In the present, the family affairs of the actors are the affairs of the world, and the country is loyal and no one asks about it today.

Jiang Cheng is a complete outsider, relying on his own strength and influence to cause the paralysis of Weibo is really a Guinness record.

After all, the picture taken by Jiang Cheng is really sci-fi.

Many professionals can see at a glance that the photos have no PS traces.

Not to mention whether the image projected by the hologram can be directly operated on it, but this picture, imagine it to feel B-frame flying.

Is the full of science fiction costumes compelling?

Just ask, who can do it for any mobile phone company in the world?

Who can install this holographic projection technology on a small mobile phone, and what are the technical levels required?

Those who understand naturally understand, and those who don't understand can imagine how awesome it is.

Although it has not yet reached the day of Jiang Cheng's mobile phone conference, it is also the day after tomorrow. The previous promotional videos and the photos taken by Jiang Cheng now made it impossible for the CEOs of major mobile phone companies to calm down.

Putting aside artificial intelligence for the time being, is it good to put aside the practicability of this holographic projection screen for the time being?

This function alone can be regarded as a technologically transformative function for today's mobile phones.

Even if they want to imitate the function of copycats, they are currently unable to complete it.

This feature alone is enough to attract many mobile phone users.

.................................................. .................................................. ............

Here, after a video call with Li Jianmin and others, Li Yu continued to explore the DG mobile phone. Jiang Cheng can tell her if she doesn't understand anything.

The function of DG mobile phone really surprised Li Yu. Even if she doesn't have much feeling about mobile phones, people who only use it to contact, play games and watch TV at most, are deeply attracted by DG mobile phones.

"Xiao Jiangjiang, take a full-body photo of me."

"Xiao Jiangjiang, I want to watch a movie."

"Xiao Jiangjiang, I want to play games."


Here, Li Yu took the trouble to let Pangu, an artificial intelligence, help her handle any orders.

It is worth mentioning that the artificial intelligence in DG mobile phones, the initial name of each artificial intelligence is based on its own mobile phone factory number.

However, after the user confirms, the name can be changed for it.

For example, this Pangu No. 1 was changed to Xiao Jiangjiang by Li Yu.

The meaning is naturally very clear.

Li Yu used his mobile phone very late before going to bed, but the battery of the mobile phone was only used by 30%.

The DG mobile phone itself does not consume power, and the battery installed is also the lithium battery commonly used in mobile phones. As for why it does not consume power?

It lies in the intelligence of the system!

As a mobile phone butler, Pangu will certainly not open any unnecessary software. The highly intelligent system guides how to use limited resources to make the most of it.

Therefore, the power consumption of DG mobile phones is enough to make many people jealous.

After Li Yu fell asleep, Jiang Cheng continued to program the full artificial intelligence in the virtual space laboratory.

In a wide space!

As Jiang Cheng entered, a mechanical female voice rang.

"Father, you are welcome."

A 3D model of a little girl appeared in front of Jiang Cheng's eyes. The appearance of the little girl and Jiang Ling'er were a bit familiar.

Although artificial intelligence has not yet been fully completed, it has generally taken shape.

And this little girl is the core of artificial intelligence. Jiang Cheng used Jiang Linger's appearance to shape her image.

Regarding the naming of this artificial intelligence, Jiang Cheng named it "ancestor"!

"Zu, now continue to improve you." Jiang Cheng said.

"Thank you father."

As an artificial intelligence, the ancestors are not emotional now, but at the core of the system, Jiang Cheng is its master and its father.

Regarding whether to give the ancestors the ability to have emotional mechanical programming in the future, Jiang Cheng does not consider or plan for the time being.

A program is always a program, and artificial intelligence is always artificial intelligence. If you let it have feelings, it will be very troublesome.

The current ancestor is like a newborn baby, and the subsequent growth needs Jiang Cheng to guide him.

Moreover, Jiang Cheng has also prepared a super server for the ancestors, which is currently under development and production.

Put yourself on this super server, and Zu will become the strongest artificial intelligence, and you can do anything on the network.

The emergence of artificial intelligence can be said to be a blessing to the progress of human science and technology, and it may also be a disaster.

However, Jiang Cheng is not worried about this.

Because since he acquired the technology of super programming, he has mastered how to perfectly control artificial intelligence, prevent it from generating emotions and finally have the method of self-consciousness to betray humans.

This super-programming technology is more like the most perfect and most successful core technical knowledge developed by a certain ultra-high civilization after various developments.

A complete artificial intelligence may bring some disasters, and this super programming technology has technical means to solve and prevent them.

This is also the reason why Jiang Cheng dared to show the full-body artificial intelligence so quickly.

Now that the ancestor has completed two-thirds, Jiang Cheng is now making the final improvements to it, while also being able to observe the daily changes of the ancestor.

After all, in the future, if Jiang Cheng wants to realize the integration of all his company's technology industries, he still needs his ancestors to act as the main body to maintain control.

The super server is already in the process of research and development, and Jiang Cheng has already planned to start research and development of the energy device for the ancestors in the future.

Ordinary electricity is definitely not enough. That huge amount of energy can only be provided by nuclear reactors now.

ps: On the first day of returning to the eighth shift, ask for automatic subscription, ask for automatic subscription, ask for automatic subscription, tell important things three times, ask for all support! .

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