Seeing Charles look ecstatic, Jiang Cheng felt helpless.

Sure enough, in business, only when your product is most in demand by the other party, the price you offer will be the highest thing.

From a businessman's point of view, Jiang Cheng is the most merciful.

If he takes the scarcity route, the drug that can treat cancer will definitely not only cost 1,000 yuan a bottle.

Now is the best example. A bottle of anticancer drug is equal to 10% of Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals.

"President Jiang, my lawyer is waiting near your company. If you have time now, I will ask the lawyer to transfer the shares to you immediately." Charles said quickly.

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded, "You are so sincere, and I won't let you suffer. I will now let the people from the factory send a bottle of anti-cancer drugs."

"Okay, okay, President Jiang, you really have a lot of grown-ups." Charles flattered wildly.

People with noble status, when threatened by death, in order to survive, he will show the most low-end posture.

Soon, the professional lawyer team with Charles came in with a letter of share transfer 227.

The two parties sign on it, press their fingerprints, and keep one copy for each other. This share transfer agreement will come into effect from now on.

In other words, 10% of the shares of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, a domestic giant biopharmaceutical company in the United States, has been acquired by Jiang Cheng.

At the factory, someone soon delivered a bottle of anti-cancer drugs.

At present, the importance of anti-cancer drugs is very strict at the factory. When they are shipped, they are carefully checked in terms of quantity. Each joint needs to be signed responsibly to prevent someone from privately concealing anti-cancer drugs and reselling them. .

Charles took the anti-cancer drug like a treasure, and looked at the small bottle of medicament in front of him, feeling excited in his heart.

The cancer that has tossed him for many years is finally cured. Can you not be excited?

"President Jiang, I also brought a personal doctor over, can he give me injections here?" Charles asked cautiously.

"Yes, but it also counts as testing the quality of our medicines, so that you don't worry about me pitting you with fake medicines," Jiang Cheng said.

"President Jiang, what are you talking about?" Charles laughed.

Soon, Charles' personal doctor came in and injected the anticancer drug directly into Charles's body.

Time passed a little bit.

The expression on Charles's face grew more and more excited.

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable."

As a patient tossed by cancer, his senses are clearest.

Now it's time for him to take painkillers, otherwise, the pain will torture him to death.

But now, after injecting anti-cancer drugs into his body, Charles can even clearly feel the changes in his body.

There is no pain, on the contrary, it is very comfortable. There is a warm feeling in the body, as if the injected medicine has turned into a guardian and started to clear and kill the cancer cells in his body.

This completely normal feeling without any discomfort is wonderful, and I can feel the body gradually recovering strength, and the whole person seems to be more than ten years younger.

"Anti-cancer drugs are really amazing." Charles sighed: "President Jiang, you are really a magical person."

"Just kidding, now that we have reached a cooperation, if there is nothing wrong, you can go, I have to go too." Jiang Cheng said.

"Wait, President Jiang, there is one more thing, of course it is not my personal business, I am only responsible for asking." Charles said.

"Let's talk about it."

"That's right, Steven, the current chairman of Pfizer. We are friends in private. He is suffering from early cancer. He knows that I want to ask for medicine from President Jiang this time. If possible, he is willing to give it. I exchange 10% of my shares for a bottle of anti-cancer drugs."

After Charles finished, Jiang Cheng looked calm, but was shocked inside.

What day is today?

The foreigner rushed to give him money. One is not enough, but one is needed, and it's all big money.

It is another 10% of the shares. If he gets it, he will have 20% of Pfizer's shares, worth nearly 50 billion U.S. dollars.

Tsk tsk, this kind of good thing, fools are unwilling.

"All right, saving you one is also saving, saving your friends is also a matter of ease, I can accept this cooperation." Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay, great, Steven knows he will be very happy." Charles laughed, and then motioned to his lawyer to take out another 10% share transfer agreement from the bag. Steven had already signed it. Good word, press the handprint.

As long as Jiang Cheng signs and presses his handprint, the document will take effect immediately. Before coming, Steven specially asked the lawyer to prepare it for him.

Soon, Jiang Cheng signed the letter, pressed his handprint, and asked someone from the factory to send another bottle of anti-cancer drug to Charles.

"Okay, the medicine is given to you, and you have personally experienced the effect of the medicine. There is nothing wrong with it," Jiang Cheng said.

"No problem." Charles laughed: "Look, you now own 20% of Pfizer's shares and are already the second largest shareholder of the board of directors. After I go back, can the board of directors announce this to the outside world? "

"Do whatever you want, just announce it if you want," Jiang Cheng said.

"Okay, thank you so much, President Jiang." This time I came to achieve his goal, and Charles was happy: "President Jiang, you will be my most precious friend in the future. If you come to the United States, I will definitely give out the most Good sincerity to entertain you."

"Thank you, but let's talk if you have a chance." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first. This is my business card. If you need it, you can contact me directly at any time." Charles took out his own business card.

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Soon, Charles took his lawyers, personal doctors and others happy and left.

Now I finally don't have to worry about my own life. I have become a normal person. This share is too worthwhile.

Moreover, Charles still has about 10% of the shares in his hand, and the annual dividends are enough for him to enjoy himself.

Seeing Charles and the others leave, Jiang Cheng suddenly had the urge to laugh. The fifty billion dollars in this way were obtained, and it was really faster than picking up money.

ps: The eighth one is sent, fingers are sore, brothers give me some automatic subscription, all kinds of requests! .

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