The little girl, the old guide was still sluggish, and left the Yangjiao Island Hotel with mechanical steps. lewen novel

At noon that day, Kim Jong dined Chen Rui at a state guest banquet. In the afternoon, Chen Rui was invited to visit the Pyongyang subway, the DPRK-China Friendship Tower, the Datong River Aquaculture Farm, the Korea Museum, ... and in the evening, Chen Rui was invited to appreciate it. Performances by the Korean National Merit Choir and Moranbong Orchestra.

North Korean newspapers and television have given extensive coverage.

the next day.

The two young people talked about the relationship between North Korea and the Kingdom of Tortuga Island, as well as the common interests of the two countries, and exchanged some views, ... However, Chen Rui did not give make any substantive commitments.

Day three.

Chen Rui started from Pyongyang, took the train from Pyongyang to Sinuiju on the North Korean border, and entered China from Sinuiju.

July 27.

Chen Rui set foot on Chinese soil and arrived in Dandong, China.

Chen Rui who entered China is like a fish returning to the ocean, like a duck in water.

After two days of rest in Dandong, he continued to set off. Chen Rui started the live broadcast and returned to China. Of course, he wanted to introduce China to the world, introduce Chinese culture, modern Chinese cities, the spiritual outlook of the Chinese people, and the things that make China proud. Distorting China's long-standing negative influence in the international community.

The government and the government have given Chen Rui a lot of support and convenience.

Chen Rui shot all the way from Shenyang to the south, ..., arrived in Yanjing, ....

Seeing is believing, China's modern big cities have amazed people all over the world. They are amazed again and again that this is not the backward China, poor, dirty and chaotic in their image, but a modern, prosperous, prosperous and powerful China.

The spirit of the Chinese people is not still in their minds, when the Qing Dynasty. The Qing people under the enslavement rule of the ignorant people in the Qing Dynasty were ignorant, numb, and decadent. Rather confident and proud.

Many people realize that the government, government and media have deceived them and distorted the real China.

When Yanjing was broadcast live in real time, Yanjing was bustling with high-rise buildings. The modern metropolis has opened the eyes of the whole world.

Chen Rui's live broadcast in China is watched by more than 200 million people around the world,

......, the real-time live broadcast has improved China's new image more than the 2008 Olympic Games, allowing the world to re-understand China, a world power and power with the world's second largest economy.

In the future, who would dare to say that the media in other countries and their countries distorted China, said it was dirty and poor. Chaos, no one will believe these nonsense anymore.

In the live broadcast, this is a dirty, poor and chaotic country! ! ? ? Lie to the devil.

Seeing this effect, the Chinese government and government were greatly surprised. From top to bottom, the government and government gave Chen Rui's live broadcast a red light. Wherever you want to shoot, we will give you the greatest convenience and cooperation. Under the influence of the government and government 's media. The Internet is also fueling the flames,… .

Originally wanted to go from Yanjing via Xishan Province, Shaanxi Province, Northwest China. Chen Rui, who entered Central Asia, also temporarily changed his route, going all the way south, from Beihe, Dongshan, Sujiang, all the way to Dinghai.

Aug. 26. Arrived in Dinghai, China, rested for two days in Dinghai, and attended the reception banquet specially held by Dinghai city and government.

In the supermarket in Dinghai, Chen Rui found a strange fruit for sale. It was the size of a fist, and it sold well. It was purple-red, and its skin was like fish scales. The peel of the fish scales was peeled off, and the inside was milky white and edible. Some of them are moist and shiny. At first glance, one’s mouth is full of euphoria. However, when he saw the price, Chen Rui couldn’t help but scolded the profiteers.

Looking at the place of origin, Chen Rui scolded the profiteer and held back the words, the place of origin: the central area of ​​the Tortuga Kingdom.

Isn't the profiteer just scolding himself?

Chen Rui took out his mobile phone, opened the q/q browser, entered the words "fish scale fruit" in the input box, clicked search, and within a second, a large number of search results for "fish scale fruit" popped up.

Fish scale fruit is a prehistoric fruit cultivated on Tortuga Island. It is planted on farms in the central area divided by the former Northwest Province. In the first year, the fish scale fruit received a bumper harvest. However, once the fish scale fruit was distributed to supermarkets all over the world, the quantity was reduced. Very few, this Walmart supermarket located in the bustling street of Dinghai City also has a little bit for sale.

2888 yuan a piece, there are quite a lot of people complaining on the Internet, scolding profiteers, but scolding them, many people can't help but buy one to try it out, and post it in the circle of friends for a while, after all, it is a prehistoric fruit, dese The feeling of being noticed.

Moreover, the historical fruit of the Seaview Restaurant is more expensive. This year, the fish scale fruit will be sold in the supermarket after a bumper harvest.

Not only fish scale fruit, but also golden yuan fruit, fog fruit, kasyapa fruit, grain effect, pod rice, and prehistoric vegetables have been on the market this summer, and they are sold in small quantities in some large supermarkets around the world,...... .

Aug. 28.

Chen Rui continued to start from Dinghai and traveled westward along the Yangtze River....... These are the essence of China. The bustling cities along the way, the beautiful scenery is captured in the picture, and Chen Rui's eloquent narration is added. , China, with its ancient and splendid culture, is truly presented to the world.

Along the way, as a foodie, Chen Rui also tasted the delicacies that appeared on the tip of his tongue one by one, and the journey was also very rewarding.


September 29.

Chen Rui arrived at the source of the Yangtze River, Ladandong Ice Peak, the main peak of the Tanggula Mountains.

In front of the camera, Chen Rui personally drank the water from the source of the Yangtze River, saying that he grew up drinking the water of the Yangtze River. Chen Rui's hometown is on the edge of the Yangtze River, so it is true that he grew up drinking the water of the Yangtze River.

October 7.

Chen Rui entered the West (crab) Tibet from the Qing (crab) sea, the roof of the world, and the third pole of the world together with the South Pole and the North Pole.

I once saw a movie, the whole world was covered by the flood, and the west (crab) was left alone and exposed to the water, becoming the last refuge for human beings.

The sky in the west (crab) possession is blue as wash. Under this sky, plants and trees have been bred, and they seem to have spirituality. Every mountain and water makes people feel mysterious.... The hearts of the Tibetans in the west (crab) have also been washed very pure, flawless,  …

The west (crab) Tibetan area is vast and sparsely populated. The area of ​​a county is larger than that of a city in the mainland, and the area of ​​a town exceeds that of a county. …

Chen Rui went along the g109 National Highway, hitchhiking and walking along the road, and arrived in Lhasa via Amdo County, Zhasa Town, Nagqu, Damxiong County, and Linzhou County.

Chen Rui rested for three days in Lhasa. (To be continued.)

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