"Master Darren, be careful."

In the banquet hall of the Fisher family manor, Vanessa held little Lillian with her heart, helplessly stared at Darren who was full of curiosity and was very active, and said something worried.

Seven-year-old Darren was standing on the table usually used for eating in the banquet hall. His chubby body jumped up again and again. He kept trying to touch the crystal chandelier on the ceiling by jumping.

"You'd better come down. If you fall down later, I will definitely be told by Dean Irene."

Vanessa reluctantly put the three-year-old Lilly down and stepped forward.

Lillian's hair is the same soft light golden color as her mother's, and her blue gem-like eyes are inherited from her father. They are as pure and natural as the blue sky. She looks at her brother Darren quietly and curiously.

She is very well-behaved, obedient and sensible. On weekdays, she is completely different from Darren who is restless all day long.

Vanessa walked over to the table and tried to get him to come down, but Darren wouldn't listen to her at all.

After mastering the sequence power, she was able to jump onto the table and then forcefully pick up the jumping Darren.

But it would be too unsightly to jump on the table herself, and Vanessa felt that doing so would definitely make Master Darren angry.

Sure enough, Darren shouted impatiently: "I won't listen to you. Who are you? Leave me alone!"

Vanessa frowned slightly, she didn't like Master Darren's character very much.

Because he behaves very well-behaved in front of his parents and the dean, at most he is a little more curious, but when Darren interacts with people other than his elders, he will become very naughty and mischievous.

She thought that it might be because the child was still young and had a bad personality, but he might be able to get better when he grows up.

Vanessa, who was thinking, suddenly thought of Chris.

She actually remembered that Chris also liked to play pranks when he was a child. Recently, the boy had become much calmer.

However, that guy was still as taciturn as before.

It seems that without Chris' help, it would not be so easy to catch the two murderers.

She recalled how Old Abt's granddaughter cried outside the factory, and she felt very uncomfortable deep in her heart. Unfortunately, both murderers were redeemed in the end.

She has not been able to give her true fairness and justice.

All thanks to Chris.

"Sister, what are you thinking about?"

The quiet Lilian suddenly asked, her eyes wide and full of curiosity.


Vanessa was slightly stunned, what was going on? She seemed to have been thinking about Chris for a long time.

She found that Darren, who was jumping on the table, was also looking at her curiously.

"It's nothing, Master Darren, come down quickly!"

She deliberately emphasized her tone, but Darren, who was standing on the table, still dismissed her.

"Come down!"

A sudden voice made the three people present slightly startled. Darren even jumped down from the table as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"I, I, I'm sorry, I..."

Erin stood calmly at the door, her expression full of seriousness. Vanessa immediately came to her side and stood up straight.

"Dean, I failed to control him."

Erin glanced at Vanessa and said:

"You used to be the king of children in the courtyard, but now I know you really can't control him."

Because of the different identities of the two parties, Vanessa must restrain herself from Darren, but Darren keenly realizes that the other party is not a threat, so he is confident.

Erin knew that the years of careful training had made Vanessa full of loyalty and gratitude to the members of the Fisher family.

Now she doesn't dare to strictly control Darren, at least it guarantees that she won't do the following in the future.

However, Darren's character education must be strictly controlled, and he cannot be allowed to continue to be naughty and mischievous. The child is already seven years old, and it is time to restrain his personality.

According to Eileen and Byrne's discussion, they will gradually instill in their offspring the belief in the Lost Lord when they are ten years old.

Every descendant is extremely precious. Although they are extraordinary beings with sequential powers, they are still restricted by the rules set by the gods. The number of descendants of extraordinary beings must be limited.

Erin thought silently, while Darren stood in front of her without saying a word, trembling with fear.

He was more afraid of his cousin Irene than his parents. She managed all the internal affairs of the family and even his parents found it difficult to intervene when punishing him.

"Why did you jump up?" Erin asked in a very calm tone.

In fact, Byrne's son is very smart, he learns everything very quickly, and he has a quick mind and can draw inferences from one instance to another. However, he has a bit of a bad personality.

"I just want, just want, want..."

Darren stumbled, his face turned red, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Eileen still asked calmly:

"Do you want to see if you can touch the crystal chandelier on the ceiling?"

"Yeah." Darren nodded after listening.

Eileen said seriously: "You can't do this anymore. I'll punish you by copying the mineral book your father read recently. Vanessa, if he does anything unusual again, tell me immediately!"

"I see."

Darren felt like a deflated ball, but he also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not punished this time.

Once, he accidentally set fire to the curtains at home, and was severely beaten by his cousin Irene.

Vanessa stood aside silently with her hands behind her back, not saying anything, just accepting the arrangement.

Erin shook her head and asked Vanessa to tell her immediately if something happened again.

In fact, she still didn't want Vanessa to have the right to directly control Darren.

Because the Ver family in Nasir Town is an example. Now the young knight's personal servant is very arrogant.

Since the death of the old knight, he has been running the family very forcefully, indulging relatives and embezzling family property.

Vern, who was brought up by him since childhood, didn't care at all. Instead, he felt that the other party was treating him well and said that the old servant was his only remaining elder. These things were not a problem.

Irene still didn't understand why almost all noble families always emphasized the class distinction between masters and servants.

Now she gradually figured out that because some of the spoiled servants would definitely find ways to steal and possess the family's things as long as they had the opportunity.

As she left the banquet hall, she thought that maybe it was time to establish a complete set of family rules modeled after those real noble families.

"When Byrne comes back, I will discuss it in detail with him."

At night, Vanessa returned to her own room on the second floor of the manor.

Among the many family servants and guards, only Vanessa, Eric, Archibald, and Tio have separate rooms on the second floor of the mansion.

She sat on the chair and absentmindedly picked up the pamphlet written by Dean Irene, which contained teachings about praising the Lost Lord. The content was not very extensive but very concise.

Suddenly, the girl seemed to see the figure of Chris in front of her.

"what happened?"

Vanessa blushed slightly and touched her neck. She was thinking about Chris just now, and she couldn't help but think about him even after she came back.

It's strange, this has never happened before.

She begged the boy in the rain to find the murderer of innocent people.

The young man nodded silently, with a slight smile on his face.

Vanessa rarely saw Chris smile, and most of his smiles were malicious. This was the first time she saw that smile full of joy.

very nice.

"What the hell is going on with me? It's weird. It's really weird."

She seemed to see Chris standing in the room, looking at her calmly, smiling gently.

If a handsome young man smiles often, his smile, although charming, may not be unforgettable.

However, for a handsome young man like Chris who was taciturn and expressionless on weekdays, Vanessa could never forget his heartfelt smile.

"Phew, I can't think about it anymore."

Vanessa twisted her intact leg hard, woke up, and silently looked at the deformed right leg.

After she took off her pants, what was revealed was a leg that was as rotten and disgusting as dead wood, and there were even dense black spots in several places.

Anyone who sees it for the first time will probably want to vomit.


What on earth was I thinking about? How could I possibly be worthy of him with such legs?

Moreover, Chris's marriage partner must be a member of a noble family, maybe even an elegant lady from the Viscount family.

Many nobles have civilian lovers, or even more than one lover, but the marriage partner is always a well-matched member of another noble family.

Her heart, which was originally filled with joy and longing, suddenly fell into a trough and was filled with depression.

For many years, Vanessa had not cared about this deformed leg, and did not care about other people's eyes and prejudices. But at this moment, she felt aggrieved and inferior to herself like never before. In the end, she gritted her teeth and cried, her body shaking slightly.

Suddenly, there was the sound of someone running outside the house.

The door was pushed open, and Ms. Irene stood outside the door calmly.

"Do you know where Chris and Archibald are?"

Vanessa, whose eyes were red, wiped her eyes, pulled up her pants, shook her head and said:

"They seem to be over at the port."

"Are you sure?" Ms. Irene's eyes were filled with thoughts for a moment.

Vanessa thought about it carefully, recalling what Chris and Archibald had mentioned.

They were going to the port to deal with a problematic male businessman. That man was an ordinary person, but he was probably a spy planted by the Keyes family.

Chris and Archibald, two teenagers, have been in charge of dealing with similar problems since they killed the former mayor.

She nodded and confirmed, "It's right at the port."

Erin noticed that Vanessa seemed to be crying, but it was too late to say this now, so she immediately said:

"Get ready for battle immediately, Vanessa, a powerful enemy has come to Nasir Town!"

Vanessa, who was still immersed in emotions, was stunned for a moment, woke up, and immediately took out a flintlock gun and daggers from the house.

She then left the room with Erin to inform everyone else in the family of the crisis.

Erin took a deep breath. The enemy's position was just over the port.

Great Lost Lord, you should also give the information to Chris. He should come back as soon as possible to avoid the enemy...

I humbly ask you again not to let him die.

She suddenly found that she didn't have that fear, the fear of losing Chris's emotions.

Erin had a strong premonition deep in her heart that if she performed another sacrifice, it would probably be the last time.

He will eventually die from this.

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