From the Island Owner to the King

493 Astronomical Numbers

The 'manna' in this golden pot is a small round object like morning hoarfrost, shaped like a pearl and white.

Karaf Davis reached into the pot of gold, trying to get a 'manna'.

Suddenly, everyone present was stunned, showing incredible expressions.

"Oh,!! It's incredible, it's amazing!!"

"It's the incredible power of God."

This 'manna' is formless and illusory! .

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It is clearly seen here, but cannot be touched, like a ghost.

Chen Rui was also stunned when he opened the gold pot before.

Afterwards, I scanned the 'manna' with my divine sense, and then I realized that each 'manna' was similar to a mass of spiritual power, soul power, belief power and the like.

These powers are mysterious powers that can affect the human soul and penetrate deep into the human heart.

For example, ghosts, ghosts and the like belong to the soul power.

Aaron's sprouting rod, the rod did germinate, after 2, 3000 years, isolated from air, no water, no soil, the rod miraculously sprouted, like a branch just broken from a tree, full of greenery and vitality.

At this point, no one doubted that the Ark of the Covenant was fake.

"There is another mysterious place in the Ark of the Golden Covenant." Chen Rui said.

Chen Rui took out an energy wave detector and placed it next to the golden covenant ark.

Immediately, the energy wave detected by the detector was displayed on the display screen of the energy wave detector and spread outward in an arc.

Like a stone thrown into the water, it spreads in all directions, forming an arc ripple.

"This is." Cardinal Leo Chifis asked Chen Rui.

Others present also looked at Chen Rui.

"This is the energy wave from the Ark of the Covenant,

The energy waves arc in an arc and are released like ripples. Very regular. Chen Rui said, "I'm guessing that the energy from the Ark of the Covenant contained signal waves that wanted to send us some signals. "

After listening.

boom! ! !

Just like the explosion of thunder, it sounded in the heads of all the people present, so that their heads lost their ability to think, sluggish, and their mouths opened wide. Showing an unbelievable expression, so shocking, so incredible.

"As we all know, energy is very chaotic, chaotic and disordered, and energy is released in arcs, like ripples, very regular, then energy must be processed, such as radio waves, electrical signal waves, and the waveband is Some kind of regular transmission. Converted into human-recognizable words and images. However, the energy processed in 2, 3,000 years, no matter how you listen to it, it feels like a night talk."

"Signal wave that transmits some signal."

"Who passed on, the alien civilization, the god of faith"

"Or this signal wave is transmitted to the universe, to transmit a signal to a civilization in the universe,"

"Obviously, the Ark of the Covenant hides a huge secret, even more magical than the legend."

because. The conditions are limited, there is only one energy detector, which can only detect the fluctuation range of the energy, which is very regularly displayed on the display.

To decode the transmitted signal contained in the energy wave, more precise and professional instruments are required

"Okay, everyone, it's getting late, we have to leave." Chen Rui said.

Although they were very reluctant, everyone followed Chen Rui and left the underground treasure house.

Although very reluctant, I wanted to stay in front of the Ark for a while longer.

Walking out of the underground treasure house, at this time, it was noon, and the sun was very hot and very dazzling.

The dazzling sunlight made them squinted to adapt to the change from the underground treasure house in the dark to the sunlight.

"The Ark of the Covenant is too mysterious. The writing on the covenant board, the illusory manna in the golden pot, the sprouting rod, and the mysterious energy of the Ark of the Covenant, are more real and magical than the legendary golden Ark of the Covenant."

"I really want to know the mysterious energy above the Ark of the Covenant. If Chen Rui allows me to enter the underground treasure house to study the mysterious energy above the Ark of the Covenant, I will be very excited."

"Mr. Chen, I hope you can take some time out of your busy schedule. I hope I can talk to you about the Ark of the Covenant."

"This is our Jewish relic and must go back to the holy city of Jerusalem."

"The Ark of the Covenant is likewise a relic of Christ."

The Ark of the Golden Covenant! The divine text on the covenant board, the illusory manna in the golden pot, the sprouting rod, the mysterious energy wave of the ark, these messages were sent back to the Vatican Catholic Church, Constantine, Jerusalem, and the United Kingdom through secret channels. Episcopal Church,.

the next day.

Karaf Davis found Chen Rui and offered Chen Rui an astronomical dollar amount.

In order to make up this number, many American Jews have donated money.

Like the top Jews in the United States, they are all worth hundreds of millions of dollars, or even 1 billion dollars.

The astronomical figures did not make Chen Rui excited.

As Joa Bruce said, Chen Rui is not short of money. To Chen Rui now, money is just a string of numbers and a symbol.

The Vatican Catholic Church, the Constantine Orthodox Church, the Calvinist Church, the Lutheran Church, and the Anglican Church also gave Chen Rui an astronomical figure. Of course, the astronomical figure is far lower than that of the Jewish people, more than money, and certainly no better than the Jews. The Jewish people in Shanghai are very united, and their feelings for the Golden Ark of the Covenant are imprinted in their blood. In order to redeem the Golden Ark from Chen Rui, many Jews donated their entire net worth.

Like, in 2012, there was a 'miracle' at the Wailing Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, when a man was praying and found an envelope containing 507 cheques, each amounting to more than $1 million, for a total of $500 million ,, the man who wrote the check wanted to give all his wealth to God.

Fourth day.

Karaf Davis found Chen Rui with a list of more than 500,000 Chinese cultural relics.

There are more than 500,000 Chinese cultural relics, most of which are fine, many of which are national treasures.

In order to collect this batch of more than 500,000 Chinese cultural relics, the Chinese cultural relics that appeared in the foreign cultural relics trading market were immediately swept away, and many Chinese cultural relics held by private museums were also packaged. The madness of Chinese cultural relics makes all Chinese cultural relics People were sluggish for more than ten seconds. (To be continued...)

PS: Tragedy, I was very busy with work yesterday, I didn't update, I owe two updates, and I still owe my relatives to update the two updates of the leader!

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