From the Island Owner to the King

489 The Golden Ark of the Covenant Must Be Obtained

Hearing that Joa Bruce said that it was confirmed that Chen Rui had obtained the treasures of the Golden Ark of the Covenant and Solomon's Temple, many people's faces showed obvious expressions of excitement.

The Lost Ark of the Golden Covenant, lost for nearly 2,000 years, is finally born, which is something to be excited about for all Jews.

You know, after the disappearance of the Golden Ark, for nearly 2,000 years, the Jews never gave up searching for the Golden Ark. Countless Jews vowed to bring the Golden Ark back to the holy city of Jerusalem and put it back in its original place. Solomon's Temple Tabernacle The Holy of Holies, allowing God's 'chosen people' Jews to hear God's oracles again.

Must get the golden ark! !

\u0026nb[Pig^Pig^Island^novel][www].[zhu][].[]sp; The Golden Ark of the Covenant is the holy relic of the Jews! ! Contains the oracles of God and the Code of Sinai.

The Golden Ark of the Covenant was of great significance to the Jews.

The golden ark is second only to God in the hearts of the Jews

No matter what the cost, no matter what method you use, you must get the Ark of the Golden Covenant! ! Let the golden ark return to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, to its original place 2000 years ago.

This is not only a strong thought that came to the minds of the dozen or so people sitting here in just a few breaths, but it is also what all the Jews in the world, for nearly 2,000 years, have wanted to do.

Must get the golden ark! ! Return to the holy city of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount.

"It is very difficult, very difficult to get the Ark of the Golden Covenant from Chen Rui." Joa Bruce even said "difficult, very difficult" to explain the difficulty of getting the Ark of the Golden Covenant from Chen Rui.

After a pause, Joa Bruce glanced around at everyone and continued, "Before, I did some research on Chen Rui. I collected some information about him, and I have some understanding of Chen Rui. Chen Rui's appearance gives people an image. Softer, very gentle, like a pebble. No edges and corners.

The biggest impression he gives to people all over the world is a sincere smile from the heart, like a breeze blowing on the face, a smile that makes people feel very comfortable. He is full of vigor, passion, passion, and vigor. The Chinese regard him as a gift to the world A business card that shows the spirit and temperament of the Chinese people.

He likes to travel. Adventurous, as the king of Tortuga Island and the custodian of the royal family's wealth of more than 60 billion euros, he has no air, just like ordinary people, he may go hiking alone with a backpack, he often Walk the streets of Tortuga Island. Chat with the people of Tortuga and the tourists on the island and listen to their opinions, the people of Tortuga are used to their kings like this,

The people of Tortuga are very fond of their king, compared to the high, majestic king.

Chen Rui has a lot of treasures. Chen Rui is like the Chinese saying that he can only get in and can't get in. It is difficult for him to spit out what he gets. For example, in Chen Rui's museum, there are a large number of famous Western paintings, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Van Gogh, Picasso, Chagall, etc., except for the exchange of Chinese cultural relics with the Louvre and the Victoria and Albert Museum at the beginning. In addition to some famous paintings, some people did not ask Chen Rui to come up with even a single painting even though they paid sky-high prices. The famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci, "Three Dynasties", was shouted for 2.7 billion US dollars in the media. Get Chen Rui's response.

If we can't come up with something that makes Chen Rui's heart move, then we can't get the Ark of the Golden Covenant from Chen Rui,"

Something that makes Chen Rui's heart move! !

Something that makes people excited can be understood as something that makes people want and want to get it.

"A sum of money that makes Chen Rui's heart move," Kuss-Loeb said.

Kuss-Loeb is a well-known investor in New York. He holds more than 100 shares of listed companies, many of which are world-renowned companies, such as Microsoft, Bank of America, Dow Chemical, Morgan Stanley, Freddie Mac has billions of dollars in assets.

Money is the most common and most intense desire and desire of people. Everyone wants to get money, and after getting money, they want to get more money.

The word 'heart' was added in front of the money.

Trust the Jews, they can absolutely pay an astronomical dollar for the Golden Ark of the Covenant.

"Mr. Kusi, no, Chen Rui is not short of money. In fact, Chen Rui's wealth is more than 10 times yours. If you calculate the profit potential of the royal assets to which he belongs, his wealth is more than 30 times yours, more than the world's Anyone has money," said Joa Bruce.

"Even with more money?! We can pay more than a dozen times the value of the Ark of the Golden Covenant," Kuss-Loeb said.

Before Joa Bruce could speak, sitting next to Joa Bruce, an old man in a black linen robe, a linen coat with white stripes, a belt, and a Jewish round hat on his head was sinking. The voice said, "Mr. Koos, I need to remind you to pay attention to your words, the golden ark is a holy relic, you should not measure the holy relic by its value, let alone defile it with money, to us Jews. Said that any property in the world is better than the golden ark, even if we exchange all our Jewish property for the golden ark, it is worth it!"

In addition to money, there are beauty, power, and different people's different hobbies. For example, some people like antiques, and when they see an antique that makes them like, their hearts desire. , hope, desperately want it, and so on.

First of all, beauties, Chen Rui has a wealth of more than 60 billion euros. For Chen Rui, money is just a string of numbers and a symbol. What kind of beauties cannot be obtained? Blonde beauties, black pearls, oriental women as gentle as water, rich family daughters , Xiaojiabiyu, urban white-collar workers, strong women, big stars, models, and any online young models, actresses, as long as Chen Rui wants, you can embrace it.

As for power, as the king of Tortuga, he already has the highest power on this earth.

As for hobbies, Chen Rui likes traveling, likes adventure,? ! !

If you can't come up with something that makes Chen Rui's heart move, then it is absolutely impossible to get the golden covenant from Chen Rui. (To be continued...)

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