From the Island Owner to the King

509 America's Yin Ruins

The cause of the war may be that the descendants of the Yin people want to conquer the local indigenous tribes, or that the local indigenous tribes are hostile to the foreign Yin people. When the war broke out, the soldiers of both sides carried out a fierce tearing and killing in this place.

During the war, the local indigenous tribes, still in the Stone Age, were defeated by the descendants of the Yin people in the Bronze Age.

The 12 bronze weapons and more than 100 stone weapons that Chen Rui found nearby were the weapons lost in the war that took place here 3 to 4,000 years ago.

In fact, spears and ge also have a wooden handle, as well as bows and arrows, bone clusters and other weapons, because they have been rotten for a long time.

Pig - Pig Island - Novel .. ; There is no doubt that the descendants of the Yin people who crossed the sea once conquered this land in the Americas and merged with the indigenous tribes of the Americas to form a powerful and brilliant civilization.

That's for sure! ! !

You must know that the Yin people were in the Bronze Age, possessed mature writing, mature bronze smelting and forging techniques, forged bronze weapons that were very sharp and sturdy, as well as a well-established state system and military system and other aspects that were very advanced.

In the Americas, all indigenous tribes are still in the Stone Age of ignorance, primitive and barbaric, existing in the form of loose tribes, without the concept of a country, without writing, with backward productivity, and their weapons are still armed with stone tools, wooden sticks, and simple bows and arrows. and other weapons, perhaps their wars were supported purely by courage and belief in primitive totems.

The Native American tribes of the Stone Age confronted the descendants of the Bronze Age Trans-Sea Yin people on the battlefield, like turkeys and dogs, conquered one by one.

The gap between advanced civilization and primitive barbarism, between the Bronze Age and the Stone Age, cannot be made up by numbers.

The most incredible conquest created by the illiterate Spanish adventurer Pizarro is a case in point.

November 16, 1532 AD. The Spanish illiterate adventurer and conqueror, Francisco Pizarro, led his weary and weak invading force of 62 cavalry and 106 infantry, and subsequent arrivals from mainland Spain, each The largest backup force of no more than two or three hundred people eventually destroyed the Inca Empire with a population of 6 million. And on the ruins of the Inca Empire established the Spanish's first large colony in South America - Peru.

We now know that the glorious civilization built by the descendants of the Yin people in the Americas mysteriously disappeared, disappeared into the dust of history, and on the ruins of the Yin civilization was replaced by the later culture (which cannot yet be called civilization) , Olmec, Chavin culture, Mochika civilization. Nazca civilization (the Nazca lines of this civilization are famous), and the Tiwanaku Empire,

, etc. These civilizations seem to have advanced culture and technology overnight, and Chen Rui has reason to guess that they have inherited the heritage of the Yin people.

The Yin people did not leave any traces on the land of America, so much so. Modern people do not know its existence at all, and can only pass some clues. It was only speculated about its existence by later civilizations that were similar to the Yin people.

The 12 bronze weapons with obvious characteristics of Shang Dynasty bronzes, and the inscriptions of the two clan names, 'kua' and 'beidan', all confirm that the Yin people existed in the Americas and established a splendid civilization.

Chen Rui guessed that it was in Central and South America. Somewhere in South America there is a capital founded by the descendants of the Yin people.

Because any formed civilization has a capital, which serves as the center of the rule and gathers a lot of wealth and cultural essence of this civilization, and the Yin people are no exception.

Chen Rui said that the capital built by the descendants of the Yin people was called Yin Ruins in America, which was different from the Yin Ruins in China.

The Yin Ruins in America have been hit by wind and rain for 3 to 4,000 years. The erosion of the surrounding soil, acidity, rain, humidity and other environments, as well as the wars, man-made destruction and other reasons, are buried in the ruins of history, and modern humans have never known its existence.

The Yin Ruins in America are just like the Yin Ruins in China. Once unearthed, the whole of China will be shocked and the whole world will be shocked.

Because it not only confirms the theory that the Yin people traveled eastward to the Americas, but also confirms that the American Olmec culture, Mochica civilization, Nazca civilization, etc. and the three later American civilizations all originated in China, or that these civilizations inherited China Part of the heritage of civilization has deep roots with Chinese civilization.

If the Yin Ruins of America were discovered, there would be irrefutable evidence.

However, it is very difficult to find the Yin Ruins in the Americas in such a vast area of ​​Central and South America and South America as the tropical rainforest.

The discovery of 12 bronze weapons revealed the mystery of the Yin people across the sea for the whole world.

Just like a peerless beauty covered in a veil, Chen Rui lifted a corner of the veil and saw the beauty's round and smooth chin, and people looked forward to seeing the peerless beauty under the beauty veil.

America Yin Ruins! !

has surfaced! !

attracted the attention of archaeologists from all over the world.

Chen Rui left here and moved on.

On the 21st day that Chen Rui entered the Panama jungle, Chen Rui finally saw the Gulf of Panama in the Pacific Ocean.

It's a pity that the legendary treasure on the Caminorio Trail was not found.

But think about it, too, countless treasure hunters and adventurers have searched the jungles and caves near the Camino Rio Trail for thousands of years, and the legendary treasures can only be legends.

Chen Rui checked into a hotel in San Miguelito and planned to rest for three days.

Chen Rui did not expect trouble to come quickly.

The cultural relics department of Panama found Chen Rui and asked Chen Rui to hand over 12 bronzes and 107 stone tools, because these cultural relics were found on the land of Panama and belonged to the history of Panama. That war of conquerors and conquered 4,000 years ago, invading and revolting against the invasion, was important to Panama.

Chen Rui can only hand it over, because these things belong to the government and government of Panama regardless of the international cultural relics law, property law and reasonable ownership. Moreover, the most tragic thing is that there are witnesses from all over the world that Chen Rui came from the land of Panama. These things were dug up.

Chen Rui was smashing his own foot with a brick.

However, 12 pieces of bronze ware and 107 pieces of stone ware are very expensive for research, but the value of cultural relics is not high, about several million.

If the live broadcast finds Kaminolio's treasure, it may be even more tragic! ! ! (To be continued...)

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