Still in Bermuda's Devil's Triangle, a Soviet submarine sailed underwater in Bermuda waters a minute ago, but it was in the Indian Ocean when it surfaced a minute later. During the voyage that spanned almost half the world, all ninety-three crew members of the submarine suddenly aged five to twenty years.


All of these can prove laterally that there is a gate of time and space in a certain corner of the earth.

The faction that denies the existence of the gates of time and space has pulled out a famous paradox of time travel, the 'grandfather paradox', 'if you traveled through time to the past, killed your grandfather before your mother was born, married your grandmother, who are you? ’

This also seems to make sense.

The two factions were red-faced.

If Chen Rui doesn't give an answer, the matter will become more and more noisy, and it will not be solved for hundreds of years.

Chen Rui said, "Let's wait and see, we will get the answer soon."

"If you die in Antarctica, Tortuga Island, who will inherit your wealth and the treasure of your underground treasure house." A reporter asked Chen Rui.

Chen Rui looked at the logo on the microphone in the reporter's hand, it seemed to be a Japanese and Japanese TV station.

This provoked public anger.

Chen Rui did not wait for an answer.

Chen Rui's fans quit, how did they talk?

The reporters next to them were also a little critical of their counterparts.

Reporters are unscrupulous animals. They ask how to attract the attention of the audience. However, it is too unscrupulous. How to speak, curse people to death before they set off, this is not nonsense.

A few young, young white men even pulled up their sleeves. He was about to hit the reporter, but was eventually persuaded to stop.

After this unexpected incident, the interview ended early.

"Come on, Chen Rui."

"Good luck."

"I'm looking forward to it, I've been paying attention."


Fans expressed their best wishes to Chen Rui.

"Thank you everyone!" Chen Rui waved to everyone. left the station.

the next day.

Like ordinary tourists to Antarctica, Chen Rui boarded a cruise ship called the Gem.

There are a lot of cruise ships parked in the port, and the Jewel is weak in comparison with the large cruise ships.

However, due to environmental protection reasons, those luxury cruise ships can only cruise and cannot land on the Antarctic Peninsula.

There are 7 floors in the Jewel, and Chen Rui lives in a large sea-view cabin. After entering, it is bigger than expected, there are windows to see the outside scenery, there are two restaurants, gym, multi-functional conference hall, library, coffee shop, viewing hall and so on in the ship.

The cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula takes four or five days.

The time spent on the boat will be more, but it is not boring. There are a lot of activities, including the captain's welcome reception, barbecue activities, and you can also go to exercise, take yoga classes, watch movies and so on.

There are also lectures by fellow biologists and Antarctic experts.

The captain invited Chen Rui to give a lecture, and more than 200 people on the ship watched Chen Rui's lecture.

Chen Rui talked about some adventures and travel, but he didn't have any ideas.

but. Chen Rui told a very interesting story, and the story was very exciting, which won rounds of applause.

Consumption on board is more expensive.

Chen Rui met two couples on the boat. A couple plans to go to Antarctica to get married, very romantic and happy.

Another couple drove a sailboat and their friends from Dinghai, passing through South Korea, Japan, Japan, Russia, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina and other countries, traveled around the world, and finally arrived at the destination Antarctica.

but. The ship is broken, in order not to leave regrets. Everyone had to take the gem to go to Antarctica.

Their trip around the world was made into an outdoor reality show and broadcast on You and Ku.

Their lives should be colorful and very desirable.

The Jewel passes through the Drake Passage, the Devil's Westerly Belt. Also experienced waves, wind and snow, and finally arrived at the Antarctic Peninsula.

The warm season in Antarctica is polar day, with 24 hours of daylight, which lasts a long time.

The scenery of Antarctica is very beautiful, it is a beautiful and holy continent.

White clouds, white icebergs, white ice floes, when illuminated by the sun, they glow with crystal-clear blue light. Even a high-tech screen can't show that kind of splendid sight. Only then can you experience the breathtaking beauty.

Chen Rui set foot on the Antarctic Peninsula.

Wearing a blue jacket.

There are many animals on the island.

Seals lay lazily on snow or ice floes, like enjoying a bright sunbath.

There are also penguins, there are penguins everywhere.

Large groups of penguins are distributed in all directions of the island, and the habitat is dyed red by penguin feces, and the island presents three colors of white, black and red, which is spectacular.

Penguins are gentle and naive, and they are not afraid of life at all, as if they treat people like nothing.

According to the requirements, visitors must be 5 meters away from the penguin. If it comes to you, you should stay still and let the penguin go first.

Chen Rui took some pictures of penguins and sent them to the q/q group.

However, there is one thing.

On TV, the penguins seen in the pictures are very clean, beautiful, naive and cute.

However, the penguins Chen Rui saw in the habitat were dirty and had a lot of feces on them; only some penguins that had just come up from the water and were on the beach were clean and beautiful.

After watching the penguins, Chen Rui experienced a pair of polar diving.

Jumping into the icy water 'taste' is very refreshing.

Chen Rui successfully obtained the polar diving certificate.

I went to the Great Wall Station, a must-see place for Chinese tourists to Antarctica, and took a look at the Great Wall Station.

a few days later.

Chen Rui left the Antarctic Peninsula.

Depart for the Antarctic interior.

One person, 6 dogs.

Six huskies pulled the sled and ran fast on the ice.

The sled is full of necessary supplies, food, fuel, communication equipment, GPS navigation and more.

Chen Rui sat on the sled and controlled the direction of the dog.

He wears a camera helmet on his head.

A headset on the helmet, a small microphone.

"Today is June 29th, and we started to set off. The target is West Antarctica. The weather is very bad, the wind is relatively strong, and the wind speed is about 27 meters per second. Along the way, you can see the benchmark set by the inland ice sheet expedition from time to time. They are a tool for measuring the rate of snow accumulation, the topographic characteristics of the snow surface!"

In the q/q group video, the situation in front of Chen Rui is transmitted in real time. Q friends, the audience in front of the TV and the computer screen is like seeing the situation in Antarctica in real time from Chen Rui's vision.

I heard Chen Rui's introduction to the nearby situation.

"There is a huge ice cave here, this is a very large ice crack." (To be continued)

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