After Jiang Cheng completed the corresponding test of the Pangu system, the hardware department of Jiangshi Technology Co., Ltd. has begun to tailor the motherboard, chip and other hardware parts of the mobile phone itself in the factory for Pangu.

Although according to the current factory scale and progress of Jiang's Technology Co., Ltd., it can only produce up to two thousand mobile phones per day.

Compared with those big mobile phone companies, the difference in output is too big.

If Jiang Cheng chooses to outsource the company's other hardware production, the output will be greatly increased.

However, Jiang Cheng doesn't want to do this. As the saying goes, he does his own things and never asks others to help. Everything will be completely in his own hands.

Even if letting others help is cooperation, but one day, if someone sees you upset and wants to make a son, then the original partner is likely to become a tool used by others to sanction you.

For example, today’s international news.

It was to completely rob Jiang Cheng from the limelight during this time.

The topic has now been completely removed from Jiang Cheng.

"The United States has successively imposed various sanctions on Huawei, requiring enterprise factories cooperating with Huawei to disconnect from Huawei, and today, it has officially included Huawei on the United States’ "physical blacklist", so that it has previously cooperated with Huawei. Companies have announced the suspension of Huawei’s supply in an attempt to curb the development of Huawei’s 5G."

After the news was reported, it immediately caused an uproar.

After Trang tried to target Jiang Cheng repeatedly and failed to succeed, he directly shifted the target to other people.

The goal now is on Huawei.

Because Huawei is already studying 5G and has obtained patents, it will soon succeed, and 5G can be officially put into use.

China's Huawei has become the world's first company to successfully develop 5G. Once 5G is successfully put into use, the benefits to China will be huge. The US government is very clear.

Therefore, Tron has once again shown a rogue side, publicly announced sanctions against Huawei, and sanctioned it on the charge of Huawei's 5G endangering network security.

The company that cooperates with Huawei is required to suspend cooperative supply, because it does not allow other countries' technology to go ahead of the United States, especially China.

Huawei has cooperated with many companies in the United States. As the largest domestic mobile phone company in China, some important hardware such as chips are all supplied by specialized manufacturers.

After the United States made such a statement, many companies had no choice but to announce that they would stop cooperating with China and stop supplying them.

The most serious thing is that Qualcomm and Google have ended their cooperation with Huawei.

This means that the two most important parts of the mobile phone, the CPU and the system, have encountered big problems.

You must know that domestic chips have always been synonymous with backwardness, and China has never developed an independent mobile phone system, so this is a huge blow to Huawei.


"The U.S. is really shameless, and Trang is really shameless~〃."

"Terror, the dignified president of the United States can be shameless to this point."

"Huawei hold on and support Huawei."

"The system and CPU are restricted by people, and it feels really dangerous."

"Oh, I hope Huawei can hold on."

"I've been engaging in these young sons over and over again, but I couldn't deal with the great god before, but now I'm here to engage in Huawei again?"

"China is awesome, the first company to develop 5G, the pride of China."

"Brothers, it's time to fight the same enemy together at this time."

"Support Huawei and boycott Apple start with me."

.................................................. ..........................................

As the United States expressed its position and reported in the news, for a while, Huawei aroused the concern of people throughout China.

Moreover, as the sanctions in the United States continue to ferment, some small companies that have never heard of it in foreign countries have begun to fall into trouble.

For example, some technologies related to common patents, such as Bluetooth and WIFI, have also said that Huawei is required to stop using these patented technologies.

For a time, Huawei was like a small boat, and all the waves hit Huawei.

Many netizens even broke out that the China headquarters building has been brightly lit for the past two weeks. Even at night, everyone is working overtime.

There are also reports of some internal news from Huawei, and many Huawei employees are united in their efforts to prepare to go with the United States to the end.

Huawei's top executives have already planned to not get paid for three years, and they are bound to fight the United States to the end.

Because there was a case where Jiang Cheng relied on his own strength to slap Trang in the face again and again.

Suddenly, many people posted @ Jiang Cheng on Weibo, asking Jiang Cheng what he thought of this matter and whether Huawei could resist it.

On Weibo:

". Great God, what do you think of this incident?"

"For Tron's shame, do you have anything to say?"

"Great gods, after all, they are all Chinese people, Chinese companies, do you have any good solutions?"

"Great God, do you think Huawei can survive this time."

"I always feel that Tron is a great god and you have no choice, so now I have shifted my goal."

.................................................. .......................................

There are so many people who are concerned about how Jiang Cheng views this incident, and Jiang Cheng has not let them down.

Soon, a piece of news came out, which once again caused a huge sensation in China and even in the world.

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