From the Island Owner to the King

573 Purchasing the Island

Chen Rui immediately instructed the government of Tortuga Island, Ma Bingkun, the ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Tortuga Island to Portugal, to make preliminary contact with the Portuguese side about the island purchase.

Portugal has given a clear reply, and Portugal is indeed preparing to sell the northwestern Azores islands, including Flores Island, Corvo Island, Monchique Island, Maria Oise Rock, and a series of islands and reefs in the archipelago. ,, the sale includes sovereignty over islands, territorial waters, and sovereignty over a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone. And give all the information about the island for sale, island area, island climate, hydrology, minerals, marine resources and tourism resources and so on.

After getting the reply from Portugal, Ma Bingkun sent all the information about the island to be sold to Chen Rui's mailbox.

Chen Rui read the information carefully. +pig+pig+island+novel ww.zhom

He instructed Carlson Harry to be his own special envoy to Lisbon, Portugal, and together with Ma Bingkun and the staff of the embassy, ​​he was fully responsible for all matters concerning the negotiation of the island purchase with the Portuguese side.

On the same day, Carlson Harry, who was the special envoy of the King, flew to Lisbon, Portugal by Tortuga Island Airlines. That night, Carlson Harry lived in the embassy of the Kingdom of Tortuga Island in Lisbon.

The embassy stayed up all night. Carlson Harry and Ma Bingkun discussed the next island purchase negotiations. You must know that purchasing an island is not as simple as buying things on the street. Among them, all aspects of the east and west are complicated and complicated, especially regarding sovereignty. The problem must not be sloppy, otherwise, the two countries will have a lot of trouble in the future. The documents signed, each island reef less than the size of the kitchen is a large stack of documents, and the combined documents may be several large boxes.

The next day, Carlson Harry and Ambassador Ma Bingkun sent a note to the Portuguese government and government——

Chen Rui rode on a camel. walk in the desert. Day and night.

The two camels were placed in the pregnant Haizhu space at night. They had enough food and drink. They were very energetic during the day. They walked very fast on the desert carrying hundreds of kilograms of heavy objects.

The desert environment is very harsh, with sandstorms, quicksand, and the sun is as hot as a furnace during the day. It was very cold at night.

During the day, Chen Rui sat on a camel and watched the desert in the distance and the sunset in the desert at dusk. When he was a little bored, he took out his notebook, turned on the computer, watched movies, read web pages, and code words. The camel walked in the desert. Very smooth. There was no bumpy feeling at all. At night, Chen Rui entered the pregnant sea pearl space to sleep.

Early March.

Chen Rui arrived in Abu Simborough, an Egyptian city on the banks of the Nile River.

in Abu Simborough,

What Chen Rui saw and heard made Chen Rui feel a little bit, a little sighed, and a little sad.

Perhaps, modern Egypt is the reason for the Arabs, and the Egyptians did not pay much attention to the cultural heritage and cultural relics of ancient Egypt.

There is a temple of Abu Simbel in Abu Simbel. It was built in 1275 BC and has a history of more than 3,000 years. It was built by Ramses II, the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt. After more than 3,000 years of wind erosion, it is still very well preserved. .

Chen Rui learned that the Abu Simbel Temple was not originally here.

In the 1960s, when Egypt was preparing to build the Aswan Dam, the temple was facing the fate of sinking to the bottom of the water. UNESCO issued an appeal to the world, and 51 countries responded.

Since 1960, archaeologists from 24 countries have surveyed the area and carried out more than 40 large-scale rescue activities. After the 22 temples were measured and calculated, they were transferred to a safe area, and then rebuilt according to their original appearance. It took 18 years to complete.

Very funny scene.

Egypt, as a destroyer of ancient Egyptian cultural heritage, archaeologists from 24 countries have become the saviours of ancient Egyptian cultural heritage, saving the temple of Abu Simbel.

Chen Rui Abu Simborough rested for a few days and continued along the Nile River.

There is no country in the world like Egypt, a river, the Nile, constitutes the main body of Egypt.

Almost all cities in Egypt are distributed along the Nile River. The sediment of the Nile River alluvializes an oasis along the Mediterranean coast. The only green area in Egypt on the map is the Greater Cairo District, Alexandria, Port Said, etc. city, and the Suez Canal,.

The Nile River floods regularly from July to November every year, and the river floods and floods the dry land on both sides. In the ancient Egyptian calendar, there are flood seasons, grain growing seasons, and harvest seasons. The flood season refers to the Nile River from July to November every year. The flooding, the flooding of the Nile River, the sediment containing a large amount of minerals and humus, gradually deposited on both sides of the river, becoming fertile black soil, and the ancient Egyptian civilization was nurtured on this black land, prosperous and prosperous.

The ancient Egyptians wrote poems like this, "O Nile, I praise you, you flow out of the earth and feed Egypt, and when your waters diminish, people stop breathing".

Chen Rui went downstream along the Nile River.

Three days later, on March 7, he left Egypt and entered Sudan.

On the Sudanese side, the Nile has become very narrow.

Nevertheless, the Nile River is very important to Sudan.

Most of Sudan's cities are located on both sides of the Nile River. Sudan's capital, Khartoum, is located outside the confluence of the White Nile and Blue Nile.

March 12.

Arrive at Semna, a city along the Nile River in Sudan -

Chen Rui has been paying attention to the island purchase negotiations between Carlson Harry, Ma Bingkun and Portugal.

It was a very smooth event. The grapes wanted to be sold, and they got 200 billion US dollars of funds. Chen Rui also wanted to buy them.

However, Germany and France have joined in successively, making the island purchase negotiations full of variables.

With US$200 billion, these are the countries that have the money to buy the island and the willingness to buy the island.

USA, China, Russia, UK, France, Germany, etc.

The people who want to buy islands most are China and Russia, but these two countries are 100% out of the picture.

The financial crisis in the United States is too bad, the domestic economy is in a slump, and it has suddenly spent 200 billion US dollars to buy the island, but it cannot pass the parliamentary level. In addition, the United States has a Lajesh military base in the central Azores island group. , it seems unnecessary to buy an island.

Only the United Kingdom, France, and Germany are left with money and the intention to buy islands.

France and Germany have already made initial contact with Portugal and made a request to Portugal to purchase the island. The United Kingdom is indifferent, and it is estimated that there is no follow-up on the purchase of the island. (To be continued.)

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