Karl didn't have much military strategic knowledge in his mind, but no matter what, he knew one thing very clearly.

The black mist he controlled had a very powerful force in the war, which could strike his enemies on a global scale.

As long as there was thick black mist, many extraordinary people of the Dawn Cult could cross thousands of miles in the air and directly attack the enemy to give them the necessary end!

He was paying attention to the battle between Chris and the "Destroyer" of the Recast Church.

Both of them were very powerful. The "Destroyer" was a top-level strongman who had ascended to the throne of the monarch, and was a well-known existence even in the entire Oden continent.

You must know that even the powerful Loen Empire, which was powerful enough to dominate the world, had hundreds of monarchs serving it, but only a dozen people could reach the throne of the monarch.

If the apocalypses were legends that could influence the world situation, each apocalypse could open a separate page in the history book.

Then, the monarchy was the peak that ordinary extraordinary people could theoretically reach!

As for Chris Fisher, although his theoretical "value" is only equivalent to the middle monarch, he has two very powerful rune powers, which are enough to make up for most of the gap.

So his real combat ability at night is not inferior to that of the upper monarch!

At the same time when Chris Fisher and Cardinal "Destroyer" were fighting.

A strong and thick black fog suddenly appeared one kilometer away from the Valer Army's garrison, and several people gradually walked out of the black fog. They were the extraordinary people of the Dawn Cult who reached the fifth and sixth steps.

Yager, Tio, Kano, Darren.

Although he was not in Siat at all, Kano Fisher was also summoned from a long distance. He just took a look here and understood the situation.

"Long time no see! Kano, do you think you are really free?"

Darren showed a somewhat sarcastic smile after seeing Kano. Although he agreed with Kano's contributions to the Fisher family, he still couldn't understand the other party's values.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another important reason for his ridicule.

Darren himself claims to be a bad guy.

"Freedom is in the heart, no need to seek outside." Kano smiled and answered.

He had no hostility towards Darren.

At the same time, some strong men from the Valere Army also found the traces of the four of them, and the leader of the four was none other than the famous Duke Darren Fisher.

"Look! Hahahahahaha!"

Darren no longer paid attention to Kano, but laughed wildly and looked at the Valere Army camp, pointing there.

"They are there!"

Theo, who had the most seniority, nodded and said seriously: "I'm ready."

He and Yager began to provide all kinds of auxiliary power to their companions.

At the same time, the great barrier of "Infinite Light" provided by the Loen Empire is still in effect in the sky, and the Siat people still have strong recovery ability.

The next moment, they did not rush forward, but directly launched a long-range attack.

Darren suddenly became bigger, and the flames from his mouth quickly rose to the sky.

Stars were dotted on the deep sky, and the quiet night was covered with a mysterious and dazzling veil, but this tranquility did not last long.

Suddenly, an extremely dazzling light in the sky broke the tranquility of the night, like a sword left by the gods, suddenly tearing the curtain of darkness.

Those were many flaming meteors, and they were not ordinary. Their light was so blazing and their colors were so colorful that they far exceeded any star. It was as if the sky fire had descended, with irresistible power and strength!

As the sky fire approached quickly, the air became hot, and the Valer camp was full of astonishment and uneasiness.

They looked up and saw that the sky fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a dazzling tail, rushing straight to the direction of the camp.

"No! Enemy attack!"

"Oh my God!"


At this critical moment, the sky fire fell to the ground with a deafening roar, as if the whole world was shaking at this moment.

The flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the night sky like daylight, and the heat waves and shock waves spread out, rolling up the dust on the ground and the embers of the bonfire to form a chaotic vortex.

Everyone in the barracks was destroyed by the sudden disaster. The camp was engulfed by flames, and the flames spread everywhere. The terrified Valer soldiers fled in all directions, and the air was filled with a breath of anxiety and despair.

Darren had no intention of holding back, and tried his best to spit out a large amount of flames.

The flames were still raging, ruthlessly devouring everything it could touch.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that there was a problem with the barrier in the sky!

A crack suddenly appeared in the "Infinite Light" barrier, and then it gradually collapsed in everyone's perception, but the mysterious power that destroyed it was completely unknown.

Yager immediately frowned and said, "The other party may have used some forbidden magic to temporarily break our barrier."

Darren shook his head and said, "Well, just like Felix said before, the other party must have planned it in advance, it doesn't matter."

Darren, who had transformed into a giant dragon, flew over first without hesitation.

At the same time, in the Valer army.

King Valer and the leader of the Restoration Army, Agata, were not afraid of the flames around them at all, but looked up at the sky as expected.

In the extremely depressing atmosphere, a huge monster slowly descended from the night sky. The body of the demon dragon Daren was huge, covered with black and red scales that flickered with a faint light, just like the flames in the dark night, mysterious and terrifying.

Its eyes flashed with cunning and cruel light, overlooking the land below, as if to take in all living things.

Suddenly, it opened its huge mouth that could swallow everything again, and the blazing flames surged out like a raging wave, heading straight to the ground.

The flames drew a gorgeous trajectory in the air, and the grass and trees were scorched and the rocks melted wherever they passed. Everything seemed so fragile in the face of destructive power.


Felix looked at his father with very complicated emotions.

Because not long ago, the cardinal "Destroyer" of the Recast Church planted a special liquid alchemical tool in his body, and he could be executed at any time if he betrayed.

"That person is too cautious. He can't be trusted just by his oath to God. I can't betray him immediately to help my father."

The reckless Darren suddenly saw golden light appearing around him, and the next moment, he was suddenly transferred to another space.

In this strange space, the background was occupied by a deep and pure blue. This blue was neither the blue of the sky nor the depth of the ocean, but a blue that was beyond reality and full of fantasy.

"Huh, are you taking me to another space or dimension?" Darren sneered.

He saw countless cubes of various shapes floating in the space. They were of different sizes, from tiny, almost invisible particles to huge giants that seemed to touch the sky, weaving together a wonderful scene that was both regular and full of variables.

Some of them shine with golden light, as bright as stars; some are covered with emerald vines, full of vitality; and some have silver liquid flowing on their surfaces, flashing mysterious light.

They gently rotate and float in an indescribable rhythm, occasionally intersecting and colliding with each other, but at the moment of contact, they coexist harmoniously in an incredible way, without the slightest friction and collision, leaving only a series of gorgeous color tracks, slowly dissipating in space.

In the strange space, time seems to have lost its meaning. The interweaving of light and shadow, the fusion of color and shape, constitute a dream that is both real and illusory.

Darren thought silently, this place is somewhat similar to the spirit world, but he can't be completely sure.

But he has the confidence to deal with the next situation. After reaching the sixth step, his true strength has long been extraordinary.

It can even be said that he is already the strongest of the Fisher family!

Darren sensed the enemy's position and shouted with a grin!

"Come out!"

Soon, he heard the voice of Agatha, the leader of the Valer Restoration Army.

"Our ritual spell trap has worked. It's two to one now, Sir Darren Fisher!"

Then, King Valer's gloomy voice rang out.

"Today is the day you die!"

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