Chapter 94 Shocking the Ten Thousand Realms! The formidable enemy of the future, Majin Buu!?!!

Sun Wukong’s eyes widened, looking at himself in disbelief at himself training in the picture.

“That! It’s me! Why am I in it!? ”

Monkey King was stunned, he never expected that he would actually appear in the picture.

“I… I want to know too! Goku! Why are you in the picture? Oh!! Saiyan! I forgot Goku you’re a Saiyan! ”

When Lord King of the Realm heard Sun Wukong’s doubts, he was also stunned for a while before remembering Sun Wukong’s identity.

“But… But…”

Sun Wukong still wanted to say something, but he was pulled by Lord King of the Realm and said, “Don’t say it yet, watch the video!” ”

“……… Oh………”


In the video picture, Sun Wukong, who was cultivating, suddenly stopped moving, and he looked in a direction.

The camera moved in the direction where Sun Wukong’s gaze was, and found that a black figure appeared in the distance and flew in front of Sun Wukong on a crystal ball.


The person who came is the divination mother-in-law who can communicate the two worlds of yin and yang.

“Divination mother-in-law!”

Monkey King showed an excited expression on his face, and he waved at the comer.

“You only have 24 hours, you have to take care of it yourself.”

The expression on the divination mother-in-law’s face did not change, and she said seriously.


Monkey King nodded, his face full of excitement.

But this conversation made many people who watched the video a little confused.

What twenty-four hours? What are they going to do?

Why did this Monkey King show such an excited expression??? The strongest Saiyan? Where can I see that he is the strongest??

All kinds of doubts surfaced in everyone’s minds, but they were also very experienced, not to entangle the doubts in their minds, but to focus on the video picture.

They believe that along with the video playing, it will definitely bring them answers!

And in the video.

After the divination mother-in-law finished communicating with Sun Wukong, she began to communicate with the yang, and Sun Wukong also put one hand on the crystal ball of the divination mother-in-law, and the other hand was the index finger and middle finger together, placed on the forehead.

Next second!

The figures of Monkey King and Divination Mother-in-law disappeared in an instant!! This method immediately frightened many people!

They didn’t see clearly how Monkey King and the divination mother-in-law disappeared.

And the next moment, the picture of the lens also switched.

In the video, the picture suddenly appears in the crowded city, and it seems that some kind of celebration is being held here.

Then, a group of people appeared in the camera and slowly walked towards the direction of the camera.

Then, the figure of Monkey King and the figure of the divination mother-in-law suddenly appeared in front of them!

– Fine

The group of people stood still, one of them looked at the sudden appearance of Monkey King with a surprised face, while the others showed joyful smiles except for the two guys with cold faces.


A woman suddenly threw herself into Sun Wukong’s arms in tears and wailed loudly.

“Goku, I miss you so much!!!”

Monkey King chuckled: “Well~ Kiki, you’ve worked hard all these years, and I miss you too.” ”

Others also cried with joy, and all the viewers watching this scene were even more confused.

Why do they show such expressions??

Then, the Monkey King in the video followed the group to the venue

At this time, everyone knew that Sun Wukong had died, and this time, he returned to the world by relying on the mother-in-law sitting on the crystal ball.

In order to participate in this world’s first martial arts conference.

This shocked everyone who watched the video.


The dead can actually return to the world!?

What kind of world is this world!!!

One Punch Man World.

The corners of Tornado’s mouth twitched, and an extremely shocked look appeared on his face.

“Really fake……… This guy is actually dead!? Isn’t it the strongest Saiyan!? This strongest can actually die!??。? ”

Saitama glanced at the tornado with disdain, he didn’t know why, he always looked at this proud woman unpleasantly, and he couldn’t help but be shocked when he heard her speak.

“Saiyans are also people, and they will definitely die, well, it’s really flat-chested and unseen”

Saitama said while picking his nose.

Hearing Saitama’s words, Tornado immediately became angry, her mouth bulged with anger, and the power of thought burst out from her body!

“You bald man!”

“Say what!!!!”

Hearing the tornado call himself bald, Saitama was also unhappy, others were afraid of this tornado, but he was not afraid, after all, the tornado could not beat him.

“Damn it! Flat-chested little loli, did I say something wrong!? ”

“Dead bald!!!!”

“Flat-chested loli!!!”

The two began to quarrel in the conference room of the Heroes Association again, looking at the other heroes with shame.

These two people seem to be incompatible, and if they don’t agree, they will quarrel, making everyone else feel a headache.

After Saitama and Tornado quarreled for a while, their eyes fell on the video again.

The dead have appeared in this world… They have never seen this kind of scene before, and it is worth watching!!

Naruto World.

The big snake pill that was just about to study froze in place, looking at the Monkey King in the picture in shock.

The yellow circle on top of the head looks extremely glaring.

Big Snake Pill’s mentality was a little broken.

Can anyone tell him what’s going on???

Why can the dead still return to the world with integrity? And you can eat in the restaurant like a normal person!? No, no, no……

And most importantly!!!

Why did this dead man die so perfunctory!?

A circle on your head means you are dead!!!?

Big Snake Pill felt that his scientific view had been violently impacted, which made him feel confused in his heart.

If the resurrection is so simple, then what exactly is he doing all this for?

Orochimaru doesn’t know how the Yin and Yang worlds in the video are connected, but he knows very well that the Naruto world, and it is definitely not so simple to want to resurrect.

The reason is simple.

The six immortals were stationed between the two realms of yin and yang.

Therefore, this ninjutsu that summons the souls of the dead was born, similar to the art of reincarnation in the soil.

But that’s not a real resurrection………

It’s just a summoning technique that exchanges life for life, and after the warlock is lifted or sealed, it will directly return the soul to the land of bliss.

Therefore, the goal of the big snake pill has always been to pursue eternal life, and the premise is to let his soul stay in the yang world all the time, which is the foundation of his eternal life!

But……… It’s so soul-breaking!

in the video picture.

With enough wine and food, Sun Wukong and others waited for the official opening of the world’s first martial arts conference.

Soon, the battle began.

The various combat skills displayed by the contestants are also the hearts of many spectators.


In the picture, Sun Gohan, the son of Sun Wukong, walks into the ring with a red-skinned weirdo.

It was the turn of the two of them to fight.

“Son Gohan! Can you put your full leg into play!? ”

Jebbit spoke, his eyes burning as he looked at Sun Gohan in front of him.

“Huh? But…”

When Sun Gohan heard Jebit’s words, he was first stunned, and then his face became solemn.


Jebbit’s eyes were very sincere, which made Sun Gohan’s heart a little shaken.

“I see!”

The next moment, Sun Gohan suddenly clenched his fists and began to roar.



Just when countless people watching the video hadn’t reacted to what was going on, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from the video picture, impacting everyone who watched the video!

The world of the Blade of the Ghost Slayer

“This!!! What kind of power is this!! ”

Wu Miao’s eyes widened, he was caught off guard just now, and he was directly frightened by a heart!

At this time, he looked extremely embarrassed.

The reason is simple, it was made by Ultraman Obu………

He had no idea that Ultraman Obu was using the power of light.

And the ghost……… Even if it’s a ghost king………

All are the most unsightly! So………

The consequences were very miserable, and even the string moon under him was wiped out by that light.

And those weak ghosts are not to mention, almost eighty percent of them have been wiped out!

Even Wu Miao himself was already seriously injured.

And now, a heart that had grown back up with great difficulty was frightened by this sudden outbreak of terrifying momentum, which made Wu Miao’s face extremely ugly.

He was very upset! Very unpleasant!

While he was weak, the ghost killing team outside actually seemed to be open and hanging, killing most of the ghosts.

This is what upsets him the most!

The big net that he had carefully arranged and belonged to the ghost was torn apart all of a sudden, so angry that he spewed out another mouthful of blood.

“No miserable adult!”

Seeing that Wu Miao vomited blood, Naruto hurriedly rushed over, and without saying a word, she caught the blood that was flying in the air and handed it to Wu Miao.

“Forget it… The reward is for you. ”

Wu Miao was not in any mood to blame Naruto at this time, and his eyes were all on Sun Gohan in the video picture.

This young man………

Why is there such a terrifying power!?

When Naruto on the side heard Wu Miao’s words, her face showed a look of joy, and she drank all the blood without hesitation.

“Get out!”

Wu Miserable cursed angrily, kicked Naruto away, and felt the terrifying oppressive force on his body with a gloomy face.

He is in a very unhappy mood now!! And in the picture of the video.

Son Gohan, who had entered the second stage of Super Saiyan, was frantically bursting out of his anger.

Suddenly! Mutations and abrupt!!!

Two shirtless men suddenly rushed into the venue!!

One of them held Sun Gohan’s body deadly, and the other stabbed into Sun Gohan’s body with an energy collector!

“It worked!! Fall back!! ”

Yamu sneered and said to Spobic.

The two instantly took off on the spot and left the venue holding the energy collector in their hands.

This sudden scene made everyone watching the video stunned.

Now that the video has more and more information, it also makes them feel more and more complicated.


What happened!? And in the video picture.

With the departure of Yamu and Spobic, the King God of the Eastern Realm, who appeared earlier, also officially introduced his identity to Monkey King and others.

“And then… I’m going after them now, are you going together? ”

The Eastern Realm King God’s gaze looked at Sun Wukong and invited sincerely.

Monkey King nodded.

But Vegeta is not happy, the next battle is a battle between him and Monkey King!! He’s been looking forward to it for a long time!!

“Kakarot!! Do you want to escape!!! ”

Vegeta growled angrily.

“I’m sorry Vegeta……… I think it’s more important to stop those guys’ plots, let’s do it together, after it’s over, I’ll fight with you well! ”

Sun Wukong scratched his head, looked at Vegeta sincerely, and then without waiting for him to react, the figure of the king god of the Eastern Realm rose into the sky.


Vegeta clenched his teeth and followed without hesitation.


Xiao Lin, Piccolo, and the two figures also quickly chased towards Monkey King and them.

At this time, the king god of the Eastern Realm in the camera began to explain the reason for Sun Wukong and others, and likewise, it was also for the confused audience who watched the video.

They all this………

All to resurrect an evil being!!! Majin Buu!! 才レ

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