There is no doubt that Tron once again caused a sensation with his ability to toss a few times.

The major news media did not stingy with their reports.

[Tron: The United States is a safe country. Then, there was a terrorist attack in New York, and the target was the Dubai royal family]

[Tron decided to increase tariffs on imports from China by 25%. Is it right or wrong? 】

[Trang is dizzy, is he dizzy by his own stupidity]

[China's drugs auctioned for more than 60 billion sky-high prices, did Tron help us ordinary people or harm us? 】

[Increase tariffs, I feel that we may be unlucky again. 】

[Let’s take a break, Tron, please don’t mess around. 】

......................... ......................... ..............

In the United States, almost all major news media are reporting news about Trang.

No way, this president who likes to use Twitter to govern the country, and then tossing a few times, is full of slots.

The more he tossed, the more unlucky the American people felt.

Moreover, the terrorist attack happened again, still in New York. The target of the attack was the royal family of Dubai, such a distinguished person.

Everyone knows that there is a grand auction held in New York today, and people who come here are all distinguished figures.

In this way, doesn't the U.S. government even do the security work well in advance?

What are the taxes paid by these taxpayers used by the U.S. government?

Are the people in the government just like rice buckets? Can't even protect the safety of their basic people?

For a time, Tron was named the "Incompetent Twitter President".


And Trang's own Twitter, at this time is also full of discussion.

"What happened? Terrorism? Don't you even have the ability to protect us?"

"Too disappointed, really disappointed."

"You are not saying that the United States is the safest country, but what does the fact look like, have you seen it?"

"Stop tossing about it anymore, first to ensure the safety of the United States, okay?"


"You, the president, are really incompetent. It's a shame."

"Do you know what it means to increase tariffs? The goods we buy from China are going to increase in price, idiot."

Inside the White House!

Tron looked ugly at the news on Twitter.

He was indeed dizzy, but he recovered very quickly. The doctor told him that if this continued, he might suffer from a dizziness stress disorder, so he should pay attention to his mood.

But how could he calm down his mood.

"Damn terrorists, it just caused chaos at this time, so that he, the president of the United States, can't come to Taiwan at all, and he has become the laughing stock of the whole people." Trang was furious: "This group of terrorists must be brought to justice."

First, he held a press conference arbitrarily and talked about what he wanted to say in front of many reporters, without considering the consequences.

Tron is cool, but the ministers of the U.S. government are going crazy.

Pressure from various fishing vessels is coming, the government's image needs to be maintained, and the time for terrorist attacks needs to be investigated. The Dubai royal family has already expressed dissatisfaction.

Why can't even the basic security of a country as large as the United States be guaranteed?

It can be said that the U.S. government is busy going round and round, and all of this is attributed to Trang.

Headquarters of Pfizer Biopharmaceuticals.

Charles and Steven, who returned to the company safely, looked fortunate.

The drugs auctioned by Dubai royal customers were robbed, but fortunately they had already given the money.

Moreover, this group of terrorism did not intend to attack all the VIPs. They only targeted the Dubai royal family. After being strong enough to use drugs, they fled without kidnapping the hostages.

"Damn it, this group of government idiots can't even do security work well." Charles complained.

"Yeah, it's really scary." Steven had a lingering fear: "Fortunately we are fine..."

"I want to change to Chinese nationality and become a Chinese citizen." Charles said: "China is really safe now. At 12 o'clock in the evening, you don't have to worry about safety when you are outside, but this is it."

"Yes, this idea can be considered." Steven said: "If we both have Chinese nationality, Jiang should trust us more."

"Let's talk about this later. It should be four o'clock in the morning in China. Jiang and the others are still resting. After Jiang gets up, we will contact him again." Charles said.

Steven nodded, no comment.


China, eight o'clock in the morning, Imperial Capital Standard Time!

For most people in China, this time is already working time, and not everyone can have a nine-to-five job.

However, the news on the Internet has inspired and excited the Chinese people.

This is news from the international side.

[U.S. President Trang increased 25% tariffs on exports to China]

[In the terrorist attack in New York, things bought by the Dubai royal family were robbed. 】

[Tron: The United States is the safest country. Terrorist: I laughed. 】

[At the auction, anti-cancer drugs and genetic drugs were auctioned at a sky-high price of more than 60 billion yuan, and China 4.5 summer young entrepreneurs received more than 60 billion yuan. 】

[Shocked, Tron was stunned by the terrorists]


The Internet is almost full of news reports on Trang, which made Chinese netizens look at it with joy.

Unexpectedly, they slept all night, and so many wonderful things happened in the United States.

Tron, this US president who likes to toss around a few things, this time he was really tossed by himself.

However, Tron dug the pit himself, and he has to fill it if he feels dizzy.

ps: Sixth, ask for automatic subscription, ask for completeness, ask for everything, ask for all kinds of things, now go out for a meal, come back and continue to code, there is still two more changes. .

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