this reason, the German media expressed helplessly; "Dechao! Everything is possible!"

This kind of possibility is not talking about, but actually happened.

According to the situation at this time, even if Munich 1900 was slaughtered by an unknown small team, it would not be surprising.

After all, with the drama and surprise of the German Super League, the program is full of effects.

He performed very well in the previous game, but he pulled his hips in the next game.

This is normal!

But German fans are also worried about this. After all, their drama not only brings traffic, but also the general instability of German clubs.

It can even be said that if Munich 1900 plays well, anyone can continue to do it, and vice versa if they play poorly!

And this situation detonated the whole of Germany again two weeks later!

In the seventh round of the German Super League, when Hoffenheim played away against Hertha Berlin, they lost the game for the first time.

The score between the two sides remained stalemate until 87 minutes, and in the final period, Hertha Berlin relied on a chance of a defensive counterattack, and the newly joined Drubach World Wave scored.

Although Hoffenheim frantically counterattacked after losing the ball, it still failed to rewrite the score.

In the post-match press conference, the reporters were all excited.

Hoffenheim actually lost.

In their view, it is impossible for Hoffenheim to lose.

This is simply super big news.

And it also fits the current drama of the German Super League.

You know, Hertha Berlin is just a team in the middle and lower reaches of the German Super League, but it actually killed Hoffenheim, which is in full swing, the news is simply explosive.

After all, no one thought of this problem before the game.

I am also sure that the drama of the German Super League will not appear in Hoffenheim.

But that's how the reversal came about.

"May I ask what is the reason for Hoffenheim's loss?"

"How do you rate this game?"

"Could it be that Hoffenheim also has a general instability in the German Super League?"

Facing the excited reporters, Steven said indifferently: "It's just losing one game, don't make too much fuss, we never thought that the road to the league is smooth, there will always be bumps and bumps, I won't It's not appropriate to judge a player because of a game."

"As for the reason why we lost, it's very simple. We didn't do a lot of things, so we lost. On the other hand, Hertha Berlin played very well! It's as simple as that!"

"The other thing is not to be misled by those public opinions and lose your ability to judge. The state of the German Super League team is indeed unstable, but one day you need to admit that the overall strength is rising rapidly. I am sure that the current German Super League Fourth place can sweep the previous Bundesliga."

"Of course, this only includes the few seasons before the Bundesliga was established. You know, they played very poorly at that time!"

"Okay, for more questions, you can follow the club's official website, we still need to prepare for the Champions League."

After speaking, Steven got up and left.

The reporters' eyes lit up, and they immediately got up and began to ask questions about the 'Champions League', but Steven kept his mouth shut until he disappeared from sight.

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