From the Island Owner to the King

211 Dinosaur Somatic Cells, Disaster

In the face of countries offering to help for free, Chen Rui refused.

The United States, China, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and other countries are willing to spend tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money to help Chen Rui transport the two dinosaurs out of the Antarctic, not necessarily without other destinations.

The dinosaur was discovered by Chen Rui in the Antarctic inland, and the ownership of the dinosaur belongs to Chen Rui, there is no doubt.

Regardless of international law, relevant regulations, Antarctic-related conventions and other jurisprudence, or common sense, it belongs to Chen Rui.

Even in some countries, some dinosaur fossils, dinosaur egg fossils, valuable natural resources, etc. are dug up on their own land. According to the law, these things belong to the land owner.

Moreover, in Antarctica, no country has sovereignty over Antarctic territory, just like the high seas.

Therefore, Chen Rui owns the ownership of the two dinosaurs, which is witnessed by people all over the world.

No country can deny it.

Picking up a meteorite in Antarctica, the meteorite is owned by the person who picked it up, no one denies this.

It cannot be said that the two dinosaurs are of great significance. They are the corpses of two real dinosaurs that lived in the Jurassic period more than 100 million years ago. It's all owned by the official organization, isn't it nonsense?

Therefore, Chen Rui can be sure that the ownership of the two dinosaurs belongs to Chen Rui, and no one denies it.

Countries would love to get two dinosaurs.

snatch, or buy.

Robbery, countries certainly do not have such thoughts, and countries cannot be robbers, directly robbing the two dinosaurs owned by Chen Rui for various reasons, in front of people all over the world.

buy it.

Is Chen Rui short of money? There is certainly no shortage of gems that have been sold recently. Jadeite, jade, sold for $3.7 billion.

Obviously, it is very difficult for countries to get two dinosaurs from Chen Rui. However, by helping Chen Rui transport the dinosaurs out of the Antarctic inland. It is entirely possible that dinosaur somatic cells were extracted during the shipping process.

In fact, countries also have such a purpose.

Therefore, Chen Rui refused help from various countries.

Dinosaur somatic cells cannot flow out,

Obtained by other countries and organizations. This is one of the most basic principles established by Chen Rui.

Dinosaur somatic cells are the same as nuclear bombs in a certain sense.

Nuclear bombs are obtained by some terrorist organizations and extremists, and they will throw them all over the world without hesitation.

And if dinosaur somatic cells are flowed out all over the world, the consequences will be catastrophic.

The world's first cloned animal, 'Dolly' the sheep. It was cloned in 1997. After nearly 20 years of development, the cloning technology has become very advanced. Many countries have mastered the cloning technology experimentally.

As long as there are somatic cells of dinosaurs, many countries and laboratories can clone dinosaurs.

This would be catastrophic and pose a great threat to humanity. Imagine dinosaurs reappearing on Earth, scattered across desert islands. Various Jurassic theme parks, once appear like the plot in the movie "Jurassic Park", all kinds of unexpected accidents.

Thinking about it, it makes people shudder, maybe it is "Dinosaur Disaster", "Jurassic Park\u003e" repeated in reality. catastrophic.

Therefore, Chen Rui must strictly control the outflow of dinosaur somatic cells. Obtained by other countries and organizations. This is the most important basic principle.


Chen Rui refused help from governments and governments of various countries.

Contacted the Tortuga Island Council.

Let the Tortuga Island Council come up with a plan.

After urgent discussions, the Tortuga Island Committee finally came up with a detailed and well-thought-out plan.

A few days later, a large transport refrigerated ship opened to the waters near Mary Bird Land, and at the same time rented 4 ch-47 Chinook medium transport helicopters.

The ch-47 Chinook medium transport helicopter is the two huge rotors in front and back that we usually see in some military programs, very weird helicopters, like "flying bananas".

After the Vietnam War, it appeared in almost every U.S. military operation.

The aircraft is very capable, capable of all-weather flight, and can complete missions in harsh environments.

The most important thing is that the ch-47 Chinook transport helicopter has a relatively long range and can land on a narrow platform.

With these conditions, it is enough to complete the task well, hoisting the ice sculptures of two dinosaurs to a transport freezer ship parked on the sea near Mary Bird Land.

Chen Rui stayed at the Binghu Camp for a week.

4 ch-47 Chinook transport helicopters arrived, along with many transport helicopters.

In all, a dozen helicopters landed on the nearby flat, hard ice cap.

From 4 ch-47 Chinook transport helicopters, a dozen soldiers of the Tortuga Island escort were quickly walked down. These dozen soldiers were of various skin colors, yellow, white, black, from the United States, Britain , France, China and other countries, it is like a small union*.

However, they have one thing in common, each of them is very agile, very capable, and has the spirit of a soldier.

They lined up in a straight line and trotted towards Chen Rui.

A yellow-skinned non-commissioned officer, relatively young, with short hair and a determined face, looked neat and tidy, running ahead.

When he ran 4 or 5 meters away from Chen Rui, he suddenly turned around, raised a hand, and shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Everyone stopped, neat and uniform, without any clutter.

turn right!

stand at attention!


Everyone saluted Chen Rui.

Chen Rui returned a salute.

Take a break!

Then, the young and yellow-skinned non-commissioned officer turned around and gave Chen Rui a salute, "Mr. Chen, 18 people were dispatched from the First Corps of the Guards and ordered to come here. Each of the 18 people had worked as engineers in their respective national armies, and 8 of them With experience in flying ch-Chinook transport helicopters, we are more than capable enough for this mission!

I'm Ding Billy, the vice-captain of the first brigade, please give instructions from Mr. Chen. "

For the first time, the Tortuga Island Guard was expanded to 1,200 people, 12 people in a battle group, a total of 100 battle groups. According to the previous establishment of the guard team when there were only 120 people, the Guard Corps directly governed 120 battle groups. Obviously It is not suitable, the preparation should be subdivided.

The Tortuga Island Security Committee reorganizes the escort.

The battle group and the corps have not changed, but two establishments have been added in the middle of the corps and the battle group, the squadron and the brigade.

The corps has 3 teams.

A large team under the jurisdiction of 3 reinforced squadrons.

A reinforced squadron has 13 to 14 combat groups. (To be continued)

ps: Today is the Dragon Boat Festival.

I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

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