From the Perfect World

Nine hundred and ninety ending

Demon Emperor Palace.

Bodhi Ancient Buddha looked at the two rounds of Dao Baoguang intertwined, each obliterating the other, his eyes flickered slightly.

The Demon Emperor's Palace, which was originally located in the depths of the East China Sea, was floating in nothingness at this moment. It evolved its own rules and transformed the heavens and myriad worlds into a pure land in the chaos.

In the final analysis, this place is within the long river of time and fate, not outside, and the chaos here is not pure nothingness. It is simply impossible to affect the treasures of the other side.

"When the long river of light and destiny completely collapses, the ruler of the heavens and the worlds will also fall. At that time, there will be no future tributaries, and the heavens and the worlds will truly come to an end."

"What can he rely on to keep his life? Or is there something that can make him risk his life after going through the sea of ​​suffering and standing on the other side?"

Ancient Buddha Bodhi murmured, as if speaking to the people deep in the Demon Emperor's Palace.

This is the mystery in his heart, if the conditions offered by Lin Yang were not attractive enough, he would have attacked Lin Yang long ago.

Before returning to the long river of time, He did not intend to do so.

"Besides attaining the Dao Fruit, the Era will end, and the Heavenly Emperor will surely die."

"Even if Huang Laojun was reincarnated, he died under Haotian's hands."

From the depths of the Demon Emperor's Palace came a female voice with a hint of compassion, with a very gentle tone.

The disguise of the demon sage Fengxi was very successful, and there was a layer of barriers in the Demon Emperor's Palace. In addition, he was born in the first era, and the ancient aura on his body was very strong. Even outside the Demon Emperor's Palace, he didn't feel the slightest abnormality.

He really regarded the people in the palace as the king of demons and the ancestors of people.

Even Amitabha, the oldest person, did not see the flaw.


Ancient Buddha Bodhi said with a sense of loss.

He shook his head, and said: "With the mutual involvement of a group of fellow Taoists, it is not easy to talk about reducing and seeking emptiness, let alone doing it to achieve perfection."

"Besides, if you don't become the embryonic form of Taoism, how can you be qualified to do subtraction and emptiness?"

Although he is not the fruit of the Dao, he has not been able to occupy the entire future, but he can see, at least three hundred years,

At most eight hundred years, the river of time and destiny will completely collapse.

At that time, the heavens and myriad worlds will be destroyed ahead of time, and the power of a complete cycle will also appear.

It is almost impossible to become the embryonic form of Dao Fruit in eight hundred years and rank among the ancients, at least with one's own strength.

Only by mastering all the mysteries of the heavens and myriad worlds can the illusory Dao Fruit possess a part of the real Dao Fruit's symbol and turn it into the prototype of Dao Fruit.

Even after standing on the other side, standing on the top and bottom of the world structure, the scene you see will no longer be different. If you want to thoroughly grasp all the mysteries of the heavens and the world, which is the sum of the 129,600 avenues, It will also take quite a long time.

You must know that the minimum standard for landing on the other side is to completely master one avenue, that is to say, theoretically the weakest person on the other side can completely master only one avenue.

And the more Taos that are thoroughly mastered, the newcomers to the other side will be promoted to the normal ones, and when the Taos that are fully mastered are close to one yuan, they will be near the ancients.

Although as long as the time is long enough, any person from the other side can become the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit and join the ranks of the ancients, but the end of the catastrophe is just around the corner, so there is still so much time for people to improve.

How about tampering with the past again and again, so that all the development can benefit oneself to the greatest extent, not to mention the interference of other people from the other side, but just saying that the current node will not stop because of anyone, which means that even if the past is tampered with, it can be done There are also limits.

"Yeah, without the rudimentary form of enlightenment fruit, how can you be qualified to do subtraction and empty space?"

The compassionate female voice seemed to be moved.

Bearing the name of the Demon Emperor, and merging all the imprints and traces of the Demon Emperor in the heavens and myriad worlds, He has to shoulder beyond imagination. If he can't fulfill the Demon Emperor's wish and protect the human race and the demon race through the final catastrophe, then don't worry. There may be a day when the embryonic form of Dao fruit will be achieved.

If it weren't for that unforgettable period of hatred, he might not be able to withstand the tremendous pressure and replace the Demon Emperor with a little spiritual light.

Bodhi Ancient Buddha's eyes turned, and he looked at the Demon Emperor's Palace without any trace, and secretly said:

"So, how are you going to do the subtraction and emptying..."

The Demon Emperor became enlightened in the first era, far longer than him. It is impossible to say that there is no thought about the fruit of the Tao. Now that it is exposed, it can only be a very hidden product of subtraction and emptiness.

After turning his thoughts slightly, Ancient Buddha Bodhi looked at nothingness.

Although he had just entered the other shore, Lin Yang, who was on the other side with blessings, was completely in the upper hand and firmly suppressed Wusheng Old Mother, a normal person on the other shore who had been on the other shore for some time.

It seems that as long as there is enough time, what he said before will be fully realized.

Kill the lifeless old mother, and turn her into a peerless otherworldly being.

"Is he planning to imitate the Emperor? It's just a little more tactful."

"Although I don't know if there will be a new era, we must kill as many of us as possible before falling... ruthless spirits, and open up a sky for the human race or all living beings in the world."

Thinking of Lin Yang's words of re-establishing the heavenly court, Bodhi ancient Buddha way.


The demon saint pondered, looking at the incarnation of the emperor in the hall.

The Human Sovereign smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the words I said the first time I came here are still valid today, and won't..."

When he said this, the face of the human emperor's avatar changed and began to distort, extremely ferocious, and a strong devilish energy filled the depths of his eyes.

"After all, not long after landing on the other side, even if the combat power is good, it is inevitable to be careless after all."

Youyou's voice came from behind the heavy white gauze curtain, and the demon saint saw through the whole story.


The battlefield on the other side.

Lin Yang, who was covered in Tiandao battle armor, staggered slightly, and monstrous devilish energy overflowed from his body.

When all his mind was on Wusheng's old mother, the struggling Demon Emperor's Claw finally seized the opportunity and affected Lin Yang.

Affected by this, the knife that was supposed to severely injure Wu Sheng's mother was completely blocked by the huge bronze axe, and even pushed back.

Wusheng old mother didn't take the opportunity to attack Lin Yang, seized the opportunity, and fled this place directly, disappeared into the depths of time, never to be seen again.

Just two breaths after he disappeared, Lin Yang, who had suppressed the Demon Emperor's Claw again, let out a cold snort.

"It's decisive enough."

Looking at the nothingness in front of him, Lin Yang shook his head and said, "That's all..."

He walked to the place where Jiuchongtian was, and blocked the aftermath of the other side, allowing the heavens and worlds to reappear.

Everything that had disappeared in the confrontation between the Demon Emperor's Claw and the Heavenly Dao Palace, and in the battle between him and the Golden Emperor had all reappeared.

"...I'll teach you a lesson this time."

The high and far-reaching words spread far and wide, leaving all the supernatural beings confused.

what happened?

Isn't Xuanyang trying to break free from the sea of ​​suffering?

The death was too sudden and there was no warning. Naturally, those with great supernatural powers would not have vague memories of what happened next.

It wasn't until the demon clan in the Demon Emperor's Palace posted a post on the Wanjie Forum to tell the reason, that everyone's hearts became cold.

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