There were more than 30 jungle natives in total. The middle-aged priest was the only spellcaster. In addition to the middle-aged priest who was in charge, there were two other extraordinary people among the natives. They were a pair of brother warriors with bloodline power.

They were nearly two meters tall, and their inherited bloodline was the "Heavy Stone Demon Bear", which was a common magic beast in the jungle and could provide a considerable degree of strength and defense increase.

Just after arriving on the street, dozens of people were still more than 200 meters away from the Fisher family's house when they suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

The middle-aged priest raised his hand instantly and shouted: "Be careful!"

Although he didn't know why he was discovered, he knew that the sound came from the Fisher family, and that family must have been sufficiently alert.

"What's going on?"

Someone nearby opened the door to see the situation. The middle-aged priest pointed his hand, and the elder brother of the brother warrior threw an axe and smashed the man's head.


The next moment, there was a scream. It turned out that someone was looking out through the crack of the door and happened to witness this scene.

"What happened?"

"It's the natives in the jungle!"

"Where's the patrol!"

People came out from all directions of the street one after another. The original plan to raid and burn the Fisher family had been completely exposed.

The middle-aged priest looked uncertain, and suddenly shouted: "Blood debt must be paid with blood! All the Syat people deserve to die! Kill them!"

Dozens of armed jungle natives seemed to be liberated, all roaring and rushing around, swinging axes and spears to chop anyone they saw.

"Son, run!"

"Ahhhhhhh! Help!"

"Fuck you, you dog-day!"

Dozens of civilians were killed in an instant. The men on the street took out their weapons and tried to resist. They barely killed a few jungle natives, but were quickly killed by three extraordinary natives.

Women and children who didn't have time to escape cried for mercy. The tall brother warriors grabbed a pair of begging mothers and daughters and threw them to death on the ground. The natives who stepped over the corpses began to set fire to every house with red eyes.

The blazing flames danced, turning everything around into an orange-red color. The dark sky was illuminated, and the flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the surrounding buildings and trees.

"Revenge! The will of the bloody lord! The people of the East Coast will take back their land sooner or later!"

The middle-aged priest shouted and summoned more than 20 surviving jungle natives, rushing to the Fisher family not far away, intending to resolve the battle before the town patrol came back.

The thick smoke filled the night, and the fire scene became more terrifying and gloomy. The flames jumped, sometimes flying high, sometimes low, as if they had life and swaying.

Inside the Fisher family's mansion, ten guards were fully armed under the leadership of Lucius. Everyone looked terrified and lacked courage.

Lucius stood in front of the door in full armor, holding a sharp blade, with a bag of alchemical tools on his waist, and shouted:

"Don't be afraid! The patrol will be here soon! We have more than a hundred people! They will be surrounded soon!"

Listening to the crackling of the flames and the wailing outside, Lucius silently pondered the next battle.

The wall surrounding the courtyard is more than three meters high. Ordinary people can't jump in. The main gate has been reinforced with iron for a while, but it can't be conquered from the outside. In fact, the most important thing to guard against is the extraordinary people among the enemies.

Once the extraordinary people among the enemies climb over the wall and open the main door, all the enemies will rush in, and the Fisher family will suffer heavy casualties in an instant.

"You must defend this place!"

He has ordered the servants to stand at various observation points in the house and blow the whistle immediately if they find the enemy climbing over the wall.

At that time, Lucius will personally lead people to deal with the extraordinary enemies who climb over the wall.

Wearing a black dress, Irene held Chris and stood in front of the second-floor window, staring at the blazing flames outside. The sky was already ablaze.

Why hasn't the patrol come yet?

Byrne ran over quickly in his breastplate and said, "My father asked me to take you to the basement!"

"No, we can't go."

Irene pulled out the flintlock rifle made with alchemy and said quickly, "Because of the ability of "worshiping God", I will be blessed by the Lord of Loss every day. Don't worry, His will will protect me."

The "worshiping God" ability chooses different targets, and the blessings obtained will also be different. Irene chose the Lord of Loss, and Carl found that a trace of his black light was given to the depths of the girl's soul.

Although it is not clear what the specific effect of Irene's soul being gradually dyed by the black light is, it will definitely not be ineffective.

Byrne's expression changed. In fact, the most pious person in the family is only Irene. He and Lucius father and son have never been able to be that pious.

Irene said in a very calm tone: "You just need to obey my orders."

Byrne was stunned for a long time and could only nod, deeply feeling the gradual changes in his cousin in the past two years.

At the beginning, the girl was similar to ordinary people, but now she can take on the responsibilities of the family.

Carl silently observed the entire battle situation. If the Fisher family was forced to the last moment, he would definitely choose to consume his spiritual power and take action directly.

Soon he noticed that three extraordinary people among the natives flipped over the wall on one side. The two brothers of the "Heavy Stone Demon Bear" bloodline, who were nearly two meters tall, held spears, and the middle-aged priest held a blue stone axe containing a thin magic power.


The servant who saw the three people climbing over the wall immediately blew the whistle, and Lucius quickly led five people to rush over and ordered the others to guard the main gate.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

More than 20 natives outside smashed the gate fiercely, and the guards all turned pale. If it had not been reinforced with iron, the gate would have been broken by the enemies from the outside in an instant.

The strongest middle-aged guard took out a black sphere from his arms and threw it out of the door with great force. Then there was an explosion and then a series of wailing, and the guards subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

One of the five alchemical explosives obtained from the transaction was here, and Lucius personally carried two, and Byrne also carried two on his body.

Lucius and the five guards soon met the middle-aged priest and brother warriors.


"Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

The two sides did not say much at all, but chose to start fighting the first second they met.

Lucius used his usual forward thrust, and the first sword quickly wanted to capture the thief first. He saw at first glance that the middle-aged priest had the highest status.


The middle-aged priest's axe easily blocked the thrust, and his speed and reaction were no slower than Lucius. He even quickly burst out with a stronger force than him and raised the axe.

The primary effect of the "Shadow Shark Tiger" bloodline power is the dual blessing of speed and strength!


Lucius was pushed back by the axe and retreated several steps. At the same time, the five guards around him stabbed at the three extraordinary people with two-meter-long spears.

The bear-like brother warrior roared, stimulating the bloodline power of the "Heavy Stone Demon Bear" to face the five spears instead of retreating. The spears pierced their bodies and only barely pierced their skin and flesh, and could not hurt their internal organs.

With the blessing of the defensive bloodline power, the defense of their flesh and blood bodies is enough to make mortals difficult.

The brother warrior swung the axe, and the two guards were killed in a moment of surprise. The other three turned around and ran away wailing.

Suddenly, a black sphere rolled under his feet, and it was sizzling.


After the loud noise, the two brothers were blown away by the power of the alchemical explosives, their bodies were bloody and they fell to the ground in an instant.

This thing will not explode all at once, so it is necessary to attract the enemy's attention first. Lucius squatted insidiously not far away, ready to take out the last alchemical explosive on his body.

The low-level extraordinary people are not weak in force, but the power of explosives is obviously better!

"Lord of Blood, my destiny is to execute your will and curse the enemy with your power. The Siat people must pay blood debts with blood!"

The middle-aged priest finished the spell with a very solemn look, stretched out his hand to Lucius's head, and released the power of the magic inheritance "blood magic" he mastered.

Lucius dodged without hesitation, but still felt an invisible force locking the edge of his body.

The next moment, the battle-hardened Lucius couldn't help but wail, and extreme pain came from his arm.


The blood in his arm was boiling crazily, and the entire arm under the arm armor was trembling, and the flesh was about to burst!

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