From the Island Owner to the King

560 Golden Rooster and Diamond

In the eyes of the Chinese, India is a wonderful country, and New Delhi has won the wonderful crown.

While enjoying the reputation of the 'Centre of India', the people of New Delhi do not have the self-consciousness of modern urbanites. They drive tuk-tuks all over the street, with passengers hanging outside the car; Turning around against the wall, the woman squatting on the ground in a sari, the 'New Delhi Zoo' resists the monkey invasion, a wonderful "buried alive" ceremony, "Indian English" for self-entertainment: the right-hand tube "imports" ”, the left hand tube “exit”——

Yoshisuke Yamada found Chen Rui at Humayun's Tomb in New Delhi.

"My name is Yamada Kasuke, the special envoy of His Majesty the Emperor, Mr. Chen, can you talk about it?" Yamada Kasuke walked over to Chen Rui, \\pig\\pig\\island\\novel www.(zhu)(zhu)() .om said.

"Yes." Chen Rui nodded and said, "Go to the cafe over there."

The two came to the cafe and sat opposite each other. The waiter served two cups of coffee and said, 'You two, please take it slow! ' and then left.

Yamada Jiayu added a little sugar to the coffee with a spoon, stirred it lightly, then picked up the cup, took a sip of coffee, and said, "I envy your life, you can walk around, travel around the world, and appreciate all parts of the world. The natural scenery and local customs are not like me, a life of labor and wealth." Speaking of this, he paused, glanced at Chen Rui, and then said, "I just came from China, and I just represented Japan's Zhao The Queen Xian Foundation donated 40 Hope Primary Schools to your hometown Fenghe County, and in addition, the Japanese royal family donated 117 Chinese cultural relics to the Chinese Pavilion of the Royal Museum of Tortuga Island."

As a throwing stone who wants to welcome Tiancong Yunjian back from Chen Rui to ask for directions. Or want to pass to Chen Rui's hometown. The donation from the Royal Museum of Tortuga Island has won the favor of Chen Rui. The first shot is a big deal. The Queen Shoken Foundation and the Japanese Royal Family donated 40 Hope Primary Schools and 117 Chinese cultural relics, with a converted value of more than 200 million yuan.

“On behalf of the students and parents who benefited from the 40 Hope Primary Schools in Fenghe County, and the Royal Museum of Tortuga Island, I would like to express my gratitude to the Queen Shoken Foundation and the Japanese Royal Family for their generous donations,” Chen Rui said. I personally decided to donate a set of Atlantis coins to the Kyoto National Museum, Japan. A set of Atlantis coins includes, Theribis King Gold Coins, Pyramid Gold Coins, Sunflower Mountain Copper Coins, Clover Mountain Copper Coins, a total of 14 Asian coins. Coins from different periods of Tlantis."

Chen Rui's donation to the Japanese royal family was given in return, and he donated a set of 12 Atlantis coins to the National Museum of Kyoto, Japan. Among them, the King of Theribes gold coins. Sunflower Mountain Copper Coins and Clover Mountain Copper Coins appeared in Chen Rui's Q and Q news as a small benefit, because the three Atlantis coins are available for sale, attracting local tyrants and collectors from all over the world to compete for bidding. King Sri Lanka gold coins sold for a sky-high price of 3.4 million US dollars, and the transaction prices of Sunflower Mountain copper coins and Clover Mountain copper coins were not low.

, a set of 12 Atlantis coins cost more than 250 million yuan.

"Oh." Yamada Kasuke said with some surprise, "Then we are really honored by the Kyoto National Museum. Besides Atlantis City, it is the first museum to collect the full set of coins of Atlantis. I think it will be exhibited when the time comes. When it comes out, people from all over Japan will definitely visit it.”

The two chatted casually.

However, Yamada Jiasuke's eyes were erratic and a little absent-minded.

Chen Rui is more relaxed and casual.

Yamada Jiasuke pondered the words in his heart and said to Chen Rui, "Mr. Chen, this time, the destination of my visit is the ardent support of His Majesty the Emperor, the high hopes and the prayers of the whole Japanese people, I hope to welcome you back from your hands. Amamong Yunjian, let Amamong Yunjian return to Atsuta Shrine, and let all the Japanese people worship it." After speaking, Yamada Kasuke stood up, bowed solemnly to Chen Rui, and said in a polite tone, "Please, please. already."

"I know that the Jews paid a huge price to bring back the Ark of the Covenant." Yamada Jiasuke said here, he was a little grateful to the Jews and hated them at the same time. He was grateful that the Jews successfully brought back the Ark of the Covenant from Chen Rui's hands. And the treasures of Solomon's Temple, that is, in Chen Rui's hands, even the golden ark of the covenant can be exchanged with things, then the Tiancong Cloud Sword can also be exchanged with things.

What I hate is that in order to welcome back the Golden Ark of the Covenant and the sacred treasures of Solomon's Temple, the wealthy Jews paid too much, more than 400,000 Chinese cultural relics, more than 7,000 Yuanmingyuan cultural relics, 11 Chinese national treasures, more than 270 tons. Gold, and aerospace technology, too.

Then, in order to welcome back the Tiancong Yunjian, the price that Japan must pay is not small.

The key is that Jews can be rich and powerful, but the Japanese royal family is definitely hurt. In order to welcome back Tiancong Yunjian, the royal family will pay an unbearable price.

But, no matter what, it must, must, welcome back Tiancong Yunjian.

Yamada Jiasuke went on to say, "We can do it in Japan too." This is a swollen face and a fat man. Do you dare to have a Jewish local tyrant in the Japanese royal family? In order to welcome back the holy treasures of the Ark of the Golden Covenant and Solomon's Temple, 60% of Jews donated money, and some top Jewish families in the United States donated hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars in one go.

Yamada Kasuke took out a thick document from his briefcase and handed it to Chen Rui, "This is the list for the exchange of Tiancong Yunjian."

Chen Rui took the list and looked at it roughly.

Money, an astronomical sum of money, 5 followed by a lot of zeros, in dollars.

There are 90,000 Chinese cultural relics.

There are 7 Chinese national treasures and cultural relics, among which, China's famous golden rooster and diamonds are also in the list of national treasures.

The golden rooster diamond is the largest diamond found in China, weighing 281.25 carats. It was found in Lizhuang Town, Tancheng County, Dongshan Province in 1937. It is as big as a walnut, yellow and transparent, dazzling and dazzling, like a chicken just out of its shell, 1938, Lin , Tan and other places were occupied by Japanese invaders. This diamond was snatched by Japanese advisor Kawamoto Dingxiong in Linyi. After Kawamoto Dingxiong got the diamond, there was an event for the golden rooster diamond among the upper-level leaders of the Japanese invasion of China. Many people died, and after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the whereabouts of the diamonds were unknown.

It turns out that the Golden Rooster and the Diamond are hidden in the Imperial Palace of Japan. (To be continued.)

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