From the Island Owner to the King

704 The Earth's Message from Eight Light Years Away

?? However, since Chen Rui threw the hexagonal energy crystal into the Pregnant Sea Pearl space, the evolution of space has taken a fork in the road.

Because of the mysterious hexagonal energy crystals, the Pregnant Sea Pearl space has nurtured various energy laws, including wind, earth, water, fire and other elemental laws, as well as special laws such as strength, speed, and lightning.

Because of the laws of energy nurtured in space, some 'lucky people' born in space have evolved some innate abilities. For example, some illusory dragons have the innate ability to manipulate the laws of the wind system. When they use the wind blade, the wind blade can cut Open the tough skin of the giant beast, cut the hard shell of the shell animal, and apply the wind energy to the hind feet, the running speed is very fast, the speed can be several times faster than the normal running speed, and it runs like a gust of wind. In the ocean of space, some strange fish can spit water arrows, pierce the hard shells of hard shells, eat the meat inside, ..., it is not surprising that a flying bird releases lightning.

These beings that have evolved innate abilities in the Pregnant Sea Pearl space should be called monsters.

Chen Rui has a hunch that in the eighth evolution cycle, intelligent life will evolve, and in the ninth evolution cycle, these intelligent life will create a civilization, a magical civilization, or a fantasy civilization, after the tenth evolution cycle , In the Pregnant Sea Pearl space, some powerful beings will appear, and finally break through the membrane wall of the space with a powerful force and reach the outside world.

It's too early to say that.

The eighth evolutionary cycle has just begun. As the master of space, Chen Rui does not know which biological species will become the protagonist. In the eighth evolutionary cycle, in the end, like the apes on earth, they will evolve into intelligent life, Become the protagonist of space.

we'll see!

There is a saying. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain.

There is another saying, the darkness before dawn.

Creatures in the eighth evolutionary cycle will be very tough.

because. In this evolutionary cycle, we have to go through a long ice age. \u003c\u003e

In fact. In the pregnant Haizhu space, the ice age has already begun.

The weather has become unusually cold.

On the continents of space, covered with massive glaciers, plants are frozen to death and living things wither.

After the cataclysm of the eighth space upgrade, which wiped out 30% of biological species, many species were lost at the beginning of the Ice Age. Some species survive in very few areas.

Creatures in space are going through a very difficult time in the Iceship Age.

Extinct is eliminated.

Surviving until the end of the Ice Age is the winner.


Every time, for Chen Rui, the space upgrade of Pregnant Sea Pearl is a rare opportunity to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth.

Compared with the vast and boundless universe, which has vast and pound-sized cosmic laws, the Pregnant Haizhu space is a small universe, a small world, ..., and the Pregnant Haizhu space is upgraded every time. It is the process of the self-derivation of the small universe, and in this process, the laws in the space are clearly manifested. It is cloud-like, star-like, tadpole-like, ..., the law is embodied, as if there is life, it is clearly manifested.

At this time, Chen Rui understood the law and could clearly understand the essence of the law. true meaning.

The eighth upgrade of the pregnant Haizhu space lasted for 30 sunrises and sunsets.

Chen Rui's understanding of the law gradually increased.

"It turns out. The nature of fire is like this, fire. The fire that burns firewood, coal, and rice straws is the fire of nature, ordinary fire, . Heart fire, sparks from hitting flints, lightning strikes on dry wood, and the sparks caused are collected by intelligent beings to light bonfires, warm up, and grill food. This is the fire of civilization.\u003c\u003e

Ordinary fires in nature can only burn dry wood, flammable things, etc. However, the fire of civilization burns everything, nothing does not burn, it is the most powerful fire between heaven and earth,...

Chen Rui had a great understanding of the Fire Element Law, and a string of enlightenment came to his mind.

I understand,.......

Chen Rui has mastered the true meaning of the fire element, and all kinds of fire spells can be easily obtained.

It turns out that the nature of thunder and lightning is like this, thunder and lightning represent destruction, and there is new energy in thunder and lightning, spring thunder moves, all things are born, snakes and insects wake up, ... "

Chen Rui also has a great understanding of the laws of lightning.

It turns out that the nature of wood is like this. Wood represents reincarnation. The seeds sprout and emerge from the ground. This is the beginning of reincarnation. When the tree dies, this is the end of reincarnation. Reincarnation is not a simple cycle of life and death. It is a cyclical cycle of life and death, and the end of each cycle will usher in the beginning of a new cycle.

It turns out that the nature of water is like this...


In the process of the upgrade of the Pregnant Haizhu space and the evolution of the small universe, Chen Rui's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth deepened.


Every time, watching the space upgrade of the Pregnant Sea Pearl, Chen Rui's understanding of the law deepened.

In the period of returning to the virtual world, the biggest accumulation is the perception of the laws of heaven and earth.

Chen Rui's strength has been greatly improved.


The mysterious book of death obtained by Chen Rui in the underground ancient city of xx in the Sahara desert. \u003c\u003e

In the depths of hundreds of thousands of feet underground in the Pregnant Sea Pearl space, he stayed for a while.

This is the second special item in the Pregnant Sea Pearl space, besides the hexagonal energy crystal.

The hexagonal energy crystal allows the space of the pregnant sea pearl to breed the law of heaven and earth.

The Book of Death has opened up a special space in the Pregnant Sea Pearl space.

This space is located in the extreme depths of hundreds of thousands of feet underground. It is a realm of death full of dark and negative energy. . . . In the void, there are some dark and negative laws looming.

Chen Rui has a hunch that this space will evolve into a place similar to the underworld in China and the hell in the West.

The Book of the Dead rules this space.

Chen Rui left the Pregnant Sea Pearl Space.

Continue to burn the energy crystal.

The fifth batch, the sixth batch, until all 1270 billion pieces of energy are burned out.

The scale of the pregnant sea spring in the pregnant sea pearl space has only increased to a little more than 6 scales.

Pregnant Haizhu space upgrade, the energy required for each upgrade is many times the previous upgrade,......

According to the 500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 energy crystals, the spring water scale of the Pregnant Ocean Spring in the Pregnant Sea Pearl Space was increased to a little more than 6 degrees.

The energy crystals required for the ninth upgrade of the Pregnant Sea Pearl space are more than ten trillion pieces, and an ordinary star god of war does not have so many energy crystals in his entire property. Only with an empire, a super-civilized Star God of War can get so many energy crystals in one breath.

For Chen Rui, who just entered the universe. Just a pauper.

Chen Rui needs a huge amount of energy crystals to bury the pregnant Haizhu space.

Chen Rui needs the star nucleus to expand the area of ​​the Pregnant Haizhu space.

There is only one way to quickly obtain a huge amount of energy crystals, and enter the wasteland.

Some special places in the Badlands. Some extremely precious treasures, treasures of the universe and other special things are bred in the extreme environment.

The value of many precious materials far exceeds the value of ice crystals. For example, dragon blood marrow crystals, the value of a few drops of dragon blood marrow crystals exceeds the value of ice crystals sold by Chen Rui. The treasure of the universe can be called The things that are treasures of the universe are even more priceless treasures, like ice crystals. Treasures such as dragon blood marrow crystal can attract star warriors to compete, and any cosmic treasure is enough to make star war god crazy.

In the barren land, there are some special and independent spaces, which are the secret realm of the universe.

In the secret realm of the universe, a lot of precious materials have been bred. If you are lucky, you can also find the treasures of the universe, some special treasures.

Every time a secret realm of the universe is discovered, once the news spreads, it can attract countless powerhouses in the universe. Enter the secret realm of the universe.

Badlands is a treasure hunt place.

To get the star core, there is only one way to enter the barren land. There are many dead stars in the Badlands. You can find complete star cores in the inner cores of these stars. If you are lucky, you can also find broken star cores in the scattered meteorite turbulence in the Badlands.

Chen Rui decided to enter the barren land.

Chen Rui turned on the computer.

Long time no contact with Earth.

Chen Rui is extremely far away from the earth, nearly 8 light-years, and a beam of light is emitted from the Yanrong Star, assuming that the beam is not blocked by the matter in the void of the universe. It takes nearly 8 years to reach the earth, and the speed of electromagnetic waves is about the same as that of light.

Chen Rui sent a message to the earth at Yanrongxing. Assuming that electromagnetic waves are not blocked by matter in the cosmic void. If it can be sent to the signal receiving target again, then on Earth, it will take nearly 8 years for Chen Rui's information to be received.

Such communication is unrealistic.

In the universe, there is both a cultivation civilization and a scientific and technological civilization.

In the universe, there is an advanced communication technology called signal transmission space folding technology.

It's like a space-time wormhole.

Signals are sent out through the folded space.

At a distance of more than ten light-years, the signal only takes a few seconds to transmit.

Otherwise, the super empire spanning thousands of galaxies has a territory of hundreds of light-years. If there is no signal transmission space folding technology, how can it rule such a large territory.

Chen Rui's communication to Earth also used the space folding technology of pass-by-sign transmission.

Chen Rui transmits the signal to the distant Earth with a delay of less than a minute.

Chen Rui posted a message in the q/q group.

"I sent this message from a lava star that is nearly 8 light-years away from the earth.... Humans are tirelessly searching for extraterrestrial life. A true or false ufo can cause the whole world for a century. The shock,... .

What I want to say is that in the universe galaxy, it is far more exciting than our human imagination. In the universe, there are countless civilizations and countless intelligent races. They have developed super technology and gave birth to countless strong people. The star warrior, the star war god who smashes the galaxy, has a complete training system, ......

Let’s just say, the rock melting star where I am located is bigger than the sun. There are seven magma seas with an area hundreds of times larger than the Pacific Ocean. In the magma sea, special rock melting life was born, the lava giant family, the lava giant family The strength of the children at birth is equivalent to the practitioners who have experienced seven life gene transitions. However, they are an extremely weak special race in the universe. If they are not careful, they are enslaved by the strong.

The Kunyan Empire, a super empire, has a territory spanning thousands of galaxies and a population of tens of trillions of trillions. It is a super empire comparable to the Kunyan Empire. There are dozens of super civilizations,..., Earth humans, since more than In order to have very developed technology, but, in fact, very weak, any interstellar exploration fleet is enough to make the civilization of the earth fault,...... "

Chen Rui's words appeared in the q/q group.

There are a lot of pictures posted below this passage.

A picture of the starry sky outside the solar system.

A picture of a space-time wormhole.

Kunyanxing's picture.

A picture of the Kunyan Star Airport, where countless interstellar spaceships are parked.

A picture of the city of Kunyan.

Rockstar's picture.


Wait for a lot of pictures.

The earth is actually an aboriginal aboriginal.

What Chen Rui didn't know was that because of Chen Rui's words, the earth was about to explode, and the whole world was boiling.

Governments and governments from all over the world sent this sentence to Chen Rui's q.q group. I didn't know how many times I read and analyzed the large number of pictures sent by Chen Rui. I don't know how much excitement adrenaline was burned. How many conferences, the United Nations conference is holding a world conference every day to discuss everything in the universe that Chen Rui decrypted in the q/q group.

The core of the meeting was Chen Rui.

Humans can’t even reach Mars, let alone the Kunyan Empire, which is seven or eight light years away from the solar system.

Humans need super technology in the universe, human beings need a training system in the universe, human beings need to enter the distant universe, integrate into the universe,...  

It is impossible for human beings to know that they are aborigines, and they will be willing to be aborigines.

This requires Chen Rui's help.

Humans have no choice.

"Humanity needs your help." The president of the United Nations representing all mankind sent a message to Chen Rui with q.q.

The result, ..., prompt, sending unsuccessful! !

Chen Rui can use the communication technology of the universe and the signal transmission space folding technology to send the signal from the Yanrong star to the distant earth, but the signal sent from the earth cannot be received by Chen Rui's computer on the Yanrong star. The signal was cut off before it left the solar system, and of course it couldn't be received by Chen Rui's computer.

Because of the information Chen Rui sent in the q/q group, the whole world became agitated on earth.

The Internet, in reality, and on TV, have been occupied by what Chen Rui said about the universe.

All human beings have thrown all major events on this matter.

Can a warship be built to eat? No, is it useful to build advanced aircraft? It's useless.

Countries all over the world are waiting for Chen Rui to send a message in the q.q group again, a message from 8 light-years away in the universe. (To be continued.)

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