Chapter 68: The Ability to Shake the Ten Thousand Realms! I am his sword and you are going to be his shield!!

The world of dry things and girls.


Coke in the orange hamster cloak squirted out of his mouth.

She was stupid.

I have never seen such a violent politician.

Send mechs to point guns at representatives of the United States and send troops into the territorial waters of other countries.

This is also unavoidable… It’s too mighty!

Xiao Bian’s eyes flashed with adoration.

“So handsome!”

The world of Nanao Saimu.

Commanding others to be reserved, what is this little princess talking nonsense? Is there something wrong with her?

It seems that the hostility towards Lelouch is a little heavy? It’s like hiding something.

Do they know each other?

Qi Munanxiong keenly discovered blind spots…….

A world recreated in summer.

Xiaozhou’s house, the room of the net generation Shenping.

Shinpei Netshiro wears a simple T-shirt and shorts, and his slightly long black hair is tied into a small ponytail.

He sat cross-legged on the tatami mat with his back against the edge of the bed.

“What exactly is Lelouch’s purpose?”

“Want to control the representatives of the United States so that he can join the United States?”

“This will only turn the United States against him.”

Doubts appeared on Netdai Shenping’s face.

Shadow Xiaozhou Chao is wearing a school blue swimsuit, and she lies on the bed next to Netyo Shinpin.

Legs resting against the snow-white wall, head lying on the edge of the bed.

Long blonde hair fell from the edge of the bed.

“Although his approach may seem rude and savage, it is effective.”

“He can easily join the United States.”

Kage Chao said. in the video. Conference room.

Lelouch looked straight at Kagura.

“Come on, Speaker of the Imperial Council.”

“Let’s reopen the voting!”

“Accept me Brittania.”

Kaguraya was shocked to realize that the wall in front of Lelouch had been destroyed.

She turned her head sideways and held her hands in front of her to prevent Lelouch from using GEASS on her.

“This practice…”

“I should have to accept it.”

Lelouch said with a faint smile on his face: “Come! Start democracy! ”

Kaguraya burst into tears of humiliation.

When she was on the same team, she watched it up close every day, and she couldn’t understand Lelouch’s operation at all!

She wanted to play the game of political negotiation by means of political players.

Who would have thought that Lelouch would make this out.

This game is simply unplayable.

The essence of rights is inequality.

If someone successfully pulls a gun to the head of an opponent, violence gains a position of extreme inequality.

If everyone in the heavens and realms knew that Kaguraya was Lelouch’s nominal ex-wife, I was afraid that Lelouch would be sprayed with blood.

Although the people did not know Lelouch’s abomination, when Lelouch said “democracy”, everyone saw the bad nature of Lelouch 640.

Another world black heart labyrinth enterprise.

“Is this still democratic?”

“Isn’t this like putting a knife on the other person’s neck and asking if you want to move?”

“This guy is really bad.”

Ninomiya Kinshi thinks that although he squeezes employees, pets and colleagues, he is at least just the object of hanging street lights, not as bad as Lelouch…

The fallen world of Gabriel.


“betrayed peaceful representations” and threatened everyone with force. ”

“Lelouch is simply worse than a demon.”

Winette asked herself if she had never seen such a bad guy.

Suddenly, her mind came to mind that her hair was a little messy, and the angel Jia Baili, who looked lazy, tired and decadent, and the angel Jafiel, who liked to bully Satania

No, maybe there are worse guys.


Lelouch stood in the conference room.

Carrying a black mask that covers the head, wearing a close-fitting purple dress and a long cape.

The face under the mask showed contemplation.

He set the negotiating venue at Ashford Academy, which had another purpose.


The WMD missile Freyja was developed by Nina, which means that she has the potential to crack Freyja!

Count Lloyd led the soldiers to stop Nina, who wanted to escape, at the checkpoint.

The masked subordinate stood below and reported: “The most important person has been secured. ”

“Everything is as His Majesty predicted.”

The voice of the Pivotwood Suzaku came from Lancelot, which was suspended in mid-air with its wings of light.

“Your Majesty!”

“Avalon emergency call!”

“The imperial capital Pendragon was that…”

“Oops, preemptive!”

Lelouch furrowed his brows and clenched his teeth. The imperial capital Pendragon.

Inside Avalon.

“The radius of disappearance is about… 100 km. ”

“Presumably Freyja’s doing.”

“Also, there are huge fortresses overhead.”

“3 kilometers long.”

Cecil reported.

The entire imperial capital, Pendragon, including the people inside, disappeared, and a huge pit appeared.

Sky Fortress damocles levitates above.

Lelouch hurriedly left Ashford, got on the flying machine and left.

“Lelouch, as you speculated.”

Shumu Suzaku’s voice was unusually serious.

“Well, it was the first time that Freyja warheads were made.”

“There is no doubt that it was developed by the Toromo organ and carried by the Sky Fortress damocles.”

Lelouch sat in the aircraft and communicated with Shuki Suzaku.


A communication invitation comes from the lower left corner of the communication screen.

“People who know the exclusive channel of the royal family.”

C.C. sat next to Lelouch with an orange cheese in his arms, his brows slightly furrowed Lelouch and let out a heavy breath.

He connected to the other party’s communication.

The communication screen appears.

The person inside is the second prince Shunezel!

Xiuzenel looked gentle, as if everything was in his hands.

“How does it feel to force others to obey, Lelouch.”


Lelouch’s voice was filled with anger.

The base camp was directly destroyed by the other side.

Such a rough way, he saw it for the first time in his life!

“I’ve recovered all the Freyja warheads.”

Shoneisel said, “Are you going to fight against Emperor Proportionatania? ”

“It’s a pity that I don’t recognize you as the emperor.”

“So, do you think you are suitable to be the emperor?”

“It’s not.”

“You’re wrong, Lelouch.”

“It is she who is suitable to be the Emperor of Brittania.”

Shoneisel stretched out his white-gloved hand.

The camera moves along his hand.

The screen shows a weak girl sitting in a chair with her eyes closed.

Lelouch’s eyes widened in shock and his mouth opened.

The screen shows a panoramic view.

Shoneisel, Cornelia, Diethalt and others will surround Nanali in a wheelchair.

“Brother, Suzaku.”

“I… are your enemies. ”

Nanali said.

While the people of the heavens and all realms marveled at the horror of Freyja’s power, they were angry at the fact that Shonaizel had so vilely pushed Lelouch’s sister out of the world as a shield for the Wrigley Shadow House.

He has slightly curly blond hair and is tied in a double ponytail.

Emily, who was as cute as a delicate doll, covered her mouth with shock on her face.

“This weapon is really terrifying, directly destroying a city, forming such a big hole.”

Emily said in shock.

Kate, who was completely dark and wearing a bright red dress, glanced at the shocked Emily and retracted her gaze.

“If they don’t play their cards according to common sense, they really deserve to be a family.”


The world of Fairy Tail.

Natsu was furious.

“Despicable fellow!”

“Actually use someone else’s sister!”

“It’s despicable!”

He scolded Shonezel angrily.

“Yes, I have the ability to compete with Lu Lu to correct the face!”

Gray was indignant as he undressed.

Lelouch in the picture looked at Nanali’s pupils trembling as he looked at the communication screen.

“Na, Nanali, you’re alive.”

“Yes, thanks to Brother Shunezel.”

Nanali replied.

Lelouch muttered, “Shunezel? ”

“Nanali, do you know what Shonazel has done?”

Suzaku inquired.

“You know, the Freyja warhead was fired at the imperial capital Pendragon.”

“Now that you know, why!”

Suzaku questioned excitedly.

“So, is GEASS right?”

Suzaku was dumbfounded.

“Brother and Suzaku have been lying to me all along.”

“Always hiding the truth.”

“But, I actually know that.”

“Brother is zero.”

Nanali exposes Lelouch.

The last thing Lelouch wanted Nanali to know about it.

However, Nanali knew.


“Is that for me?”

“If so, then I…”

Nanali held her heart down.

Lelouch suddenly lowered his head and let out a low laugh.

He looked up and changed his previous gaffe, his face showing playfulness.

“For you?”

“It’s so brazen to be my sister.”

Nanali looked shocked.

C.C. twists his face toward the window and looks out.

She couldn’t stand Lelouch lying.

Lelouch sacrificed his life several times to save Nanali.

It is precisely because of Nanali that Lelouch has come to this point.

“Do you take favors for granted?”

“Do not defile your own hands, but only condemn the actions of others.”

“You are the banal aristocrats themselves that I deny.”

Lelouch said hurtful words, but his hand with ten fingers interlaced in his chest trembled.

“How come.”

A sad look appeared on Nanalie’s face.

“I’m not for anyone.”

Lelouch lay back on the backrest, his hands on the armrests, his eyes disguised fiercely.

“I only took the world for myself!”

“If you join forces with Shoneizel to stop my domineering, you will show no mercy.”

“I’ll knock you down.”

Lelouch quickly closed the communication after speaking.

He was afraid that he would no longer be able to bear it and expose his true emotions.

Sky fortress damocles.

Shonazel deceived Nanali.

Told to take refuge when he projected Freyja to the imperial capital Pendragon.

“But, next time, to people… They used it on their brother, right? ”

Nanali’s voice trembled.

Shoneisel stood up.

“If they stand in the way of world peace.”

“Brother Shoneizel, can you give me the Freyja launch button?”

“I can’t fight and I can’t guard.”

“So, at least… Let me bear the blame for this. ”

Stupid, side-faced, summoned beast’s world.

“So, is his hand shaking?”

While everyone else was paying attention to what Lelouch was saying, Ji Lurisch was keenly aware that Friar Lelouch’s fingers were trembling slightly.

Himelurashi tilted her head. A dumb face.

A puzzled look appeared on his face.

“If Lelouch really doesn’t care about Nanalie, why is his hands shaking?”

“Could it be that Lelouch cares about Nanali?”

Akihisa Yoshii guessed.

…… A world of courage. Unify the Divine Realm.

Goddess Alia dwelling.

“Nanali is really kind.”

Lisdade leaned against the table, sighing with her hands on her chin.

“However, it is also her kindness that is used.”

Alia put down the tea and said slowly.

The world of subduing girls.

“The next time Lelouch’s opponent is Nanali, will Lelouch do something to Nanali?”

The stalker quietly glanced at Mako Mankan.

Although Mako is not her real family, Mako is her friend.

So no matter what kind of danger she encounters, she will go to save Mako.

Many people in the heavens and worlds did not know Lelouch’s sister control attribute at all, let alone that Lelouch had taken several dangers for Nanali.

They were all wondering if Lelouch would do anything to Nanali…….

In the light curtain.

Inside the Avalon room.

Lelouch glared angrily at C.C.


“Why don’t you know about Nanali!”

C.C. sat on a pure white sofa, holding an orange cheese and looked up, “I am not a god.” ”

“How do you know about people who don’t have GEASS contact?”


Lelouch pressed his forehead.

“Shunezel guy, did you hide this matter to this day.”

“For effective use as an ace!”

Lelouch angrily slapped the chess pieces off the table.

Cracking sound!

The chess pieces are scattered all over the place.

“Then your card is really wonderful!”

“Wonderful to this extent, such as…”

He grabbed his chest and trembled with anger.


Suzaku stepped forward and grabbed Lelouch’s clothes by the neckline and pulled him up.

“The strategic purpose has not changed!”

Lelouch’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“Even if Nanali is still alive, it can’t stop here!”

“Why does the Soul of Zero Town exist!”

Suzaku threw Lelouch away, and Lelouch staggered to the ground.

He walked out of the room.

“Remember your promise!”


C.C. chased it out.

Suzaku said without looking back, “I am his sword.” ”

“I will eradicate his enemies and weaknesses!”

“So C.C, you’re going to be a shield!”

“Your mission is to guard.”

Suzaku left directly after speaking…

Lelouch’s gaffe stunned everyone in the heavens and all realms.

Although they had guessed that Lelouch cared about Nanali, they did not expect Lelouch to care so much about Nanali.

It was a bit unexpected.

The demon Asachel is calling your world.

Wasabi Detective Office.

Asashel sat on the couch and plucked his nose, skimming the video out of the corner of his eye.

“I’m afraid this guy isn’t a sister, right?”

People who have always been calm suddenly lose control and behave so abnormally that it’s hard not to think about it.

The world of power-first classrooms.

Suzune Horikita sat on the seat, pinched his chin and looked at his face coldly and said: “Lelouch was caught by the handle, and he will be at a disadvantage when he fights against Shonazel.” ”

“It’s like a sword suspended in the heart.”

She looked expressionless, but her voice and eyes revealed her worry

The video shows the voice of Schoneisel.

A map of the world appears on a blue background, with densely packed triangular points representing the various forces.

“Damocles entered United States Chinese airspace 10 days after booking, switching to a second acceleration.”

“It then rises to an altitude of 300 kilometers above the ground.”

“From over the Pacific Ocean, launch Freyja Shoneisel to all the countries of the war speaks of his ambitions.”

Attempts to use violence against violence lead to peace.

On the other side, the Black Knights agreed to join forces against Lelouch.

【Kneeling Monthly Ticket Evaluation Ticket!!!! 】。

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