They are looking for Chen Rui. Among them, there are dozens of mercenary squads and special operations squads with more than ten people, carrying sophisticated special combat equipment.

After looking around, I couldn't find Chen Rui, as if Chen Rui had suddenly evaporated.

They must have never thought of breaking their heads. Chen Rui used the beast-fighting technique to control more than a dozen birds scattered in a radius of several kilometers with him as the center, and used them as his own eyes.


"*." A special forces operations team was walking through a canyon. At this moment, a strong man in the team stopped, picked up the water bottle, raised his head, gurgled, and poured a mouthful of water into his smoking throat. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he couldn't help but scolded, "I've been looking for four or five days in this jungle, and I can't even find a hair on Chen Rui. Chen Rui is real, let's catch it, let us catch it. Let's get the alien chip, and let's get you back to Tortuga Island safely, okay?"

"Hans, don't complain, in this highland, there are more than 12,000 square kilometers. It is a matter of luck to find Chen Rui in such a wide area! Moreover, the target has experienced jungle experience, you know, in the According to the information about him, he has lived in the depths of the Amazon jungle for more than a month. His strength is also very strong. He once subdued the Amazon River killer crocodile with his bare hands, and he is a strong man who can fight with bull sharks in the sea. You still pray that he will not sneak attack. Maybe, in the jungle, more than a dozen of us can't beat him alone." said Rick Hamm, who was at the end of the team.

"Juan, do we have any news about him in other teams?" The team leader of the special forces operations team, the second-class sergeant of the US military, Harry Portman, told the member of the communication team Juan Kirk who was in charge of intelligence.

In order to get the alien chip in Chen Rui's hand. The U.S. military sent a detachment of the most elite Delta Special Forces here to carry out the mission.

A team consists of 4 to 5 teams.

Their squad is just one of them. The US military has 3 to 4 such special forces squads searching for leaf heights, and 4 to 5 squads keep in touch with each other and exchange information. The detachment has a small command structure.

It can be said that in order to obtain the blood capital of the chip's foot in the United States.

Of course, China is also the same, there must be wolf teeth, falcons, and dragons. Special forces such as Cheetah and Southern Blade are here and operate in this place.

"No, sir!"

Harry Portman nodded and warned everyone. "Everyone, be careful! Don't relax your vigilance, pay attention to the movement around you. Experience tells me that when all of us are the most tired and we relax our vigilance,

That is, when a secret enemy makes a sneak attack, the enemy may include special teams from other countries. A squad of mercenaries, as well as some adventurers and desert bandits. "

"Yes, sir."

Operation Delta walks in a canyon. Climb over a small hill.

What appeared in front of everyone's eyes was... . . .


There seemed to be a thunderous sound that exploded in the minds of all the members of the Delta Action Squad. This... was so shocking, all the team members' eyes were stunned and their mouths opened wide. Big enough to fit in a big apple, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

if. At this time, there was an enemy sneak attack, and it is estimated that this action team is the rhythm of complete destruction.

All the team members were stunned. The brain loses its ability to think and react.

They found a pyramid.

There are many pyramids in Egypt, and it is definitely not an ordinary pyramid that makes all the members of the action team look sluggish and lose their ability to think and react.

What they saw was a special pyramid.

This pyramid is made of huge, flat-cut rocks. Most of the pyramids are buried underground, and the exposed ones are only 7 to 8 meters from the top of the tower to the ground.

The most special thing is that the spire is composed of a glass-like, crystal clear cone-shaped spar. The hot sun rays seem to be compressed into hundreds of millions of times by an invisible energy, which can be seen by the naked eye in a cluster shape. Absorbed by the cone-shaped spar at the spire.

The spiny spar is constantly absorbing energy that is compressed into a high concentration.

There seems to be energy flowing and transporting inside the spiny spar.

Harry Portman, who had reacted, immediately reported the shocking discovery to his superiors. Along with this report, there were also pictures of pyramids, spinel, concentrated solar energy, and spinners absorbing highly concentrated energy. .

Soon, the news and pictures were sent to the White House, which directly shocked the president of the White House, as well as senior military and political officials.

The White House issued a series of orders directly to them.

Harry Portman, who received the order, led the action team to the pyramid, and entered the interior of the pyramid through a passage in the pyramid. . . .


Another day has passed, and the sun is setting in the west, leaving only the afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon.

Chen Rui caught a rabbit, and today's dinner is a barbecue rabbit.

Chen Rui found a cave, picked up some dry wood and branches nearby, and started a bonfire.

Take a stick and sharpen one end with a dagger.

Remove the viscera, skin, and clean the rabbit.

Skewered on sticks and grilled over fire.

Keep rolling the stick so that the rabbit can grill evenly.

Soon, the rabbit was half cooked, exuding a fragrant aroma, and the oil from the rabbit dripped on the fire, making a sizzling sound.

It made the somewhat hungry Chen Rui salivate.

Chen Rui took out some seasonings from the pregnant sea pearl space and sprinkled it evenly on the rabbit meat.

After a few minutes, the rabbit meat is fully cooked and ready to eat.

Take out a bottle of wine from the pregnant sea pearl space.

Facing the campfire, drinking mellow and delicious wine, and eating delicious rabbit meat, this is a great enjoyment.

Take out the computer from the Pregnant Sea Pearl space.

He wondered why, as if the whole world knew where he was, a whole bunch of people flocked to Leaf Heights to track him down like sharks smelling blood.

Turn on the computer, log in to q/q, and click on the q/q group.

Chen Rui's launch immediately caused a violent uproar in the q/q group.

"Haha, Chen Rui is online!"

"Chen Rui with thick nerves, a lot of people are tracking him and still thinking about q/q! Not to mention, Chen Rui is really good and bad, thousands of people have been looking for that place for almost a week, even Chen Rui Not a single sharp hair can be found."

"Poor Chen Rui! Faced with thousands of people following him, he is probably living a miserable life of starvation and sleeping only one or two hours a day!" (To be continued)

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