Shinigami World.


Urahara Store.

Kisuke Urahara, sitting cross-legged on a tatami mat.

He wears a green and white vertical striped fisherman’s hat and a green feather-woven coat.

Put your hands in your sleeves like a grandfather.

“Out of control.”

He narrowed his eyes and said, “Actually being able to transform and evolve again, Kurosaki Ichigo is really an incredible human.” ”

Kaede Yoruichi Shiinin transformed into a slender black kitten, lying beside Kisuke Urahara, his golden vertical pupils staring at the video.

It opens its mouth to spit.

“This guy is like a monster like a virtual reality.”

“Hahaha… It seems that this is not good. Kisuke Urahara said with a smile.

Kuzacho No.1 High School.

“This is… Kurosaki-san? ”

Inoue Orihime looked at the white like a demon descending in the video in disbelief, and covered her mouth.

Fear appeared on Chizuru’s face.

Kurosaki Ichigo could become such a monster, is it too dangerous and terrifying?

Kurosaki Ichigo also saw himself in this form for the first time.

He couldn’t help but be stunned.

“This is me?”


A world of blessings for this wonderful world.

Kazuma Sato, Megumi and Daknis are crouching to guard their prey.

And Akuya is the bait.

“It’s amazing!”

“I can actually transform into such a powerful form.”

Kazuma’s face was full of amazement.

Megumi and Daknis also stared at the video without blinking.

“There is still a gap between my bursting magic and their attack power, I want to become a more powerful bursting magician!”

Megumi clenched her fists and made decisions internally.

Daknis’s cheeks flushed, and her legs clamped and twisted.

“This attack looks so strong, what kind of pleasure would it be if you were hit?”

Akuya, who was hung from a tree as bait, saw a bloody mouth of prey rushing towards her.

“Kazuma! And true!! ”

“The prey is coming!!”

“And really !!!”

Akuya shouted desperately.

Fascinated by the three people in the video, they didn’t hear her shouts at all.

She looked at the approaching monster and was about to cry.

“True !!!!!!”


LycorisRecoil World.

Chishu Nishiki and Inoue Takina hid behind the wall.

“I’ll count three.” Qianshu said.

Takina nodded.



A thousand bunches rushed out.

“Damn! The guy is out! ”


“Shoot !!!”

The vicious big man hiding behind the black van yelled.

Bang bang bang !!!bang bang

A thousand bunches tilted her head slightly, and bullet after bullet passed through her pale blonde hair.

She rushed forward and rear, decisively moving.




Screams and muffled snorts rang out.

The vicious men fell one by one.

Takina was surprised to see her posture of dodging guns and attacking prisoners.

After cleaning up the group, Qianshu clapped his hands and said with a smile: “Finished!” ”

“Huh? Can Kurosaki Ichigo actually transform into a new form? ”

“This form is so strong!”

“You can easily cut off each other’s arms.”

Qianshu looked at the video in surprise.

“The work is not done, these people still need to be disposed of.” Takina said.

“Huh? Wouldn’t it be nice to hand these people over to the ‘cleaners’? ”

“Takina, don’t you think he’s handsome?”

Senshu grabbed her by the neck and pulled her in front of the video.

Takina’s expressionless face showed helplessness.


in the video.

Tick tick.

The flames illuminated the ground, and several drops of dark red blood dripped onto it.


Ulchiora kept her head down.

He gasped for air, his body rising and falling rapidly.

Blood kept dripping from the broken arm.

Ulchiora glanced up at the whiteness, and then at the broken arm.

The broken arm regrows the arm.

He shook the regrown claw and said, “The most powerful thing in my ability is not to attack, but to regenerate.” ”

Ulchiola’s memories appear in the picture.

Ulchiora wears a white broken face and a knife hanging from her waist.

He gouged out the eyeballs and pinched them.


The eyeballs dissipated as a blue light.

The video sounded Ulchiorra’s voice.

“At the expense of most of the overspeed regeneration capacity.”

“And in the broken face of great power.”

“Only I can super-regenerate all body structures except my brain and organs.”


Ghosts destroy the world.

Sanyashiki mansion.

“How is such a powerful recovery ability different from a ghost?”

Sanyashiki Yoya’s face was serious.

He was thankful.

Such monsters are not the product of their world.


A mansion.

Oni Mai Tsuji’s blood-red vertical pupils stared at the video tightly.

“Ultra-high-speed regenerative capacity.”

“Super strength!”

“Not afraid of the sun yet!”

“That’s what I’ve always dreamed of.”

No misery reached out towards the video.

It seems to want to reach Ulchiorra.

Or rather, he wanted to gain Ulchiorra’s power and not be afraid of the sun.


Naruto World.

Otoshinobi Village.

Bloody operating room.

The big snake pill stretched out his snake tongue and licked his dry lips.

He stared greedily at Urchiorra’s body.

“If you can obtain such a body for research, you may be able to crack the secret of his body’s rapid regeneration!”


The video footage returns to the battlefield above the canopy.

Ulchiora, who has two horns on his head and wings on his back, and has a demonic posture, is behind him a raging flame.

The blazing flames distorted the space behind him.

“I don’t know why you became this form.”

“However, even if your attack power is high.”

“Just twist off an arm and stop attacking to confirm the situation.”

“It’s impossible to defeat me.”

Ulchiora touched his hands and joined them in an oval shape on his chest.

There is a light blue power convergence in the middle.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and the power is gathering more and more.

His hands spread out to his sides, and the light blue power stretched.

“Thunder Gun!”

The Thunder Spear was wrapped with light blue power, and the two ends of the gun seemed to dance with two light blue flames.

Ulchiora raised the Thunder Spear with one hand, “Don’t come over, stand where you are.” ”

“If possible, I don’t want to it when you get closer.”

Ulchiora threw a thunder spear at Ichigo Kurosaki in the air.

The Thunder Spear shot at Kurosaki Ichigo with lightning speed.


The Thunder Spear penetrated space and instantly came to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Kurosaki Ichigo tilted his head slightly.

The Thunder Spear grazed Ichigo Kurosaki’s head and fell into the desert behind him.


The light blue power soared into the sky like a pillar of light.

The power spreads in all directions.

Strong winds blow.


The shattered Optimus cylinder was blown apart by a score.

The sand was blown like a tide and rushed upwards, but it was blocked.

The wind and sand blow wildly.

The roar and wind and sand made Inoue Orihime can’t help but cover her ears and close her eyes.

Ishida Yulong also closed his eyes uncomfortably, and at the same time raised his hand to block his face.


【Chong Chong !!! Ask for data, please support. 】

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