This is how the crinoids fossils discovered by Chen Rui here are formed.

Chen Rui put the crinoids fossils into the pregnant Haizhu space.

Leaving the Pregnant Sea Pearl space.

Chen Rui searched the nearby seabed carefully again, but found nothing.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Chen Rui surfaced and found that he was far away from the speedboat.

Chen Rui swam over and got on the speedboat.

Chen Rui took a bath in the lake in the Pregnant Haizhu space, put on a dry clothes, and left the space.

I'm a little hungry.

Chen Rui took out the big lobster he just caught from the pregnant sea pearl space.

The big lobster is very fierce, and the big claws show their teeth and claws.

Chen Rui took out the gas stove, pots and pans, salt, garlic, ginger, oyster sauce, cooking wine and other seasonings from the pregnant sea pearl space.

Made a garlic steamed lobster with lobster as the material.

The lobster is prepared in a bowl of juice, marinated and delicious, placed on a plate and placed in a steamer. After steaming on high fire, the shell is red and the meat is white, full of domineering and delicious.

Chen Rui's mouth opened wide after eating.

After a full meal.

It was almost dusk.

On the horizon, the sun sets.

Chen Rui sat quietly on the bow, admiring the sunset.

The afterglow of the setting sun slanted on the sea, sparkling.

Very spectacular, very poetic.

After a long time, the sun had completely set, and it was already dark.

The moon rose, bright and bright, and the moonlight sprinkled on the sea.

Chen Rui moved on the bow and took out a blanket from the Pregnant Sea Pearl space. Just sleep on the boat.

Sleep with the moonlight.


Not far away, there was a slap of 'slap'.

Chen Rui was awakened.

The sound came from about 200 meters away from the southwest.

Chen Rui stood up and looked up.

Through the brightness of the moonlight, a huge black shadow can be seen appearing on the sea.

From the silhouette of the shadow. This is a brig.

The big ship is slowly approaching its direction.

Chen Rui felt that the ship was very strange.

The first brigs were designed by the Dutch in the 17th century.

It was widely used in North America in the 18th century for occasions requiring speed and sailing ability, such as slave traders and privateers, and also commonly used in fishing boats and expedition boats.

In the 19th century, the brig developed to its peak and was the most popular sailing ship for transporting goods at the time.

By the 20th and 21st centuries, the brig had long since been phased out, replaced by steel-built freighters.

nowadays. If you want to see a wooden brig like this, you can only see it at the Sailing Museum.

Chen Rui saw a brig on the sea at this time. Felt very weird.

Secondly, Chen Rui found that the brig was approaching him strangely. How could the bow spinnaker be down on port side, and the barsail aft on starboard, and the mainmast completely empty and wriggling.

The ship is getting closer.

Chen Rui found that the ship was unmanned, and the rudder would swing left and right.

When the ship is 5 or 60 meters away from Chen Rui.

Chen Rui saw a string of Portuguese words sa on the side of the boat by the moonlight.

'Santa Maria Formosa'.

The name of the ship was 'Santa Maria Formosa'.

Chen Rui drove the speedboat onto the 'Santa Maria Formosa'.

Chen Ruichen got on the deck, but no one on board came out to ask.

The sails swayed with the wind because the mooring line was broken. One moment it hit the mast, the next moment it hit the rung again, with a clap.

This is the voice that Chen Rui woke up with. The sails beat on the mast, the 'clapping' on the rungs.

The boat is very shabby.

A mess of cables was scattered on the deck, and some were thrown overboard.

The boards were covered with bird droppings, dust, broken planks, iron chains. The nails are rusted.

Some plants also grew on the deck, and the roots of the plants went into the gaps in the deck.

The seeds of plants are carried by birds.

Birds eat seeds. Fly to the boat to rest, pull down a pile of bird droppings, and the seeds in the bird droppings are left on the deck.

There is sunlight to provide light energy, rainwater to moisturise, and bird droppings are fertilizers.

The seeds germinate and the plants begin to grow.

The ship has not existed for a long time.

There was silence and dreary all around.

Chen Rui could only hear his own rapid breathing and heartbeat.

The atmosphere was depressing.

This is an 'unidentified drifting boat', which is a mysterious 'ghost ship'.

A lot of information about the 'ghost ship' can be found by searching the Internet about the 'ghost ship'.

The legendary 'ghost ship' floats on the sea, and there are ghosts in the cabin that keep wandering, sighing,...  

How mysterious and strange it is, but there are very few people who have actually seen and boarded the 'ghost ship'.

People are always curious.

Curious about where the crew on the ship went and why they all disappeared suddenly.

Chen Rui was also very curious as to why all the crew members on the 'Santa Maria Formosa' had disappeared.

Chen Rui came to the crew's rest cabin and then to the cockpit. The hatch was open and no one was there.

The pilot has been turned off.

Chen Rui came to the captain's room and found a "Venture Log".

To Chen Rui's surprise, as early as May 7, 1897, the ship left Lisbon, Portugal, carrying a cargo of goods to the United States.

The captain has many years of sailing experience.

Chen Rui browsed the "Vourage Log" and found that the end of each day's record was written: "Everything is normal today".

At the end of the last day, which was recorded on May 21 of that year, the captain also wrote: "So far, the departure has been smooth."

Chen Rui realized that the 'Santa Maria Formosa' cargo ship had been drifting in the Atlantic Ocean for 118 years.

Chen Rui also found a bunch of keys in a drawer in the captain's room.

Chen Rui left the captain's room and unlocked the door locks of all cabins with the key. He saw layers of spider webs in the food storage compartment on the boat, storing a large amount of rotten or air-dried food.

He came to the cargo hold.

There are hundreds of oak barrels stacked in the cargo hold.

Oak barrels store wines made in Portugal and shipped to the United States.

In the past, everyone's concept was that 'wine is the fragrance of old age. ’

120+ years of aged wine in oak barrels seems to be the best wine.

In fact, it is not so.

If the wine is stored in oak barrels for a long time, it may spoil the wine.

And this barrel is a hundred-year-old barrel, the wood is going to be grooved, and the smell of rotten wood is mixed into the wine.

Hundreds of oak barrels full of aged wine may seem like a huge fortune, but it's not worth much.

Chen Rui left the ghost ship and returned to the speedboat.

Chen Rui didn't seem to find the reason for the sudden disappearance of the entire crew of 'Santa Maria Formosa'.

Chen Rui has a "logbook" of the brig of the 'Santa Maria Formosa'.

Perhaps the answer can be found in the logbook. (To be continued)

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