From The Frenzy Action, Inventory Of The Top Ten Shocking Fights

Chapter 28: Play The Fifth Shocking Fight Scene! Saitama Appears! (Please Collect Flowers!)

Angelic civilization, the angels saw the reward that Uchiha Madara received.

Also all stagnant.

Even if it is a king-level civilization, it is basically impossible for the angels to resurrect from the dead.

What they study is immortality.

That is, the Fourth Generation god body.

Holy Guysha has such a powerful body.

It was a terrifying body that had been blown up into atoms, could locate each other, and then reassembled.

However... this is not the same as coming back from the dead.

Guysha's state is far from death.

If it's real death...even the Fourth Generation god body, it can't be saved.

So... this is a higher level of power!


Morgana's eyes narrowed.

"Resurrection? This forum is really interesting. I checked its data before, but I couldn't find anything. Now it seems... it is a very mysterious power." Morgana gradually became serious.

The previous rewards were not worth mentioning to her at all.

That kind of power, even the devil can create at will.

But now... this forum of the heavens actually showed the divine power of resurrection.

Just horrible.

For Morgana, it's not a force to be reckoned with either.

Death is a fate that the gods may not be able to escape.

Morgana knew this very well.

Especially the guy Karl who specializes in studying the void and the mystery of death...

Morgana felt that she might have to prepare more.

At the same time, she also has some expectations. If she is on the list... What kind of reward will she get?

I'm definitely on the list, right?

The more the Demon Queen thought about it, the more excited she became.

Although these fights are shocking enough.

But when I fought in space with Guy Shanabicchi, it was also earth-shattering!

Therefore, Morgana continued to read with a relaxed mood.

Interestingly, the City of Angels, Holy Guysha on the Throne, has this idea too.

Pirate world.

Garp, Sengoku, and others were all startled.

"Re... Resurrection? What a terrible power."

In the world view of pirates, resurrection or something is too amazing.

Although there is Brook's yellow spring fruit, he escaped from the underworld and returned.

But coming back from the dead...still scary.

Especially, the resurrected one, Uchiha Madara?

Sengoku had seen it at this point, that guy...not a good guy.

If he is resurrected, I am afraid it will bring a great impact to the world, right?

What troubled Marine even more was that they couldn't tell where Uchiha Madara was from.

Past, future?

If it is resurrected now, it can only be a person who died in the past, right?

where is he?

Sengoku's mood was a little low.

There was no way he could stop it.

The world is so big, it is basically impossible to prepare in advance.

Therefore, what Marine can do now is to adapt accordingly.

Fortunately for Sengoku, the only good news is that... Uchiha Madara doesn't belong in their world.

But that was enough to trouble Sengoku for a while.

Fairy Tail World, Shinigami World, World Under One Person.

Many viewers are dumbfounded.

They obviously did not expect that the reward for being listed in the inventory video even included such a magical thing as resurrection.

Zhang Chulan, who was watching the video, suddenly thought of it.

Will the author come up with a pretend leaderboard later?

Then I, Zhang Chulan, will definitely be on the list. Give me any power at that time. Laozi is the boss of the Inhuman world!

Zhang Chulan thought so, and even got a little excited.

At that time, the Lord will be the king of coercion!

But this is just Zhang Chulan's fantasy, in fact... the heavens and the world can pretend more than Zhang Chulan, but a lot.

And this idea is not rare.

Cage world.

Shanda and others are still thinking about whether there will be a list of beautiful women.

In that case, the boss will definitely be on the list, right?

In this way, when the boss gains powerful power, he no longer has to worry about the ugly problem.

Bai Yuekui raised his forehead for their thoughts.

But at this moment, the system prompts again.

Following the distribution of Uchiha Madara's rewards, Naruto and Sasuke's rewards are also ready to be distributed.

For a time, all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world were a little excited.

What will be the reward this time?

Then Uchiha Madara got resurrected, and Naruto and Sasuke also died?

If not, what they can get is absolutely awesome.

And the Hokage world.

Naruto and Sasuke were also shocked.

Kakashi on the side felt a little nervous.

Do Naruto and Sasuke have it too?


In the Hokage building, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also stunned.

If it weren't for Hokage, he would have wanted to pray for these two little guys.

However, little Sakura prayed earnestly, hoping that this forum of the heavens would give Naruto and Sasuke a very rich reward.

Fortunately, the answer will soon be revealed.

【Reward Uchiha Sasuke: Full Susanoo Experience Card (30 days unlimited), Rinnegan Experience Card (30 days unlimited)】

[Reward Uzumaki Naruto: Nine Tails Mode Experience Card (30 days unlimited), Heavy Particle Mode (3 days and no side effects)]

When they saw these rewards, the heavens and the world, all the powerhouses were stunned.

Cage world.

Bai Yuekui, Xiadou, Shanda and the others all looked envious.

"To get such a powerful power directly! It's amazing!"

"I want it too, if I'm on the list, I can get this kind of power too, right?" Xu Tong was about to cry.

"I really hope there will be a beauty list, so that the boss can be on the list." Shanda said.

Bai Yuekui looked at the reward, and his heart was touched.

If you can have such a powerful force, it seems not bad to have a beauty list...

Pirate World, Shinigami World, Fairy Tail World.

They also know what kind of reward it is.

Either Uchiha Madara's Susanoo or Uchiha Sasuke's.

All are amazing.

Now this powerful force has been taken over by their Master...

Hokage world.

There was a shock in Kakashi's eyes.

Although he already had guesses in his heart, when he saw the reward appear, he still felt incredible.

But...that's a good thing after all.

Especially since Uchiha Madara has just been resurrected, so there is no need to worry too much, right?

No... Despite gaining great powers, Sasuke and Naruto's minds are still too far apart.

Kakashi recalled the horror of Uchiha Madara, and such thoughts were suppressed.

But compared to Uchiha Madara, Sasuke at this time is full of thoughts.

Itachi! ! You are really dead! !

Sasuke in this period wanted revenge all the time.

Kill Itachi, the traitor who slaughtered the entire clan.

And somewhere in the world of Hokage, Uchiha Itachi in a black cloud suit.

Silently watching the reward displayed on the video, there was a hint of relief in my heart.

It's enough to see his younger brother grow to such a degree.


A very powerful force.

Itachi is naturally not afraid, even if he really dies in Sasuke's hands, it doesn't matter.

He is ready.

However, at this time, in the heavens and the world, other powerhouses are still more concerned about the next shocking fight scene.

World of One Punch Man, World of Shinigami, World of Assassin Wu Liuqi.

Many viewers are looking forward to what the next shocking fight can reach.

Even Sasuke and Naruto, who had just received the reward, were holding back their excitement.

Even if you want to take revenge, you have to wait for the opportunity.

Otherwise, the world is so big, where can I find itachi?

It's better to stay in the village and watch such a wonderful video first.

Instead, it won't take much time.

Even Madara has this idea.

Madara also felt nothing when she saw the two of them gain such power.

To him, in the entire Hokage world, there was no one who could scare Madara.

But at this moment, the title of the fifth shocking fight scene appeared.

In the heavens and the world, many powerhouses were shocked.

Because of that title, it's a little weird...

NO6, Saitama VS Boros! Give the earth a middle score!

(The third one will be delivered! Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for a very good evaluation ticket, ask for a monthly pass! Oh, my grades are very poor! I ask for your support! Thank you! Your support is my biggest motivation!)

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