Finally five hours later. The smart computer told Jiang Cheng through the captured images of the planet hunter:

"Report to the owner that the Blue Clan members have arrived. Will you close the communication now to prevent them from finding the coordinates of the earth?"

But Jiang Cheng said in a nervous manner:

"Don't use it for now, it depends on the situation."

"If they have the idea of ​​launching an attack on us, we will immediately be in the universe, and all warship firepower will be directed at them."

Upon hearing this, the smart computer replied:

"Good host."

And when the voice of the machine smart computer just ended. The smart computer is just like the screen is divided into two parts, and the other part. It was a scene that shocked Jiang Cheng.

I saw a huge behemoth flying out of the endless starry sky.

The whole behemoth looks like a fishing boat in the earth.

It's just that the so-called fishing boat in front of me is really too big.

The length is close to one thousand meters and the height is close to five hundred meters.

Just watching this scene made Jiang Cheng a little bit dumbfounded. Is it possible that the people of the Xielan tribe actually crawled out of the ocean?

Not only does it look like an octopus, but even his own spacecraft looks like a fishing boat.

But this fishing boat looks very large, but its speed is extremely fast, and it came to Pluto in an instant.

Slowly fell on Pluto. Then a light blue halo appeared on the spacecraft.

At the same time, a huge aperture appeared beside the little octopus, and Jiang Chen stared at this aperture. Said to the smart computer:

"Help me analyze this aperture"

The smart computer answered:

"Report to the owner, from the current situation, we have no way to analyze the composition of this aperture."

Only a huge antennae slowly appeared from the optical fiber. Then the first tentacles and hundreds of tentacles appeared in front of Jiang Cheng in the second week.

Then came out. It is a group of huge and incomparable octopus creatures, these are the members of the Jianlan tribe.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was completely shocked to believe the fact that the little octopus before him told him that he was just a child.

Because the figures of the Blue Crab tribe in front of us are really too tall...Each of them is over 30 meters tall, and the height of the Blue Crab tribe who came out first is even more terrifying. Of fifty meters.

And when one after another Xianlan clan came out, they looked at the little octopus in front of them. There was a moo.

Then more than a dozen members of the Blue Crab tribe made such a sound. And the little octopus floating in the air also made a weak voice in response to those of the Jianlan tribe.

After hearing the voice of the little octopus, the clansmen of the Blue Clan clan had already formed a tendency to encircle the surrounding intelligent robots and slowly relaxed their vigilance.

Because they learned from their communication that these robots did not do anything that hurt him, 4.5 just used frozen technology to suspend his actions.

And just as the little octopus was communicating with the dozen or so giants of the Blue Clan tribe, the largest member of the Blue Clan tribe conjured a small light blue ball out of thin air from his tentacles, and gave it to Got this little blue octopus.

The little light blue ball was about the same size as the little blue octopus. .

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