During the meal, Chen Rui finished eating a meat bone and said to everyone, "Leaving this Gobi, we will continue to go deep into the Sahara Desert, and it will become more and more dangerous, lack of water, lack of food, and in the desert. All kinds of unpredictable dangers may kill everyone at any time, turning into a mummified corpse in the desert, eaten by vultures in the sky and scavengers in the desert.

Now that I take you out and take you to the dangerous desert, it is my responsibility to keep everyone safe, 100% safe.

Therefore, I think that everyone's trip is over, and I continue to go deep into the Sahara Desert, and I am not capable enough to ensure everyone's safety.

The plan will be for the next week or so where we will stop and rest.

A week later, a joint excavation mission from the Tortuga Island Safety Committee and the museum will arrive here.

At that time, you can follow the escort to leave the Sahara Desert. Of course, if you haven't had enough fun, you can stay here for a while and explore the ruins with them.

They will keep you safe. "

"Okay, Brother Chen."

"This week, you have been taking care of us and taking good care of everyone. Following you, I also learned a lot of good qualities from you, such as attitude towards life, optimism, cheerful personality, adventurous spirit, and a serious and responsible attitude towards anything." Li Muzi said.

"One week in the desert should be the most enjoyable, fulfilling and unforgettable week in my life. I'm really reluctant. I really want to walk the whole Sahara Desert with Brother Chen." Sun Yue gave Everyone poured a glass of red wine. While saying, "For happiness, let's have a toast."

"it is good!"

Everyone raised their glasses to toast.

The next week, everyone had a great time.

There is enough water to satisfy everyone's drinking water and domestic water, and it can also allow everyone to take a cold bath every day in luxury.

With ample food, Chen Rui is a master hunter. Every day we can bring a different prey to everyone.

There are also comfortable campsites.

Everyone had a great time. Under the leadership of Chen Rui, they picked up Gobi rocks in the Gobi Desert, and enjoyed the infinitely beautiful scenery of the Gobi, as well as the beauty of nature.

away from city life,

Living this primitive and simple life here is a very rare life experience—

On the ninth day, the excavation team jointly formed by the Tortuga Island Safety Committee and the museum arrived in the Gobi.

The museum is organized by the famous archaeologist, the French Morgan Levid. Geographer, Chinese Lei Dekun led the team. A dozen people came, all employed by the Tortuga Island Museum.

From the Hurtuga Island Security Committee, a Security Affairs Committee Information Confidentiality Control Consultant, and dozens of capable escort soldiers led by the deputy captain of the escort, An Hailong, came.

Dozens of escort soldiers wore desert camouflage uniforms, camouflage caps, combat shoes, and each wore a badge with the image of a tortoise raised to the sky.

This is a newly designed badge.

Believe in the integrity of the person who designed the badge. Designing the turtle badge does not mean to shrink the head of the turtle. In fact, the head of the tortoise on the turtle badge is full of arrogance.

A tortoise has pride, and an army also has pride.

The tortoise badge also has two meanings. The tortoise represents a tough and heavy defense. It implies that the guards should be like the tortoise shell to defend Tortuga Island and protect the safety of the employer, Mr. Chen.

There is also a layer of meaning, the turtle represents the island of Tortuga.

Tortuga means sea turtle in Spanish.

In 1492, when Columbus first came to this island, he saw many turtles here, so he named it Tortuga.

Tortuga = sea turtle.

There are indeed many sea turtles on Tortuga Island, all of them are large turtles. A sea turtle can only be lifted by two people. Many sea turtles have lived for more than 100 years, which is longer than human lifespan. The turtles even lived to be 200, 300 years old.

When the state of Tortuga Island is established, the turtles of Tortuga Island may also be mixed with a 'national bird', the symbolic animal of Tortuga Island with the name of 'national animal' and 'national' font, and is subject to the government , the protection of the government, mixed eating and drinking every day, no one disturbed it in the sun, and used it to cook soup.

Dozens of escorts, each of whom acted very neatly, very lean, well-trained and disciplined.

Arranged in a straight line, they trotted towards Chen Rui.


Everyone stopped, neat and tidy, without any clutter.

turn right!

stand at attention!

Take a break!


All the soldiers saluted Chen Rui.

Chen Rui returned a salute.

A yellow-skinned officer with short hair and a determined face, who was clearly clean and neat, said loudly, "Mr. Chen, I am the deputy commander of the Tortuga Island Guard Corps, An Hailong, and 31 soldiers were ordered to come here. ,Please advise."

Chen Rui nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

An ordinary soldier in the escort team has an enviable high salary of more than 4,000 US dollars, plus various benefits and subsidies, the annual salary reaches more than 50,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to 300,000 yuan. This is not a small number, even for some first-class countries. of retired soldiers are very attractive.

What's more, some retired soldiers from second- and third-rate countries. For example, in Egypt mentioned above, the monthly income of a policeman is 200 Egyptian pounds, equivalent to about 220 yuan in RMB, and it is 25,000 yuan in the escort team. The monthly income gap between the two sides is It is a difference of more than 100 times. After working in the escort team for three years, retiring with 1 million RMB, and returning to his own country, he can definitely become a rich man and live a comfortable life.

The enviable high salary of the escort has attracted many retired members of the armed forces of various countries, civilians, and mercenaries on the battlefield in the Middle East to apply to join the Tortuga Island Guard.

The escort was completely trained in military training and used as a first-class army.

The army has to look like an army, no matter what time it is.

Loose, procrastinating, without any discipline, and expecting any combat effectiveness from this army.

If Chen Rui appeared in front of a team that was loose, procrastinating, and without any discipline.

Chen Rui will definitely include the captain of the guard team, 4 deputy captains, and 12 training instructors to the end.

Fortunately, this team did not disappoint Chen Rui.

At least in terms of momentum, Chen Rui was not disappointed. (To be continued...)

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