Excavating such a large number of fossils of ancient creatures is full of surprises.

I didn't expect to find such a thing.

In the video, Chen Rui was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and a cowboy hat, lying on the ground, earnestly, meticulously, and focused on excavating the fossils in the rock formation.

When Chen Rui gently lifted a piece of rock with his hand, a part of a fossilized human skull was revealed.

Teeth, fossils of jaws.

The fossil teeth are incomplete, and there are only 7 teeth left in the two rows. The canine teeth are as big as a human thumb, which is several times larger than the teeth of modern humans.

Fossils of the jaws are gray-white, limestone texture, with several cracks from the chin to the lips. The same is very large, about 30 to 35 cm in length.

Although only less than one-third of the entire skull is exposed, it is enough to determine that this is a human skull fossil.

Why are the fossils of human skulls in the same rock formation as those of dinosaurs and ancient creatures?

Thinking of this, many people were stunned, and their eyes showed incredible expressions.

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Professor Yuan Minglai's eyes almost brought his eyes to the computer screen, his expression was sluggish, his mouth was wide open, his face was stunned, and his eyes showed an incredible expression.

Next to him, a young man had the same expression, his face was shocked, his mouth was wide enough to fit a few apples.

Originally, Professor Yuan Minglai was still doing some research on some fossils in the studio next door. His assistant and former student Zhao Bin hurried to find him.

Say. There are significant fossil discoveries of ancient creatures online.

He leaves the studio. Sitting at a computer with his assistant.

on the computer screen. A video is being broadcast live of a young man digging in a rock formation.

It is indeed a big discovery, and the fossils of ancient creatures are constantly appearing.

Including, Chen's long-necked dragon, a lot of dinosaur fossils, fossils of various ancient creatures, various huge fish fossils, giant crocodile fossils and so on.

No place in the world has ever excavated such a large number of ancient fossils of such a complete variety, which has never been seen before.

Yuan Minglai was so excited that he could not wait to immediately fly to the place in the video to participate in the excavation of ancient fossils.

I was even excited in the q/q group, swiping the screen, constantly swiping the information of 'where is the fossil found'.

This information will definitely not get Chen Rui's response.

In the next video, as if in slow motion, a piece of rock was gently lifted.

In fact, the q/q group at this time. The tens of thousands of friends who are watching the live broadcast obviously do not realize what they will see!

Yuan Ming came. Zhao Bin, his whole body was shocked, his eyes widened, and he almost screamed in shock—

United States, aa office.

A group of people are sitting or standing around a computer. On the computer screen, there is a q/q group, and a video is playing in the q/q group.

With the video, the rock flakes were gently opened.

Everyone in the office was petrified, and then everyone went crazy.




The moment Chen Rui opened the rock, the world's time seemed to have stagnated, and the world's expressions were sluggish.

It's like, this second of Armstrong's footprints on the moon.

A shocking ancient secret, a giant civilization that once existed in the first solar age in the Mayan calendar's prophecy and legend, with the gentle lift of Chen Rui, revealed its mysterious veil to the world.

The rock formations hide a huge secret.

In ancient times, there was a kind of giant that walked with dinosaurs and lived with dinosaurs and other ancient creatures on the earth.

In the q/q group, it exploded directly.

All kinds of billionaires, stars, and world celebrities in the q/q group also put down their restraint and swiped the screen frantically, which is enough to express their excitement that almost every cell in their body trembles.

The appearance of this thing is too shocking.

No one thinks giant skulls are fake.

First, it was a live broadcast, witnessed by tens of thousands of people in the q/q group.

Second, the hard rock layer, and a lot of dinosaurs, the fossils of ancient creatures cannot be faked.

Third, looking at Chen Rui's expression, now Chen Rui's expression is very funny, his eyes are wide, his mouth is wide open, his face is dull and exaggeratedly funny.

The media played their high efficiency in the past. A few minutes later, the videos and pictures of the q/q group appeared in front of major news websites, networks and TV sets all over the world.

At the same time, those who applied to join the q/q group of Chen Rui's travel friends directly squeezed the q/q server into the card machine.

Spread the news all over the world like crazy.

Sahara Desert.

When Chen Rui gently opened the rock sheet, Chen Rui also fell into sluggishness.

Opening the rock fragments revealed a part of the fossilized human skull.

Teeth, fossil jaws.

This 'person' is too huge.

Chen Rui picked up the sword of the sun and carefully cut the rock formation near the skull fossil.

The face of the skull fossil gradually revealed more and more.

In the q/q group, people all over the world watching live video in front of TV and computer screens hold their breath and stare at the video.

All the skull fossils are exposed.

This is a fossilized skull of a giant.

Compared with Chen Rui, who is next to the skull fossil, it is very large.

Chen Rui took a tape measure and measured it.

The length is 54 cm and the width is 32 cm.

According to the size of the skull, it can be inferred that the giant is about 5 to 6 meters tall.

In the q/q group, there has been a lot of discussion.

"This is definitely not our modern humans, okay! For example, even if Darwin's theory of evolution is denied, and humans evolve and degenerate, evolve and degenerate, they will not become like this. The height of giants is at least 5 or 6 meters. ."

"It won't be the giant civilization in the prophecy of the Mayan calendar. It existed in the first solar era. They were destroyed by starvation. The Mayans between the cows and the cows have long guessed the existence of the giant civilization."

"It's interesting to see the old donkey's sluggish face, his mouth wide open, and his eyes wide open. It is estimated that he was also taken aback the moment he opened the rock flakes."

"It turns out that the strange patterns that appeared in the murals of ancient Egypt over 3,000 years turned out to be true."

"What kind of mural, post it in the q/q group to see."

Soon someone posted 7 pictures in the q/q group. (To be continued...)

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