"It just rained in the jungle, in fact, almost every week in this season it rains three or four days, the surrounding environment is very hot and humid, I am soaked all over, the wet clothes are soaked with sweat The body, the whole body is slippery, it is very uncomfortable."

"Walking in this jungle is not as easy as you think, rough, very muddy roads washed by rain repeatedly, vines, bushes along the way, it will take you more physical strength than usual, your thighs will Feeling very sour, this is due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of your thighs. The local indigenous people chew the leaves and stems of a plant called "Umbre Grande", which can effectively Reducing the amount of lactic acid that builds up in your muscles means you can walk farther and faster, and the indigenous people also think it cures diarrhea and malaria, two of the country’s biggest diseases.”

Chen Rui\u0026Pig\u0026Pig\u0026Island\u0026Fiction {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{}Continue to walk along the Camino Rio Trail.

Chen Rui looked up at the sky and said, "It's getting dark. From now on, I need to prepare shelter, fire, and food. These are the three major elements of survival."

Chen Rui continued to walk in the jungle. The jungle took back its territory from human hands. There was no road at all. For thousands of years, except for the Spanish adventurers, the local Indians, and treasure hunters, few people walked. In this jungle, the muddy road, the vines along the road, the dense bushes, it is extremely difficult to walk in the middle, and there are dangers hidden at any time, for example, there is a deep tunnel in front of Chen Rui, .

Chen Rui said, "This is an ancient and legendary Spanish Viper Pit. After thousands of years, the rain has eroded the limestone to form huge caves. Many unlucky treasure hunters accidentally stepped on such a In the viper pit, they lost their lives. The Indians of Panama were afraid of this viper pit. They believed that there were giant poisonous snakes and mythical creatures lurking at the bottom of the cave, just like the Mayans believed that the cenotes formed of limestone were a Just like the holy well of the 'Rain God's Palace', the selected 14-year-old beautiful girls and hundreds of gold and precious stones will be sacrificed into the 'holy well', begging the rain god for good weather,"

"This Spanish Viper Pit might be an excellent shelter from the wind. It also protects from the rain, and it can effectively concentrate the temperature of the fire around me, but before that, make sure Check if there are venomous snakes and scorpions inside, the venom of a Panamanian scorpion can paralyze your body, cause heart failure, and even risk death for a few hours."

"I can be sure, there is nothing in here!! Well. An excellent shelter is needed, and fire is needed to keep you warm. Fire can also bring comfort to your soul and strengthen your will to survive. In fact, surviving is largely a test of your will.

I just heard about a Mexican fisherman who went fishing in his boat in November 2012, drifted in the Pacific Ocean for 438 days after a storm, and finally landed. His will to survive was really shocking, in fact.

It was his strong will to survive that made him survive successfully. The will to survive is very important in the process of survival! ! So I think when you're cold, lonely, emotionally down, fire can take priority over food, and now I need to collect as much dry firewood as I can,"

"It's not easy to start a fire in this wet jungle environment, but luckily I have a lighter in my backpack, it's very useful for me, it saves me a lot of time in the process of starting a fire. A In the process of survival, making a fire is an important thing, and it is also a very difficult thing. It will probably cost you an hour or two, and consume a lot of your precious physical strength, just for a little spark, and even more blow. Yours is that your efforts may not be rewarded, and often you can only spend a night hungry, lonely and cold."

At this time, more than 100 million people around the world watched the live broadcast in front of TV sets, mobile phones, and computer screens.

Or lying in a warm bed, or a family sitting around the dining table, watching the live broadcast while eating, or sitting on a park chair, basking in the sun, watching the live broadcast with a mobile phone in hand, imagine , If you are in Chen Rui's environment, facing the worst jungle environment on earth, as well as physical fatigue, hunger, cold, mental numbness and emptiness, what will happen to yourself, what will Chen Rui do, , Many people admire Chen Rui from the bottom of their hearts. You must know that this is not a recording. In addition to a filming team, there is also a logistics team behind the shooting. Real scenes are presented in front of the audience.

Chen Rui collected some dry wood in the nearby jungle.

"Ultimately, I need to get some food that provides plenty of protein and calories to keep you energized and mentally strong, as well as clear-headed for the toughest challenges of the jungle."

"In fact in the rainforest, you have very little access to food," he said.

Chen Rui walked through a bush and saw a river not far ahead.

Chen Rui said, "Not far in front of me, there is a river, maybe I can get the food I need in this river, the river is the lifeline in the jungle, the river is the key to survival, it is you who leave quickly The jungle, the fast track back to civilization, in fact, 3, 400 years ago, in this jungle, Spanish mule teams carrying treasure used to walk along the river until it became easier to pass from the woods."

Chen Rui walked over to the river, because it had just rained, and the water flow was very fast. The river water washed away the soil along the river, and the river water was very turbid. (To be continued...)

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