From the Island Owner to the King

322 Abyss Level Pyramid Copy

"Let's start from the beginning, things can be traced back to World War II.

During World War II, the British and American Allied forces fought against Germany and Italy for control of North Africa, the Near East and the Mediterranean Sea, and for colonies. A famous battle took place. The North African campaign ended in defeat on the German and Italian sides.

After the famous Battle of El Alamein, the German army was defeated, and a group of German troops was separated from the troops while retreating, and accidentally entered a dense forest canyon,  …

As you probably know, Hitler had a crazy plan for the 'undead legion'.

However, few people know that Hitler also had an even more crazy 'Anubis Legion Plan'.

The cause of this plan was a mysterious pyramid discovered by a group of German soldiers in a jungle canyon.

This mysterious pyramid can be determined not to be built by the ancient Egyptians. Its construction time may be longer than the time humans have existed on the earth. There may be some extraterrestrial civilizations and secrets hidden in the pyramid.

By the end of World War II, the defeat of Nazi Germany was a foregone conclusion.

In order to make a comeback and prevent the wealth they plundered from being taken away by the Allied and Soviet troops, the top Nazis and the SS hid their gold and silver treasures, as well as some important documents. Hidden all over Germany.

Among these important documents are the top-secret documents of the 'Anubis Legion Project' signed by Hitler. Of course, it is the 'Anubis Legion Project' completed after the defeat and surrender of Nazi Germany.

70 years later, this top secret document was obtained by me.

That's where I came to the Sahara, looking for the mysterious pyramid in the 'Project Anubis Legion' document.

Apparently the Americans have had better luck than me. They discovered the mysterious pyramid earlier than I did, and an American special forces team had already entered the pyramid. "

Chen Rui clicked the enter key on the keyboard with his finger to send the message.

In the q/q group, this news came out.


Suddenly, the q/q group exploded. Soon, the whole world was boiling.

The news that Chen Rui broke the news was too shocking.

An even crazier Anubis Legion plan than the crazy "Undead Legion Plan"! Few people know that this program exists! Here the fog of history is uncovered,

Let the whole world know that Hitler also did a crazy thing, the crazy "Anubis Legion" plan, trying to find the residence of the god of death. Build his Legion of Death and conquer the world.

And the mysterious pyramid in the jungle canyon! In the mouth of the U.S. soldiers, there are "many beetles", "the beetles killed everyone", and "the mummy on the ground crawled up." ', this pyramid. It's weird, mysterious, and scary.

Also in Chen Ruifa's information in the q/q group, several key words, 'it can be determined that the pyramids were not built by the Egyptians', 'the construction of the pyramids may be longer than the time humans have existed on the earth', ' The pyramids may have some alien stuff and secrets. "

The pyramids may have been built longer than humans have been on Earth!

There may be some alien stuff and secrets inside the pyramid!

This... just made the world go crazy again.

in the q/q group. For the first time, everyone in front of computer screens around the world, including governments and governments, heard these secrets from Chen Rui's mouth.

As for the mysterious pyramid, even the US government just knew about the existence of the pyramid. I don't know anything else about the pyramid, you know, the United States just hung a special forces team in the pyramid.

This is after Chen Rui broke the news about the mountain copper foil murals in the underground room of Atlantis, about extraterrestrial civilizations, aliens, and aliens. This time, Chen Rui once again made a shocking surprise.

The mountain copper foil murals just reveal to the world a real extraterrestrial civilization, the gate of space. And the connection to the Atlantean civilization.

These are just flashpoints in human cognition.

but. The mysterious pyramids are real, mysterious pyramids built by aliens, and there may be alien things and secrets hidden in the pyramids. It really exists in a jungle canyon of more than 10,000 square kilometers in that place.

This thing is big.

People all over the world were stunned and stunned.

Chen Rui is good. He has a big mouth, and his mouth is open to the fence and has no scruples. The government and the government can't do anything with him, and he broke a shocking news to the world.

Here, the Americans are so angry that their noses are crooked.

You must know that the first pyramid discovered in the United States has a special forces team hanging in the pyramid. In order to keep the secret of the pyramid from being known to others, there are also 4 special forces teams who have sealed the canyon near the pyramid, and several large transport planes have taken off from the United States, sending more investigators, American soldiers, and various A kind of detection instrument, ready to enter the pyramid, to probe the pyramid.

Americans can be said to have great expectations for the secrets inside the pyramid.

You know, the pyramidal spar at the top of the pyramid compresses the solar energy into hundreds of millions of times into a bundle, and then absorbs the solar energy and transmits it into the pyramid.

This thing is not on earth.

Originally, the secret of the pyramid could be kept well. After all, more than 50 well-armed and very elite American soldiers were guarding both sides of the canyon, and it was impossible for anyone to enter the canyon.

However, Chen Rui directly kicked out the secret of the mysterious pyramid.

Directly, the American nose is crooked.

On the contrary, when other countries knew about the existence of the mysterious pyramid, every cell in the body trembled with excitement, and they had great affection for Chen Rui.

It is estimated that a large group of people operating in the leaf heights are pouring into the canyon of the pyramid.

Countries around the world have also begun to act urgently.

All nations want something within the pyramid.

Mysterious Pyramid is like a game copy, alien things or secrets are like the ultimate reward of game copy, and, like beetles crawling out of hell, mummies rising from the ground, and endless ladders, unknown The danger is the monsters of the copy and the obstacles of the copy. The people who enter the pyramid are game players, there are elite players, and there are ordinary players.

If, Chen Rui said that the difficulty of the game copy is the highest level of abyss.

Can they still be happy.

Chen Rui continued to send a message in the q/q group, "It is estimated that there may be some alien things or secrets in the pyramid that make many people can't wait to enter the pyramid. However, I want to say one thing, to all who try to enter the pyramid. A piece of advice from the person! (To be continued)

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