Chen Rui clicked on the webpage, entered Kusanagi sword in the search box, and clicked Search.

The screenwriters of the movie are definitely not stupid.

Kusanagi sword, also known as Tiancong Yunjian, is a big sword of Domus,  ….

Many people must be very familiar with this sword.

It appeared in the comic "Naruto", it is the weapon of Orochimaru, Orochimaru uses the technique of mouth to summon the eight-headed snake,...

It has also appeared in the comics "One Piece", "The Sword of Inuyasha's Dominance in the World", The King of Fighters, Sengoku Musou, ..., have all appeared.

Dungeons and Warriors, Tiancong Cloud Sword is a level 85 epic short sword weapon.


In the Japanese legend, Su Zhan Mingzun took it from the tail of the "Yaki Orochi" after beheading it, and named it "Tiancong Yunjian". Later, it became the sword of Japanese Jianming and changed its name to Kusanagi Sword, which has been handed down by the Japanese royal family since the age of God. One of the "Three Artifacts", as one of the "Three Artifacts", the Kusanagi sword's status in the eyes of the Japanese is equivalent to that of the Xuanyuan sword in the eyes of the Chinese.

Although the sword is mentioned in Kojiki, Kojiki is a collection of Japanese mythology and is not regarded as a historical document. The more credible Nihon Shoki is the first to mention this sword The content of the chapters recorded in the classics, ..., "The Japanese Book" is considered to be based on historical facts, that is, the existence of the Kusanagi sword.

The Kusanagi sword has been kept in the Atsuta Shrine as the main god, but 23 years after Dahua's renovation, a major incident occurred, the sword was stolen by the monk Doxing of Silla, and Doxing sneaked into the shrine to take the sword After taking it, he immediately took it in his robe and fled to Ise, but after the sword disappeared overnight, it automatically returned to the shrine at some point, and Doxing stole it again.  … ., the people who learned that the divine body was stolen through the divine decree began to search the net in all directions, . . . and thereafter. The Kusanagi sword has always been enshrined in Atsuta Shrine.

In 1185, the two samurai groups in Japan, Heiji and Genji, fought in a decisive battle in the waters of Tannoura. ..., it is not known whether the sword offered by Atsuta Shrine today is a legendary sword.

Japanese historical facts also record that on March 25, 1185, the Battle of Tannoura took place. Emperor Ender committed suicide by jumping into the sea, and the Heike family perished.

In other words, the credibility of Kusanagi sword being buried under the sea is still very high.

Chen Rui also checked the location of the Tannopu naval battle, Guanmen Strait,

In the waters between Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan today, and Moji District, Kyushu City, the northern tip of Kyushu.

The Guanmen Strait also has a name, the Shimonoseki Strait, which the Chinese must be very familiar with. The Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed here. Representatives of the Qing and Japanese sides signed at the "Chunfan Tower" facing the strait.

Chen Rui continued to check some information, and finally determined the specific waters where the Battle of Tanzhipu took place. Chen Rui used a red pen to circle a red circle on the map.


Chen Rui stayed in Tokyo for three days and left Tokyo.

Two days later, we arrived at Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.

Dive into the waters of the Kanmon Strait at the Hikoshima South Park location.

This water area is the most fiercely fought in the Tannoura naval battle. It covers an area of ​​about ten square kilometers and the water is very deep, more than 100 meters.

Chen Rui escaped into the water.

It is very difficult to find something in the thick silt in a water area with an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers and a water depth of more than 100 meters.

but. Chen Rui possessed the Water Escape Technique, the Earth Escape Technique, and Divine Consciousness, and wanted to find something underwater. Much easier.

If, as recorded in historical records, in the Battle of Tannoura, Emperor Anto was buried at the bottom of the sea with the Kusanagi sword, and the Kusanagi sword was not corroded. Chen Rui still has a chance to find Kusanagi sword.

walk underwater.

The water is very deep, the water is very cold, the water pressure is very high, and the silt is very thick. If you step on the silt, the silt you bring up will muddy the surrounding waters. The visibility of the water is very low and you can hardly see it. Fortunately, Chen Sharp has consciousness.

Chen Rui used his spiritual sense to scan the seabed and drilled into the mud.

Under the sea, anything in the mud, as long as it is within the scanning range, can't be hidden from Chen Rui.

Chen Rui walked on the bottom of the water and scanned the bottom with his divine sense.

Ten minutes later, Chen Rui suddenly stopped.

Reaching into the mud, he took out a handful of coins, about a dozen of them.

Some coins have been rusted and stained with rust, and the writing on the coins can no longer be seen.

Chen Rui found a relatively well-preserved coin and washed off the mud on it. It was a Yongle Tongbao, with the words 'Yongle Tongbao' inscribed on the front, and a 'governance' on the back of the money.

This is Dulai money. In Japanese history, for a period of time, due to, ..., the credit collapse of the imperial court, the issuance of copper coins was stopped in Japan for 600 years between 958 and the Tokugawa shogunate, and the issuance of coins in Japan was stopped. During this period, Japan's currency in circulation mainly included such items as ferry money and privately minted money.

During the Warring States Period in Japan, the main source of money was Yongle Tongbao.

This Yongle Tongbao has the word "governance" at the back, which is the privately minted money in the money, and it was privately cast in Japan under the name of Yongle Tongbao.

These copper coins are worth a little bit of money, it's a small accident.

It may be because the Kanmon Strait is the western gateway to and from the Seto Inland Sea. Historically, many merchant ships and cargo ships entered and exited the Seto Inland Sea. From the waters of the West Sea of ​​Japan to the eastern seas, they had to pass through the Kanmon Strait. Many ships were attacked by hostile forces in the waters of the Kanmon Strait. sunk in this water.

The Kanmon Sea has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times, and many famous battles in Japanese history, including the Battle of Tannoura, took place in the Kanmon Strait,.......

Therefore, constant surprises appeared in Chen Rui's scanning range.

Chinese porcelain, gold, silver and bronze, coins,...

There are so many kinds of single coins, which can almost constitute a history of Japanese coins.

From the earliest Hetongkai Mi, Wannian Tongbao, Longping Yongbao, ..., to the Koshu gold of the Takeda family, the Tianzheng Lingda sentence, the Tianzheng long sentence, and then to the Edo period's Kechang one cent gold, Koshu one-cent gold, bean-board silver, small bean-board silver, fine warehouse 200 wen, and finally to the Meiji era old five-point silver goods, one-li copper goods, half-branch copper goods, ... and so on.

Some of these ancient coins have been issued in large quantities and are not worth much. The Japanese yen is probably a few hundred yen. However, some of the earliest coins have been out of print, and there is no coin of the same version in Japan. It is very valuable. A coin is enough for a 100-square-meter room in Tokyo, Japan.

A very unexpected surprise. (To be continued.)

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