Inside the car.

Charles, Jiang Cheng, Jiang Ling'er, Li Tianhe and Li Jianmin are sitting on the extended Lincoln.

Yin Sen, Charles' housekeeper, was sitting in the big Bencao leading the way.

"Jiang, I'll bring you a gift this time~"

Charles mysteriously took out what he had brought from his butler.

A cube-wood box wrapped in red cloth.

"You really brought me a gift?" Jiang Cheng smiled.

"That is, I will definitely do it when I say it." Charles looked at Li Yu and Jiang Linger in a convincing manner, and said: "The two ladies also have gifts. At my housekeeper, when I get to the place, I Just let the butler give gifts to two beautiful ladies."


"But I didn't prepare the gift of Uncle Li and He, because I didn't know that you two would come to pick me up with Jiang." Charles apologized.

"Mr. Charles is polite.

Li Jianmin and Li Tianhe laughed.

The two of them need no gift, and it is not appropriate to get a gift from Charles. It is ruthless and unreasonable with Charles. If it were not for Jiang Cheng's relationship, they had no communication with Charles at all.

However, Charles is indeed thick-skinned and knows how to lick him. He is about the same age as Li Tianhe, and he is called Uncle Li Jianmin. In order to get close to him, he is willing to go.

"Jiang, guess what's in it?" Charles looked mysterious.

"Don't sell it." Jiang Cheng said, "Is it possible that you can still prepare a wooden box of gold for me."

Normally, Charles really has nothing to send Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng is not short of money, he has more money than him, what can he give?

Car? House? Diamond?

Such a gift is too tacky.

"How could it be gold, how could I give such a cheesy gift." Charles shook his head repeatedly.

After speaking, he asked Jiang Cheng: "Jiang, you are 18 years old this year, right."

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"According to your Chinese culture, you should be a snake in the Chinese zodiac, right." Charles said again.

Jiang Cheng nodded and smiled: "I didn't expect you to know a lot."

"Of course." Charles looked smug: "I am still very researched on China's culture. Jiang, you are a snake, this gift suits you best."

After speaking, he untied the red cloth holding the box, revealing the delicate wooden box inside.

Charles slowly opened it, and saw a copper-colored copperware slowly appearing in front of everyone, a bronze statue of a snake head with a mouth and a snake's letter.

"This, this is the bronze statue of the snake head in the Chinese zodiac?"

Seeing what was in front of him, Li Jianmin asked unbelievably.

"Uncle Li is really knowledgeable, yes, this is the bronze statue of the snake head in the Chinese zodiac lost from your China." Charles laughed.

"Our country has only recovered a total of eight bronze statues of the Chinese zodiac. The whereabouts of the snake, chicken, dog, and sheep are still missing. Mr. Charles, where did you get it?" Li Tianhe was shocked. road.

He used to teach Chinese, so he is naturally clear about these things in history.

Similarly, every Chinese person will never forget that period of history, because that time, China lost too many precious cultural relics.

The first image of the Zodiac is one of them.

"I got it from an auction a long time ago, and then I kept it in my own collection." Charles said.

"Could it be that London auction? That auctioneer, Mr. Charles, is you?" Li Jianmin suddenly remembered.

"Yes." Charles nodded: "I did get it from that London auction."

After speaking, he looked at Jiang Cheng and smiled and said, "How about Jiang? Do you like this gift? You belong to a snake. It just so happens that this is a snake head, which suits you well."

I have to say that Charles really gave a big gift this time.

The bronze statue of the snake head in the Chinese zodiac is very valuable, and it is definitely a treasure of the town hall in the museum.

"Charles, what you gave me is real, not a fake." Jiang Cheng deliberately joked.

"How come, Jiang, I am not a person who likes to collect fakes." Charles said quickly.

"Just kidding, don't get excited." Jiang Cheng smiled: "This gift of you is very precious and has a deep meaning to us Chinese people. I am very happy, but I know you are a shrewd businessman. Do you have anything? Do you want me to help?"

· ······Find flowers·········

Regarding Charles, Jiang Cheng did not get along too much, but he also knew something about it.

This kid is very good at doing business, a properly smart businessman.

When I came to China to see him, there was nothing wrong with giving him a gift. Even if he gave him an eight-million-dollar gift, Jiang Cheng was not surprised at all.

But to give him a snake head of the Chinese zodiac, such a meaningful cultural relic, must be a little calculation.


Being pierced by Jiang Cheng, Charles didn't feel embarrassed. He smiled and said directly: "Jiang, you are still that wise. I have something to ask you for help."

"Say it."

.. ....... ...

"I want to join your Chinese nationality, Jiang, can you help me say something in front of the government of your country?" Charles said.

What Charles said shocked Jiang Cheng and others.

A rich American wants to become a Chinese citizen. Why is this?

"Mr. Charles, are you kidding me?" Li Tianhe couldn't help but said.

"I'm not kidding, I'm serious." Charles said seriously: "I want to become a Chinese citizen, but it is too difficult for us foreigners to become a Chinese citizen."

"Why don't you apply earlier? According to your status, you should invest in enterprises in China earlier and contribute to the local construction of China. You should have a chance to become a Chinese citizen." Li Jianmin asked.

"That's it." Charles said: "I used to have cancer and my life was gone. What's the point of joining the nationality of which country? I really made up my mind to join the Chinese nationality because after Jiang appeared, Jiang, he gave me As a new student, I have already decided, and I will always be behind Jiang in my next life. I have a hunch that Jiang can give me the excitement I want."

I don't know why, but after Jiang Cheng listened to what Charles said from the heart, the goose bumps reappeared.

ps: Fifth, the book setting, China is the best, the Chinese is the best, the Chinese nationality is the best, the first class in China, the second and third class foreigners, there will be strong foreigners who will become the protagonists Licking the dog, do not accept rebuttal, ask for automatic subscription! 100 million.

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