From the Island Owner to the King

498 Over 200 Million People!

October 4th morning.

Chen Rui's plan to travel around the world started.

Port of Malrouge.

The pier was already crowded with people at this time, and there were at least tens of thousands of people in a dark mess.

Most of these people are watching the excitement. After all, Chen Rui's trip around the world has attracted the attention of people all over the world. Most people on Tortuga Island and the tourists on the island know the news. On August 4, Chen Rui will Embark on a trip around the world in the Port of Malrouge.

Some reporters with long guns and short cannons desperately occupy the front position of the pier, and the camera is aimed at a small white yacht moored on the pier, and the figure on the yacht deck is shot.

The staff on the pier, the police in the town of Marrouge are trying to maintain order,  ….

Chen Rui was standing on the deck of the yacht he named 'Burang'.

A fixed camera was placed in front of Chen Rui, and the camera lens was ready for Chen Rui.

Chen Rui turned on the camera and started shooting.

Chen Rui wore a cowboy hat, a long-sleeved blue plaid shirt, and a pair of quick-drying light pants, dressed as an adventurer, and he looked very neat.

A miniature earphone was hung on the collar of Chen Rui's shirt, and the microphone of the earphone was aimed at Chen Rui's mouth.

Chen Rui said, "It is now October 4th, at 9:12 in the morning, the weather is good, the sun is shining, and my trip around the world will also begin,..."

The moment Chen Rui turned on the camera lens, the global live broadcast had already started.

What Chen Rui said, the images captured by the camera were transmitted in real time to the signal receiving tower of the Tortuga Island Radio and Television Station through satellite signals.

Tortuga Island Radio and Television is state-owned and has opened 12 channels, from TLTV1 to TLTV12, including news channel, economic channel, movie channel, world geographic channel, travel channel, etc. 12 channels.

TLTV is the acronym for Tortuga Island Radio and Television.

TLTV, TV is the abbreviation of TV station. The full English name of Tortuga Island is Lsland, abbreviated as TL, therefore, the abbreviation of Tortuga Island Radio and Television is TLTV.

Tortuga Island is a world famous tourist destination. More than 70% of the people on the island are tourists from all over the world, and the tourism atmosphere is very strong, ..., as an introduction to tourist information, various attractions in Tortuga Island. The travel channel, which broadcasts travel documentaries and videos, has the highest ratings among the 12 channels, accounting for more than 40% of the revenue share for a long time.

This time, the live broadcast of Chen Rui's trip around the world will be broadcast by the travel channel.

Many Tortuga islanders and tourists on the island waited early in front of the TV, locked the channel on the travel channel, looking forward to,  ….

9:15 minutes.

During the transmission of the signal, there is a delay of 3 minutes during the signal processing of the signal receiving tower.

The screen of TLTV2 travel channel jumped, and there was a scene of Chen Rui talking on the deck of the yacht "Burang".


TV stations around the world, for example. China World Geographic Channel, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, ... and other major TV stations around the world, as well as major video websites and mobile video networks around the world, purchased broadcast rights and networks from TLTV. Mobile video broadcasting rights.

9:16 in Tortuga time.

The world's major TVs, video networks, and mobile video networks began broadcasting the live broadcast of Chen Rui's trip around the world.

Chen Rui's trip around the world has long attracted the attention of people all over the world. Real-time live broadcast of Chen Rui's adventures around the world, you can see the real process of finding treasures, exploring mysterious places on the earth, and adventure in the sea, in the dangerous and deadly tropical jungle where poisonous insects and wild beasts are frequent. adventure. Survive on a remote Pacific island, enter the most dangerous country..., explore the lost civilizations of the earth, uncover the ultimate secrets of the earth,..., these live broadcasts must be very wonderful.

More than 200 million people around the world are watching the live broadcast at the moment of 9:20 in the Tortuga time zone.

In Tortuga, the United States, Caribbean countries, ..., people eat breakfast, sit in front of the TV, or in front of the computer to watch live round the world live.

In China, it is already past 1:00 a.m., many people are yawning, drinking coffee, and risking being late for work and skipping work, sitting in front of the TV, in front of the computer, and watching live broadcasts.

In Central Asia and the Middle East, it is around 2:00 to 3:00 p.m., when they are at work. In order to watch the live broadcast of traveling around the world, many people skip work. Maybe they hide in the office and hide from the boss and put down their work secretly. Watch it on your phone,  …

On October 4th, it became a day for viewers to watch TV and watch videos, and it became a disaster day for all companies. The boss of the company slapped his face, watching the company's work stagnate, and his employees kept fighting. Yawning, drinking coffee cup by cup and doing inefficient work, or simply skipping work,..., smack your face... watch the video.


In the picture, Chen Rui said, "It is now October 4th, at 9:12 in the morning, my adventure trip around the world is about to start, ..., first of all, I will introduce my trip around the world. The route of the adventure journey.

I will set off from the port of Malrouge, take the 'Burst' across the Caribbean Sea, arrive at Panama, a country in Central and South America, cross the famous Camino Rio Golden Trail during the Spanish colonial period, from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean, .. ....,

Go north along the Pacific coast, through the few tropical jungles of Central America that still remain pristine and wild in the world, ..., through Mexico, the country of murder, to the United States, and take a break in the United States Time, ..., along the Pacific coastline, into Canada, through the most pristine and wildest regions in the world, the Alaskan wilderness, ..., along the Alaska Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands chain through the White Ling Strait, reaching the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, going south along the Kamchatka Peninsula, passing through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, reaching Japan, Hokkaido, ..., from Japan and Japan to South Korea, ... ., through the most dangerous border in the world, the border between South Korea and North Korea, into North Korea, the country of hermits, ..., from North Korea to China, ..." (To be continued.)

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