The fire in the Valair camp was soaring into the sky. Several monarchs of the Dawn Cult had slaughtered all the extraordinary people in Valair. The power they exerted together was incomparable to the numerical advantage of the Valair monarchs.

Among the many enemies, only the "steam dolls" of the Reforged Church fled when they saw the situation was not good.


Felix approached quickly with a slightly excited look. He came to his extremely weak father Darren, and his expression was still very serious.

"Uncle Chris's side, the winner has not been decided yet..."

"His opponent is very strong. The destroyer is one of the two cardinals of the Reforged Church. He may be slightly weaker than the other one, but as a top monarch, he is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with!"

He paused and said immediately: "Father, let's go to help Uncle Chris together!"

Darren was still being eroded by the poison, and knew that he might need the rune power of the "Sea of ​​​​Source Spirit" to heal himself.

He nodded reluctantly, and just as he was about to speak, he suddenly found that a thick black mist appeared on his body.

"It's time..."

Darren immediately realized that it was the great Lord of Loss who made the decision, and they were going to go back, which was inevitable.

"Choose to believe in Chris, Felix." Darren said immediately.

"Trust the great Lord of Loss, he will naturally decide the direction of fate!"

Felix was stunned for a moment, but there was no way to stop the black fog, and he could only watch the members of the Dawn Cult being gradually swallowed up by the thick black fog.

In the end, he saw the thick black gradually dissipate, and everyone in the Fisher family disappeared.

He knew that all the family members were teleported back by the great Lord of Loss, but he didn't know what happened to Uncle Chris and whether he had also gone back.

"If the 'Destroyer' comes back and sees all this, how will he treat me?"


Just a dozen minutes ago.

A few kilometers away from the Valer military camp, Chris had already begun to compete with the cardinal "Destroyer" of the Recast Church.

He did not feel even a trace of fear during the battle, but responded to the mission coldly in his heart. Even the top strongman who was a monarch was just one of many enemies.

Although Chris was defeated by the "Light of Change" of the Church of Redemption, he was also very clear about one thing, that not all monarchs had such powerful power.

At this moment, the power of the "Destroyer" had made him see it.

It was a very magical power. He could actually fuse all kinds of alchemical props and ordinary items, and then consume spiritual power to amplify their own effects.

Originally just ordinary alchemical explosives, after being swallowed into the mouth of the "Destroyer", when it was spit out again, it could become a powerful explosive that could destroy the entire mountain!

The power of the "Destroyer" can cover a wide range of things, not just alchemical explosives. For example, ordinary pistols can also be fused into his body, and then the arm can be transformed into a "gun" to launch a very powerful attack, turning bullets directly into shells, and the attack frequency also increased several times.

In this way, he can almost be regarded as a person who can change in a thousand ways and cope with various situations on the battlefield.

Only those forbidden objects are things that the "Destroyer" cannot assimilate and integrate.

At this moment, the "Destroyer" has swallowed a large number of weapons and alchemical props.

The night sky suddenly tore apart, and countless artillery fire and alchemical explosives were like angry Thor's hammers, with deafening roars and destructive lights, bombarding from all directions.

The firelight reflected on the cold face of "Death God" Chris, but it did not shake his inner peace at all.

His eyes were like a deep cold pool, without ripples, only with extremely accurate calculations of the upcoming crisis.

Facing this overwhelming rain of death, the figure of the "Death God" seemed to be integrated into the air, and every instant movement and dodging of "Night Shift" was just right to avoid fatal attacks.

Chris's movements were smooth and precise, like a dancer dancing on a blade, and every dodge showed his ultimate control over the limits of his body.

Many shells exploded around him, and the air waves caused by the shock wave almost swallowed everything, but Chris was like a leaf gently swaying on the water, and he was never caught in the vortex of destruction.

He could even use the airflow and debris generated by each explosion as cover and help, weaving his own way of survival in the web of death with a detached attitude.

All the attacks seemed so powerless, while the figure of the "God of Death" became clearer and clearer, full of power and beauty.

Even the "Destroyer" in the sky couldn't help but sigh.

"It's worthy of being Chris Fisher, the 'God of Death' of Syat... I really want to study the members of your Fisher family. What kind of structure are you?"

The tone of the "Destroyer" was full of curiosity, and there was undisguised madness!

The next moment, Chris had suddenly come to the position in front of the "Destroyer" in the sky through the ability of the sequence power "Night Shift".

He decided to activate the "Moment of Rift" but immediately realized that something was very wrong.

Well, something is wrong. The "soul breath" of that person is wrong, or the soul component contained in the body in front of him is too little.

Chris made a judgment in an instant. The opponent is not the real body, but an alchemical puppet injected with a little soul?

Although the "destroyer" that was bombarding in front of him had very strong power, Chris, who had experienced many battles, soon realized the special situation. Similar things had happened to some enemies before.

That "Silver Poetry" was also an enemy of the same type...

If I hand over "The Moment of Rift" and "Disillusionment" here, my spiritual power will be very little...

In fact, if I could not sense the soul, I would have been deceived by the opponent. After Chris figured it out, he pulled away again and did not continue to attack.

He was considered to have encountered a very difficult enemy.

The opponent's real body was unknown somewhere, but he just borrowed the alchemical puppet to bombard him, and his two runes consumed a lot of power and could not be used easily.

So, what should I do?

In the end, Chris came to the conclusion that... there was no way.

Any extraordinary person has an enemy that is difficult to defeat. Although Chris has a set of combo skills to kill many humanoid enemies with high attack and low defense, he also has this feeling of powerlessness in the face of "mechanical monsters".

But Chris did not hang his head, but silently dodged the attack and waited for an opportunity very calmly.

At the same time, in the Valer Barracks.

Felix suddenly heard some kind of oracle!

He felt an unprecedented vague expectation, and the air around him seemed to be completely solidified. Time became slow and solemn at this moment.

The sudden sound could not be understood, but it could be understood directly.

The content of the oracle was not a pile of words, but directly touched the depths of Felix's soul.

Shock was his initial reaction.

His heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became rapid, as if the whole world stopped for him at this moment, but then, an indescribable joy surged in his heart.

The great Lord of Loss was "speaking" directly to him, and he got the oracle that belonged to Him. What an honor!

That location...

Felix quickly looked towards the north.

Why did the great Lord of the Lost want him to go to that direction, that location?

He didn't understand, but he still went there without hesitation.

Karl, who was silently observing everything, saw Felix leave and knew that Chris was saved. It was indeed difficult to defeat the "Destroyer" with Chris's power alone.

He clearly noticed the north...

That place had the body of the "Destroyer"!

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