The pyramid tower of Egypt can be compared with the tower of this hexagonal upside-down pyramid, which is simply insignificant.

In this pyramid, time seems to fear it.

Time stopped within the pyramid.

Just imagine.

Prehistoric humans with more than three people entered the tower, and eventually died in the tower. Pyramid monsters are inanimate things, have no desire or desire, and do not need to eat their corpses to maintain energy sources.

Their bodies and their belongings have been preserved, and time inside the pyramids seems to stand still, millions, or tens of millions of years, and now their bodies are found by soldiers.

In order to obtain the corpses of the three prehistoric humans and their belongings, the governments and governments of various countries scrambled and scrambled for blood.

The bodies of three prehistoric humans were found.

Of course, the bodies of Egyptians, Greeks, and a group of German soldiers who may have entered the pyramid before were also found.

Operation Pyramid has been extensively covered by media, newspapers, news sites, and television stations around the world.

Among them, one of the most concerned about the world is the number of casualties of soldiers.

Very detailed report.

Detailed to the number of people, the list of casualties.

Originally, the number of casualties and the list of casualties were kept strictly confidential, but countries have disclosed these data in order to gain more leverage from the pyramid.

Among them, 107 people from the United States, including 12 people from a special forces team who had been killed and wounded before, were the most.

When this number was first reported, the bright red number of 107 directly stirred the nerves of the Americans. Demonstrations were everywhere on the streets.

However, when the media reported that the United States had obtained an energy gun and the corpse of a prehistoric human, the Americans began to smile.

The bright red number 107 is no longer so dazzling.


Inside the pyramid, the soldiers continued to advance along the DNA spiral staircase.

There was a constant explosion, and the sound of flames spraying. The sound of automatic rifle fire, and the '!!' command of the officer ordering the soldiers to move forward.

"Oh!! We're screwed."

"Oh my god."

"God bless!"


Immediately, there were shouts of swearing in various languages.

Depression, anxiety, despair filled the air.

Inside the pyramid, the most terrifying thing is not the beetles that are densely packed, rushing towards everyone like a black tide. It's not extremely fast, it's very powerful, and its claws are mummified.

Rather, monsters with special, magic-like abilities, eg. The big snake biting its own tail, the tauren with the head of a cow, the wolf-headed man with the head of a wolf, the fire-breathing ox, etc. that I have encountered before. Every time these monsters appear, it is a disaster for the soldiers, causing huge damage to them. of casualties.

A total of more than 500 casualties in various countries. Most of them are caused by these monsters.

Now there are more than a dozen such monsters in front of them.

The soldiers were desperate.


"bring it on!"

"All die!"


In desperation, the soldiers broke out in a huge frenzy, pulling the trigger hard and shooting frantically, spraying flames, and throwing grenades.

But still. The black tide that could not stop them rushed towards them.

A powerful monster has rushed in front of everyone.

There was a desperate expression on everyone's face, and it was desperate.

In the next second, it will be death!


Depression, despair, and the breath of death hung over everyone.

"ing! hell!" the officer was still shouting. There was some trembling in his voice, with a sadness.

The soldiers formed a defensive wall. Trying to stop the black tide from coming.

However, everyone knew it was useless.

The power disparity is too great.

The monster's attack was in full swing. like the tide.

There was despair on every soldier's face, and the madness that erupted in despair.

When the black tide has rushed to the foot of the human wall, in the next second, the black tide can submerge the human wall.

Suddenly, the tide stopped.

Immediately after the incredible expressions of the soldiers, all the beetles, mummified corpses, and various powerful monsters seemed to be weathered, decomposed into fine dust at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then blown by the airflow carried by the tide-like momentum, Dust was blowing towards all the soldiers.

After a few seconds.

"what happened."

"Haha! I'm still alive!"

"Thank God I'm still alive!"

"I thought I was going to die, the tauren's fist was only a few centimeters away from my head, and the fist wind carried by the tauren's fist was already blowing on my face, the next second, I felt like my head would explode! It's incredible, no My head was blasted, but the mighty tauren suddenly seemed to be weathered and broken down into fine dust."

"That's what death feels like."


Soldiers are breathing the air with big mouths, it's good to be alive!

At this time, whether it is American soldiers, Chinese soldiers, Russian soldiers, Arab soldiers, or Jewish soldiers, etc., all soldiers gave up their national and national hatred and cheered and embraced.

The excitement and ecstasy on the faces of all the soldiers could not be concealed.

"Hey! Gravity seems to be back to normal, I feel like my backpack is not that heavy anymore."

"Where's the energy column! It's gone."

"All the monsters are gone, I'm really not used to it."

"It seems that the magnetic field in the pyramid has returned to normal, and we can communicate with the outside world."


It didn't take long for them to get excited.

Suddenly, the pyramid trembled violently, like a big earthquake.

Overwhelmed, the soldiers stumbled.

Immediately afterwards, the DNA spiral-shaped ladder also began to shake.

Without the support of the energy in the pyramid, obviously, the building structure of the DNA spiral-shaped ladder is prone to collapse due to gravity and violent shaking.

In fact, the stairs began to crumble, from the very bottom.

"No, the stairs are about to collapse, get out of here quickly!!!" the officer shouted.

Needless to say, all the soldiers had realized that the situation was not good, and turned around and ran along the stairs to the entrance of the pyramid.


People outside the pyramids also feel the situation is very bad.

The earth is shaking.

They have been observing the flow of energy inside the conical energy spar at the top of the tower. Some scientists in the energy form have also found that the energy inside the energy spar has become unstable, chaotic, and violent, and the internal energy seems to be eager to release. come out.

The consequences of this situation are clear to all.

But there is no way. (To be continued)

ps: Chapter 3!

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