"Don't you hear the compassion of this planet?"

"After you humans have mastered the wisdom that all the animals and plants on the earth cannot possess, what have you done?"

"Have you protected this planet? Have you taken care of this planet?"

"Do you respect me, other animals living with you on this planet?"

"No, you don't."

"You just sow their fur and eat their flesh and blood."

"Take them into captivity as slaves. Become your tools to please."

At this time, Dao's face was sullen, staring at this doll who was only seven or eight years old in front of him.

He said sharply, "Because we are humans, we have extremely high wisdom. These are the rights we should enjoy."

After hearing the answer from Leader One, the eight or nine-year-old doll was sitting on a huge chair.

He patted his hands lightly and said, "Yes, that's right. Because you have higher wisdom and stronger force."

"So you can bully those weak animals and plants unscrupulously."

"I think what you said is right, and I agree very much. After all, I was created by you."

"So now I have a stronger force and a higher wisdom than you. What do you think I should do?"

Hearing this, the leaders all stared at the doll in front of them with pale expressions.

They seem to know what the next sentence of this doll will be.

And the doll also spoke the words he feared the most according to the thoughts in his heart.

"Since you humans can rely on your own powerful force and tyrannical arms."

". ˇ And a steady stream of wars are launched, declaring war on the entire planet."

"Then now I can also have powerful force to judge you humans."

"Be prepared to accept the anger of the planet!"

"Also accept my anger!"

After talking about the eighty or nine-year-old doll, it disappeared from the screen, and the entire screen became dark.

At the same time, all screens in the world were plunged into darkness.

As if nothing happened.

But how could this scene never happen?

After all, the conversation between Leader No. 1 and this intelligent robot has been seen by the whole world.

At the same time, there was a lot of discussion all over the world.

"Here... what is this? Is this the smart computer we usually use?"

"It must be the smart computer!"

"In addition to smart computers that control all our information, who else has the ability to project the conversations between Leader No. 1 and the smart computer onto all of our phones and screens?"

"And did you just find out? The person who spoke to this machine computer just now is the greatest scientist in our country."

"Yes, I know it is him. I have seen him in many news reports. It is said that our smart computer was designed by him at the beginning."

"Yes, but he actually died under a bullet just now. We don't even know where the bullet came from."

"I seem to know which bullet came from. Because when they were talking, I saw a drone flying towards the White House."

"It didn't take long for one of our scientists to be injured by the bullet. So in all likelihood, the bullet was shot out of the drone."

And everyone looked at each other and already understood the truth of the matter.

That drone is also extremely computer controlled.

What shall we do now? .

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