From the Island Owner to the King

519 Sky-high Sponsorship Fee

January 29.

Chen Rui arrives in San Francisco.

It was about 9pm when we arrived in San Francisco.

Walking on the streets of Tenderloin District, the live broadcast camera is turned on, and audiences around the world can see the scenes in Chen Rui's field of vision through TV sets, mobile phones, and computers.

Just as a coin has heads and tails, there are days and nights in a day, here, the American metropolis is very prosperous and lively during the day, and at night, sins are hidden in the darkness, and the darkness has become a hotbed for all kinds of crimes. .

Along the {pig} Pig Island {small} said 3.zhu walking on the street.

The streets are dirty and messy.

I often see drunks, drug addicts, beggars, homeless people on the road, or lying on the ground, or wandering the streets like walking dead, their expressions are numb, their eyes are dull, and they have lost all hope in life. .

The non-mainstream black people on the street beat the percussion music to the sky, declaring to the world that this is the territory of our black people,

All of this has shortened the distance between the United States and the people around the world, and made many people realize that the United States is not as glamorous as it appears on the surface. , In its shadow, there are also darkness, evil, these evils are the greed of capital, racism, discrimination, violence, black force, gangs, drugs, and the proliferation of drugs, as well as the lower class of the United States, Americans proudly say, America has the largest middle class in the world, has the American Dream, but. will not say. The sin, decadence, and loss of hope brought on by poverty are rife in this country.

I saw Chen Rui, a yellow-skinned Chinese, walking alone on the street.

The homeless man lying on the ground just glanced at Chen Rui with numb eyes. Or reach out and ask Chen Rui for a few dollars to buy a piece of bread to eat.

The black people who play "art" are still intoxicated and beat the percussion music to the sky, shouting and shouting constantly, making a strange cry from time to time, and dancing with their hands in various gestures,

In the dark corner of the street, a pair of eyes stared at the pedestrians on the street, holding a dagger in his hand, showing greedy eyes.

suddenly. Three black men rushed out of the darkness and surrounded Chen Rui.

Holding a dagger.

Daggers were constantly waving at them, wielding all kinds of tricks, "Chinese boy, take out all the money on your body, all, don't play tricks, otherwise, I will poke a few holes in you,

Let you taste the feeling of blood rushing out of your body. "

The sound is torn. Fierce look.

but. This did not frighten Chen Rui.

These are all made up.

Just as a thief will hide himself, he will hide himself very ordinary and not attract attention. No matter how stupid beggars are, they will pretend to be very pitiful to beg from pedestrians, and thugs who rob and extort will pretend to be very vicious and extort money from the unlucky ones. They are born movie kings, three religions and nine first-rates, and each line has its own survival skills. , This does not require learning, just like playing games, if the earth is used as a server, the thief profession has its own natural skills, disguise, the beggar profession has its own natural skills, poor, robbery thugs have their own fierce skills.

With Chen Rui's eyes, they can see through their timid hearts through the daggers they keep waving.

Chen Rui kicked one by one directly.

Chen Rui left Tianlongde District and came to Sunset District.

Some people think that the Sunset District is a new Chinatown, where most of the shops are Chinese stores, and there are also many overseas Chinese and Chinese residents.

Most of the Chinese are very peaceful and industrious, and there are few fights, so the law and order in the Sunset District is very good.

The night market in the sunset area is very lively. There are various food stalls on both sides of the food street. Diners from all over the world sit in front of the stalls and eat in full swing.

The hard-working and smart Chinese have brought Chinese food here. There are hundreds of food stalls on the street, including Sichuan, Lu, Guangdong, Hunan and other Chinese flavors. Not only are the prices cheap, but each has its own distinct personality. .

As a foodie, Chen Rui also started eating all the way.

Hot dry noodles, beef noodles, grilled fish, shrimp dumplings, grilled meat, meatballs, along the way, Chen Rui was very full.

Chen Rui also introduced Chinese cuisine to the world through live broadcast of the camera.

It made the mouth drool, shouting that Chen Rui was too pitiful, and the various delicacies on the air made his saliva drool.

It's 12 o'clock.

Food stalls are also closed.

With a full stomach, Chen Rui checked into a hotel.

Turn off the lens.

After a simple wash, I lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up early in the morning, before 7:00.

Chen Rui plans to rest here for a week.

Chen Rui was lying on the bed, holding his laptop.

Open the computer, open the webpage, enter Solomon's treasure + the third treasure clue + hidden gold by the Aitland River in the search box, and click Search.

Search for a string of information.

"Treasure hunters refer to the treasures that are dynamic through the treasure clue information released by Chen Rui on Q/Q as Chen Rui's legacy."

"The hidden gold of the third Solomon treasure clue on Chen Rui's Q/Q feed has not been found so far."

"70 tarrant gold, a huge treasure of more than 50 million US dollars to whom!!"

"The Israeli government is unwilling to find the treasure by others, and announced to organize a treasure hunt team to participate in the search for Chen Rui's treasure."

"There are more than a thousand treasure hunters on the banks of the Aytlam River in Israel."

"Someone dug up a clay pot by the Aytland River, which is suspected to be an important clue to the treasure of the Aytland River."

"Chen Rui has been slow to release the fourth hidden treasure clue. It is guessed that the condition for releasing the fourth hidden treasure clue is to find the third Chen Rui treasure."

Chen Rui typed Chen Rui + Around the World Tour in the search box again.

Find something interesting.

"According to the statistics of McKinsey \u0026 Company, the highest number of viewers watching the live broadcast of Chen Rui's trip around the world exceeded 237 million, and the average number reached 142.1 million."

"Intel offered Chen Rui an exclusive sponsorship fee of 400 million US dollars, which did not get a response from Chen Rui. The sponsorship of Chen Rui's trip around the world is not a competition from Intel. The competing companies include Volkswagen. Samsung Electronics, Amazon, Hewlett-Packard and other big international companies.”

"The 12 bronze weapons discovered by Chen Rui in the Panama jungle caused a huge shock in the Chinese archaeological circle. Chinese archaeologists put forward the theory that the Yin people traveled eastward to the Americas, which has gained some support from the international academic community. The argument lacks some of the necessary evidence to support it." (To be continued.)

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