For example, the earliest relevant sighting is in 329 BC.

Alexander the Great saw "the looming silver shield" in the sky, constantly flying over their heads, and Alexander the Great was sure he saw flying objects from the future.

To this end, he invented what is believed to be the world's first submarine "diving bell" and spent the last six years of his life searching for clues about these UFOs.

In 1492, Columbus recorded a passage in his log: The flash on the dish-shaped object flickered like a candle, rising and falling in the night sky. The flash obviously did not come from the ground, because it was far beyond the horizon.

In 1973, disrupted NATO exercises in Cosnach Bay, Nang, Norway.

A little more reliable happened in 1990, when dozens of NATO warships were conducting military exercises in the North Atlantic. Suddenly discovered, so the collective round up the attack.


According to statistics, more than 340 have been found in the depths of the sea, most of which appear in the Atlantic Ocean.

Many mysterious and unsolved events in the Atlantic can be linked to.

For example, undersea people.

There is a very famous science fiction novel "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic".

Many people think that "The Man from the Bottom of the Atlantic" is not a fictional science fiction novel. There are various indications that there should be another mysterious intelligent human beings in the depths of the vast sea.

It's an aircraft made by people at the bottom of the sea.

Except for the undersea people. There is also the 'Kuwakri' phenomenon.

The so-called 'Kuvakri' phenomenon refers to the fact that some nuclear submarines carrying missiles in the former Soviet Union frequently encountered unidentified high-speed moving objects in the Atlantic waters.

Abduction incident.

Undersea bases, many people believe that bases have been built on the seabed that is difficult for human eyes to see. There are 7 of them in the world, under the sea of ​​the Canary Islands, the coast of Australia, under the sea of ​​Greenland, under the sea of ​​the Korean Peninsula, under the sea of ​​Easter Island, under Mount Shasta in California, and the largest underground base is located in the ice sheet of the Antarctic continent. Down.

It can even be linked to the flying saucer of Nazi Germany. Some people swear that they saw the iron cross symbol on the UFO,

They were the emblem of the Third Reich, the remnants of the Nazis fled to the South Pole, where bases were built under the sea.

Wait for a series of mysterious events to put a mysterious veil on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

This is not difficult to understand. As soon as the mysterious 'nuclear explosion' incident on the seabed in the middle of the Atlantic occurred, folk enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists believed that the cause of the 'nuclear explosion' was caused by the explosion of a wreck on the seabed.

It is really eye-catching at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

The "Daily News" in New Mexico, USA, published an "appalling" news. "The cause of the 'nuclear explosion' in the mid-Atlantic waters was an explosion in a wreck."

The news was immediately reprinted by the Washington Post and other major newspapers and magazines, and the radio wave carrier message spread all over the world. The news caused an uproar among the public all over the world.

Many people believe that the 'nuclear explosion' on the bottom of the sea in the mid-Atlantic waters is an explosion from a wreck.

Some experts on unidentified objects believe that there are underwater people haunting the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Undersea people should be intelligent creatures from alien planets.

High-intelligent humans from extraterrestrials may have established bases in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, they built their aircraft, and often haunted the oceans and surfaces.

The mysterious 'nuclear explosion' event in the mid-Atlantic waters has wide-ranging effects around the world.

The impact on the world is even greater than the 1947 Roswell crash in Roswell, New Mexico, USA.

become a very famous event.

It was not until a few years later that some information and truth about the "nuclear explosion" caused by the seabed in the mid-Atlantic waters broke out in Chen Rui's novels.

Only then did people know that everyone was wronged, and that the 'nuclear explosion' incident on the seabed in the mid-Atlantic waters had nothing to do with it.

The truth is: there is an artificially excavated and excavated hole on the bottom of the sea at a depth of 6,700 meters in the mid-Atlantic waters. The Nashi people are an energy civilization, and their level of civilization is not inferior to that of modern humans. The Nashi people built an energy device at the bottom of a cave in the sea.

The reason for the 'nuclear explosion' is that the energy device was detonated for some unknown reason, instantly releasing megaton-level energy on the seabed.

As for the Nashi people digging and excavating a 300-meter-deep seabed pit at a depth of 6,700 meters to collect Nashi people, Chen Rui did not reveal more information about the Nashi people and the truth in the novel.

despite this. Chen Rui's novels about artificial potholes more than 300 meters under the sea, Nashi people, and the information and truth about energy civilization caused shocks all over the world.

All countries in the world hope to get more information and truth about the prehistoric civilization Nashi people and energy civilization from Chen Rui's mouth.


At the moment when the energy collection and circulation device built by the Nashi people was detonated, Chen Rui escaped into the pregnant sea pearl space.

Chen Rui has 3,217 low-grade nano-stones, 33 medium-grade nano-stones, 6 high-grade nano-stones, and one is full of energy. A blue spar with an energy value of 15,000 nanometers.

Low-grade Nashi can't be used for the time being, because it doesn't matter as a source of car power. Whether it is to provide energy for the mobile phone to be turned on for thousands of hours continuously requires an energy conversion process.

For example, a gasoline engine obtains kinetic energy by burning gasoline inside the engine, which is a process in which gasoline energy is converted into kinetic energy.

In the same way, to drive the car and provide the power source for the car, the energy stored in the nano stone needs to be done in two steps. First, the energy stored in the nano stone needs to be released under human control.

The second is to convert the energy released in the nano stone into kinetic energy.

Chen Rui discovered the memory stone left by the Naishi people in the pit on the cave wall in the cave under the seabed.

The information conveyed by the memory stone to Chen Rui's mind is very detailed and meticulous about the various knowledge of the Nashi people's use of the Nashi.

Despite this, Chen Rui was still unable to release the energy stored in the nano stone under human control, and convert the energy released from the nano stone into kinetic energy.

Because Chen Rui did not graduate with a major in energy and dynamics, his knowledge of energy and dynamics is very limited. (To be continued)

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