"Is this a joke? How is it possible?"

Lucius' eyes widened, his whole body trembling, looking at the black tide slowly coming in the distance in disbelief.

The sky had not yet completely darkened, and he could vaguely see more clearly with his keen perception that the so-called black tide was most likely the regular army of the Rhea people.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Does he know how big the entire East Coast is? How did this army run here? And don't they rob other refugee teams, and don't they search Nasir at all?

And there is more than one path from Nasir to Fein City, damn it! The appearance of that group of people is just like an ant in Nasir finding another ant accurately!

"Simply bad luck, or fate?"

Lucius felt extremely bitter in his heart, vaguely feeling that there was some "inevitable" factor in this gamble that led to the failure.

They "cheated" to find this group of fleeing teams accurately and quickly.

Lucius suddenly turned his head and looked at the dark jungle not far away, and shouted:

"Everyone of the Fisher family, abandon everything except your personal belongings and run into the jungle!"

Since some problems with rifled guns have not been solved, the army on the Oden continent is currently equipped with smoothbore flintlock rifles, with an effective range of about 100 meters, and it takes at least ten seconds to reload bullets, so the most important first round of collective shooting on the battlefield will not be fired easily.

And the Nasir refugees have not entered the bullet attack range of the Rhea army at the first time.

But there are extraordinary powers in the Krad world. In addition to holding flintlock rifles, the infantry in the army also retains other tactics according to racial characteristics.

When the command sounded, the Rhea-specific half-orc troops temporarily put down their flintlock rifles, and collectively threw a small number of short spears at a very long distance with exaggerated strange power that ordinary humans could not reach.

They soared into the air in the dim sky, crossed hundreds of meters and fell into the fleeing team in a scattered manner, and then there were constant screams and wails.

"Ahhhh! Run!"

"The Rhea people are coming!"


The regular army would collapse and scatter, but the refugee team was like an ant nest with firecrackers thrown at it when it was attacked. Everyone went crazy!

Everyone rushed towards the jungle in the west. Many old and weak people and even adults were pushed down by others and then died in the pushing and trampling.

The sparse spears stopped very abruptly.

Under the gloomy sky, a group of people separated from the black tide of the Rhea army and approached quickly. They were a group of well-trained cuirassier troops, riding horses and charging towards the refugees quickly.

Lucius led the Fisher family to rush into the jungle without hesitation. There was no possibility of survival if they encountered a regular cavalry unit in the wild, so they had to get into the jungle immediately.

Irene hugged her dazed brother Chris, and Byrne kindly pulled old lady Nada to run together. Old lady Nada wailed a few times to find her sons, but she was rational and did not go against the crowd to find people.

Several unfamiliar people blocked the way and begged for protection from the Fisher family, which had a high reputation in Nasir and was well-known by everyone.

"Get out of here!"

Lucius roared loudly, raised his sword without hesitation and chopped anyone he saw, tearing off the mask of "Hero of Nasir" to reveal a hideous and crazy face.

He knew that he had to do this. If he protected more people, he would have to protect dozens or hundreds of people. After killing and scaring away the astonished people, Lucius led the family members to the edge of the jungle as soon as possible.

The dark jungle covers a large area, which is enough for them to deal with, and it will take a long time for the Rhea people to plunder after killing most of the refugees.

This is the truth, but for some reason, Lucius always has a strong sense of fear in his heart.

It's coming!

All members of the Fisher family felt the hint given by the great Lord of Loss!

A more terrifying situation is coming!

Suddenly, a ball of blue rain silently rose into the air in the black tide, and bloomed into cold blue flowers at a height of tens of meters, and then fell on all the Rhea people like brilliant fireworks.

The aura of the spell was extremely beautiful, but Lucius and others just felt creepy, and then entered the jungle without hesitation.

It was a ritual spell cast by many people together. The overall movement speed of the Rhea people was increased. Those cavalrymen who became faster were like the wind of death, and they quickly crossed the frozen river in the first time!

The fastest black-armored rider had already stood out from the many chasing cavalrymen!

The black warhorse under him was galloping like lightning, and it seemed to have the terrifying bloodline of some mysterious creature. The four hooves under his feet rubbed out bursts of lightning and fireworks, which were very obvious in the dim sky!

"He might be the commander of the Rhea!"

An extraordinary knight from the Nasir Knight Family roared and rode on his warhorse, rushing over to intercept the black-armored rider who had broken away from the main force. If he could kill him, it would definitely hit the enemy's morale hard.

The two men came face to face, and the drowsy people didn't see the specific situation at all. The knight of Nasir fell off the horse that was running continuously.

The black-armored rider quickly rode the black warhorse and entered the end of the fleeing team first. Anyone who was hit was instantly bounced out, and soon the cavalry team followed closely and rushed in, waving their sabers high and slashing continuously.


The night was completely dark, and it would be light again in a few hours.

It was pitch black all around, and everyone in the Fisher family was exhausted. Fortunately, there was no sound of killing behind them.

Lucius sighed and said, "Stop for a while, and count the number of people again for the third time. Byrne will start counting from you."

The team of more than 100 people surrounding the Fisher family is now only more than 70 people, and more than 30 people have been separated. Fortunately, all the main members are still there, even old Raymond.

He was carried by his son Xiu all the way. The tall Xiu was so tired that he lay on the ground, his face flushed, and he was shaking all over and couldn't even say a word.

Even with physical strength far beyond the limit of ordinary people, Lucius, who was fully armed, still felt tired and knew that the team had to rest.

After hiking in the ice and snow for a day and fleeing in the jungle for a long time, many people's physical strength had reached the limit. Old woman Nada couldn't even hold on and fainted. Fortunately, she survived with Irene's healing power.

Lucius ordered everyone to replenish water and eat, and they must get up and move on in thirty minutes.

The team resting in the dark did not dare to turn on the lights, and people communicated in whispers, and from time to time they could hear low cries.

Byrne came to Lucius and Irene, sipped water, and said nervously:

"I saw the scribbled map of this jungle yesterday. It is very large. We will probably not be able to walk out completely until sunrise."

"The route of our current trail is to the southeast, which is counterintuitive and safe."

Irene closed her eyes and prayed devoutly, communicated, opened her eyes and thought for a moment, and finally said seriously:

"The great Lord of the Lost can make the enemy fall into misfortune, but He has not yet fully recovered, and His power cannot be used lightly. There are only a few targets who can be punished by God."

"As long as we sacrifice our lifespan, we can ask the great Lord of the Lost to take action."

"I know."

Lucius nodded after listening, frowned and fell into deep thought.

He also knew that it was impossible to let the Lost Lord, who had not yet revived, kill all the enemies.

Because all the gods in the world were like this, and they could not easily interfere with the world, and to drive the mysterious beings, a lot of preparation and sacrifice were required in advance.

However, His great power could ensure the killing of at least one or two enemies, or even more, as long as the target was chosen correctly.

But that was the worst case scenario. It would be best if everyone did not encounter the Rhea army again and escaped to heaven in peace.

Theoretically, it was almost impossible for the Rhea to find them again.

However, for some reason, Lucius could not get rid of the strong fear and uneasiness in his heart.

He suddenly trembled and stared, and roared softly.

"No, no! It's not right at all! Those Rhea people were "cheating" in the gambling game!"

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