Naruto World.


Sasuke Uchiha looked at those eyes in the video with a look of disdain in his eyes.

However, seeing Tanjiro cut off his neck so decisively in his dream, even Sasuke, who aspired to become an avenger, was shocked.

“Why is Sasuke-kun interested in the guy in the video?”

The cold voice of Orochimaru sounded behind Sasuke.

“Hmph, how can such a weak person interest me!”

Sasuke ignored Orochimaru, and he continued to stare at the video.


Inhuman World.

Zhang Chulan looked at Tanjiro in the video, and his originally cynical expression became serious.

“It’s really… What an amazing fellow! ”

Even in sleep, it is admirable to have this kind of courage.

For Tanjilang’s courage, Zhang Chulan still recognizes it very much.

Because Zhang Chulan didn’t know if he could do this if he was changed to that position.

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s difficult to do this kind of thing!”

However, Sister Bao’er on the side didn’t feel much about this, after all, for Sister Bao’er, this kind of thing can be done casually.


The world of Doraemon.

Seeing the scene of Tanjiro cutting off his own neck, Nobita jumped directly into Doraemon’s arms.


“Doraemon, that… Is the man dead? ”

Nobita, who fell into Doraemon’s arms, did not dare to open his eyes to see the picture in the video.

“It’s okay, it’s just a dream, something!”

For Nobita’s performance, Doraemon is also very helpless.

Fortunately, Doraemon has long been accustomed to it, otherwise he might have lectured Nobita.


In the video, Tanjiro, who has woken up from his sleep, re-grips the Nikketsu knife in his hand.

“It’s okay, even if you hit the trick, you can crack the technique!”

Tanjiro, who had just finished speaking, lost consciousness again the next moment!

“Stupid, close your eyes in the moment of awakening!”

“Good! I’m awake! ”

“In the moment of wakefulness, the sight will meet the ghost eye here, and you must definitely continue to close your eyes when you wake up!”


In the video, Tanjiro is hypnotized by the power of nightmares almost every step he takes, and every time Tanjiro is able to quickly cut off his neck and return to the real world.

As he cuts off his neck again and again, the line between reality and sleep is gradually blurred.

No matter how hard Tanjiro’s will is, it is difficult to control himself under such circumstances.

Just as Tanjiro’s turn was about to cross his neck again, Inosuke’s arm suddenly appeared and grabbed his arm holding the Nikkei knife.


One Piece’s world.

“This guy… Hahahaha, so interesting! ”

“I recognize this guy, this swordsman has the will of the strong!”

Kaido on the oni island looked at Tanjiro’s operation and picked up the jug next to him and drank.

Tanjiro’s performance in the video made this madman recognize, although Kaido always kills himself, but most of them are purposeful, and Kaido also knows that he can’t die.

Like Tanjiro’s attitude of looking at death as if it were home, Kaido hadn’t seen it for a long time.


Navy headquarters.

In the marshal’s office, Sakasky looked at Tanjiro with admiration in his eyes.

“With such a strong will, if you come to the navy, you will definitely become an excellent guy!”

Tanjiro’s attitude of eliminating ghosts made Sakarski, a hawkish admiral, very appreciative.

I just don’t know if he will continue to appreciate Tanjiro so much after seeing Tanjiro’s gentle performance after destroying the ghost.


Ghosts destroy the world.

The pillars, who were heading to the train station, also took back their previous views when they saw Tanjiro’s performance.

“Tanjiro, what a wonderful teenager!”

As the oldest of the people, Yu Xingxi was also very touched by what Tanjiro did.

“Cut, I admit I underestimated this guy before!”

Wind Pillar, Shinya Immortal Kawa changed his opinion of Tanjiro at this time.

“Gorgeous battle, as seniors, we can’t let juniors fall into such danger!”

Yinzhu Yumei Tianyuan also spoke.


In the video.

“It’s not a dream, it’s reality!”

Inosuke, who appeared beside Tanjiro, took his hand and threw him to the ground.

“Don’t be deceived by this trap and lose your life in vain!”

Later, Inosuke also explained that because he was wearing a hood, there was no way for Nightma’s blood ghost technique to be launched against Inosuke.

“Go die, don’t disturb our sweet dreams!”

Just as the two were about to attack, the conductor who had been saved by Inosuke before rushed towards Inosuke with a dagger.

However, this time it was blocked by Tanjiro with his own body.

Tanjiro then dragged the conductor out.

At this time, Wei Meng also knew that the blood ghost technique could not affect the two, so he controlled the flesh and blood and began to attack the two.

Tanjiro and Inosuke join forces to attack the surrounding flesh and blood.

The breath of water and the breath of beasts fought desperately, and pieces of flesh and blood were separated from the train.

“Breath of the beast! Unbridled fangs! ”

Inosuke, who cut through Yume’s eyes all the way, finally arrived at the place where Yumeme’s neck was, and the Nikkei knife in his hand instantly swung to slice the flesh that protected the bones.

And Tanjiro also jumped high behind him, and the gas exhaled from his mouth instantly turned into flames.

“Father, please protect me! Let me cut off the bones with one blow! ”

“Kagura, the god of fire!”

“Biluo no Tian!”

A ring of fire instantly bloomed at the tip of Tanjiro’s knife, and the flesh and blood wrapped around the carriage instantly collapsed.

The hard bone is also split in two.

Wei Meng’s head was also cut off under this blow.

Wei dreamed of dying and struggling to bring the people in the carriage with him to accompany the funeral, and under the blow of Purgatory Kyojurou, it also collapsed instantly.

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