From the Perfect World

Nine hundred and seventy-two Lin Yang: I hate the world with IQ

"That's right."

Lin Yang's words resounded, different from before with a slight smile, a little more heavy and a little more cold, like the indifferent god overlooking the common people in the world, and also like the indifferent and ruthless sky.

His eyes were slightly narrow and long, revealing a little meanness.

It seemed that everything before was just his disguise, and now it was his original appearance.

The corners of Lin Yang's mouth curled up slightly, as if a sneer appeared, he said: "If you don't go to the other shore, you will never see the truth, and you will only be blinded by countless years of reincarnation, and sink into the sea of ​​suffering."

"After knowing the real identities of Gu Xiaosang and Su Meng, I started a long-term plan, just for today."

"Different from the creatures in the bitter sea, friendship with them can become a bargaining chip at the level of the other side."

With his hands on his back, Lin Yang raised his head slightly, as if expressing the deepest thoughts in his heart.

These things have always been in his heart, suppressed for too long, and finally someone can confide in them today, so he took the opportunity to tell what he has done these years.

"No wonder……"

"You have gradually lost contact with Jiang Zhiwei, Qi Zhengyan and others. Although it looks normal, compared with your attitude towards Su Meng, there is something wrong."

Wusheng old mother spoke lightly.

The other shore occupies part of the future, not the entire future like the "Dao Fruit", so there will still be unknown things. It was not until Lin Yang personally told the secrets that Wu Sheng's old mother had a glimpse of the "truth".


Lin Yang nodded, and he said: "Compared to going to the other shore, the grievances and hatred in the sea of ​​bitterness are nothing, but one thought can be destroyed and another thought can be born, and it is as fragile as a dream."

It seems that the previous confiding vented all the emotions accumulated in his heart, Lin Yang's tone has lost that coldness at this time, and has returned to his usual tone.


"It's really blind."

The sacred and ethereal voice revealed a slight smile at this moment.

It seems that Wusheng's old mother has already seen Gu Xiaosang's death and the future of her own consummation.

"Yes, blind.


Lin Yang nodded in agreement and also showed a little smile.

"At that time, you will know who is blind."

Lin Yang smiled even more.

Although it has only been nearly a hundred years since he returned to this world, he has always been cautious and was clearly arranged by the other side. Who can understand that feeling? Living under the eyes of others all the time, the so-called changing the world, changing the universe, changing the time period does not change at all, there is no secret at all, and it is longer than a million years in a perfect world.

How could there be no negative emotions in his heart.

Now that I can take advantage of this opportunity to tease Wu Sheng's old mother, it is also to vent my emotions, lest when I landed on the other side, I did not fall under the external calamity, but instead made a mistake due to will.

If the Tathagata doesn't even understand his thoughts, how can he implement himself and awaken the me who merged with the past.

"Since that's the case, it's fine."

Wusheng old mother said, agreed.

Any sane person would not reject this proposal, especially if He is the other side.

After tampering with time countless times, everything you want to have is easily obtained. Those things and things that have not broken free from the sea of ​​suffering are like a blank book, and you can't resist even if you write at will, even if words have appeared on the book. Wanting to change is just a thought.

After a long time, the people on the other side will lose all emotions sooner or later, at least for the creatures in the sea of ​​suffering, it is impossible to show any emotions.

The only pursuit, the only thing that cannot be easily achieved is... to prove the Tao and fruit.

Anything that affects one's attainment of the Path and Fruit must be eradicated, no matter the cost.

Lin Yang also knows Wusheng's mother's mentality, so he will make him complete as a bargaining chip. Even if Wusheng's mother wants to cut him into pieces and steam fry him, she can't show it, and she can't even take any action. .

Otherwise, this act will indeed become the unpredictable will of God in the eyes of the creatures in the sea of ​​suffering, but it will be repeatedly tested by other "God's will".

The product of a newly-promoted other-sider and himself doing subtraction and emptiness...

It is self-evident how the lifeless mother will choose.

Hearing Wu Sheng's old mother agreed, Lin Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Should I kill Gu Xiaosang before breaking free from the sea of ​​suffering, or after breaking free from the sea of ​​suffering?"

When Lin Yang spoke, he was very interested in his heart, curious about Wu Sheng's answer.

The avenue of light, which resembled a bright moon, fluctuated, and a sacred and ethereal voice came out.

Lin Yang saw it, those eyes that contained all the beauty and possibilities, stared at him deeply, and there were layers of ripples, containing emotions that outsiders could not understand.

"Consummation must not pass through the hands of outsiders."

The lifeless old mother said.

Lin Yang nodded, understanding what he was pretending to be worried about.

Killing Gu Xiaosang, as long as he landed on the other side, then resurrecting Gu Xiaosang would be a breeze.

If he had the idea of ​​resurrecting Gu Xiaosang, with the strength of his Wusheng old mother disguised as an ordinary person from the other side, he would not be able to stop it.

Although at the level of the other side, it is easier to maintain history than to change history, but it means that two people from the other side are in a fair environment. It is not fair that "Gu Xiaosang died at the hands of a certain person from the other side". The other side that killed Gu Xiaosang was willing to revive her, so no other side would have a chance to stop her.

After all, with just one thought, the act of killing Gu Xiaosang at that time can be changed into another act.

"Are you going to let me capture Gu Xiaosang and let you fuse?"

Lin Yang asked.

If he really did this and let Wusheng's old mother fuse with Gu Xiaosang, then even if he didn't catch Gu Xiaosang after landing on the other shore, he still couldn't change the fact that Gu Xiaosang died.

If you are fused by a person from the other side, then there is no possibility of resurrection at all. The past and future of the fused person are only a part of that person from the other side. Not the people before being fused.

It may be possible to create an individual similar to others in the world, possessing that person's complete memory of experience, and even the thinking mode, but the natural aura flowing from the "Tao" is ultimately different. It is just a copy, and anyone who can break it The legendary power of "I am me" will not regard the replica as the real product, even if it looks like it again, at some point in the future, it will eventually make a different choice from the real product because of the different aura of nature.


The eyes that contained all the beauty narrowed slightly, flashing a light of unknown meaning.

Wusheng's old mother continued: "Kill Su Meng."

"As long as Su Meng dies, no one will protect Gu Xiaosang. It's easy for me to kill her, and I won't go through the hands of outsiders."

Good guy, tough enough.

Lin Yang said in secret, the Golden Emperor was really good at calculating as always, and resolved the matter without leaving a trace.


The Wusheng old mother said, a smile appeared on the face under the curtain of endless time and space.

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