From the Island Owner to the King

309 Super Giant Dinosaur

It may be difficult for several people to lift. ~,

A limb bone is that big.

If this limb bone is definitely a forelimb!

Chen Rui realized that he might have discovered the largest land creature in the history of the earth.

The discovery of the limb bones of a huge ancient creature gave Chen Rui great motivation.

Suddenly, Chen Rui's heart moved, let's play something interesting.

Chen Rui took out his laptop, video recorder, and data cable from the car.

Connect the recorder to the laptop via the data cable.

Chen Rui's laptop is connected to satellite signals, and can be connected to the Internet anywhere on the earth's surface, and after heavy encryption, it is impossible for any person or organization to lock Chen Rui's location through the source of the gprs signal.

Chen Rui opened his laptop, logged in to q/q, and clicked on the travel ALICE q/q group.

In the q/q group, I sent a message, "I am in the Sahara Desert, and I have some fun. I transform into an excavator and live broadcast to excavate some interesting things."

A piece of news from Chen Rui, like a depth bomb, exploded in the q/q group, blowing out all the big fish, small fish, crabs, small shrimp, and shrimp in the q/q group.

Chen Rui is very popular in the q/q group. Although Chen Rui rarely goes on q/q, every time he appears in the q/q group, it can bring great benefits and surprises to everyone.

This time may be no exception.

"Old donkey, you won't just graduate from Lanxiang and go to the Sahara Desert to dig sand."

"Let's look forward to it, looking forward to what kind of tricks Chen Rui can play in the sandy desert."

"I really want to take an adventure with the old donkey, it's so fun."

"Started live again. Looking forward to it. The first live broadcast was on the ghost ship. The second live broadcast was in Antarctica."


Chen Rui ignored all kinds of complaints in the q/q group.

Turn on the recorder,

Set it up.

The image captured by the video recorder is transmitted to the q/q group through the data count.

"Okay, ok, let's start the live broadcast. Before the live broadcast, I'll show you something. It was an accident to find this thing. The car just drove over this thing, bumped it a bit, and shook the bucket with water on the roof. Come down, I picked up the bucket when I got out of the car and found this thing."

Chen Rui pointed the camera of the video camera at the fossil limb bones.

"This is a bone fossil. Take me as a reference and compare it with the bone fossil." Chen Rui took a cushion from the car, sat on the cushion, and sent a message to the q/q group.

After sending the message, Chen Rui stood up. Standing next to a fossilized limb bone.

In the video, Chen Rui is standing in front of the fossils in front of the limbs. In comparison, the prelimb fossils are actually larger than Chen Rui's.

"Dizzy, I thought it was a rock. Is there such a big bone fossil? What kind of creature fossil is it?"

"Come on, such a big bone fossil, how huge is this creature."

"Ancient beasts."

Seeing this fossilized bone, which is more than 1.8 meters long and thicker than a human waist, many people can't help but draw an outline on their heads. How huge this creature is, it is unimaginably huge.



Chen Rui posted a message on q/q, "Okay, turn into an excavator, and start digging."

Chen Rui picked up the shovel and started digging, digging the sand.

Soon, more bone fossils were discovered one after another, appearing in the footage of the video recorder, and in the q/q group video through the transmission of the data line.

Toe bones, limb bones, vertebrae, skulls, teeth, ribs, coccyx, etc., the bones of various parts of the giant creatures have been dug out and are very complete.

If these bone fossils are put together.

It can be seen that this is the fossil of a dinosaur.

The dinosaur fossils are completely presented to all friends of the q/q group, and the video is very clear.

The bone fossils are dinosaur fossils, and it is estimated that most people in the q/q group have guessed it.

However, such a huge dinosaur skeleton fossil is unimaginable and beyond everyone's imagination, giving everyone in the q/q group a huge shock.

It is hard for you to imagine the shock of a creature with a height of seven stories and a length equivalent to the length of four double-decker buses connected together, with a volume of more than 100 tons.

In the video, the fossilized dinosaur skeleton is compared with the Land Rover car next to it.

Land Rover cars are very small.

Chen Rui stood next to the fossilized dinosaur skeleton, like the difference between a dwarf and a giant.

This is a giant dinosaur, huge and amazing.

"Come on, such a big dinosaur is simply a super giant. Compared with it, the Tyrannosaurus Rex is simple and small."

"Unbelievable, too big, super behemoth."

"This dinosaur should be the largest known land creature on earth."

"The weight of this dinosaur should be more than 100 tons, and the length should be more than 40 meters, old donkey, measure it."

"Okay." Chen Rui sent a message in the q/q group.

I took a tape measure from the car and measured it.

Soon, the length of the dinosaur was measured.

38.7 meters!

It's just the length of the skeleton.

When alive, it must have exceeded 40 meters.

What is the concept of a dinosaur with a length of more than 40 meters and a weight of more than 100 tons!

Simply compare it with a familiar animal. For example, living in the same era as this dinosaur, the most ferocious and brutal Tyrannosaurus Rex in the history of the earth, its body length is about 12~14.6 meters, and its average weight is 8.5 tons. The heaviest It only weighs 14.86 tons.

The size of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is simply not enough to match the size of this dinosaur.

Although the dinosaur in front of him was a herbivorous dinosaur with a gentle personality and no aggressiveness, Chen Rui believed that Tyrannosaurus Rex would never dare to mess with it.

Tyrannosaurus rex's relatively large size and powerful strength, which can give them unfavorable advantages in the process of preying on other prey, are simply not enough to see in front of this dinosaur.

It is estimated that during the period of its existence, there were almost no natural enemies.

There is no more rusty bean in the head of the dinosaur. If you dare to provoke it, if you provoke it, you may be flattened if you lift your foot, and the force of the tail is like a high-speed big truck hitting you head-on and hitting you directly. Fly ten meters away.

Obviously, there is no rusty bean dinosaur, and the rusty bean dinosaur has evolved early in evolution.

To find out if this dinosaur was the largest known terrestrial creature on Earth.

Many QQ friends have opened the web page, entered 'the largest dinosaur on land' in the Baidu and Baidu search boxes, and clicked OK.

Results were found soon.

Indeed, starting today, the name of the largest dinosaur will be crowned on this dinosaur.

Some netizens posted a list of the 10 largest dinosaurs on land in the q/q group. (To be continued..)

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