Time flies, millions of years are fleeting.

Heavenly Palace.

Lin Yang, who was comprehending the mysteries of this world, opened his eyes and looked towards a certain place in the sea, with a trace of surprise in the depths of his eyes.

The special person he threw into the interface universe at the beginning unexpectedly fell away just now.

A million years later, he and I in the interface universe have soared from the 100 billion-level interface to the 320 billion-level interface. One can imagine how boring it is. There is nothing but practice, just for practice. Cultivation, soaring for the sake of ascension.

In addition to him and me in Lin Yang, there are also some amazingly talented local creatures who have ascended more than ten times, but in the end they all chose to stop. After standing at the peak of this interface, they did not choose to continue to ascend and give up everything , Go to the superior interface to do bullshit for others.

And the fall of him and me in the interface universe was not because he was killed while fighting with people, but because he accidentally bumped into an ancient tree after the latest ascension, causing an insect nest shaped like a hornet's nest to fall from the tree. , Some insects flew out from the nest, stung Lin Yang and me to death.

The mythical existence that has ascended 320 billion times would be so absurd that it would be so absurd, exposing corpses to the wilderness, it is impossible to appear in the outside world, and it is estimated that only the interface universe with unique rules will have such a situation.

"Luck, luck, fate..."

Lin Yang murmured softly, his Taoism improved slightly.

In the future he occupies, although he and I in the interface universe are not all smooth sailing, it is not so unlucky that they will be stung to death by insects in the new interface.

Since this situation will occur at this time, there is only one answer, and that is that the several avenues related to fate in this world are quite different from the fate of the first life that he has mastered. Lin Yang, who is in the realm of enlightenment, Almost at the same time that he and I in the interface universe fell, they almost completely grasped the rules of the road related to fate, luck, etc. in the perfect world.

After millions of years of comprehension, he also had to sigh with emotion. It seems that the unique worldview that is limited to the perfect world, even if he is strong enough to his situation, he will not be able to quickly grasp all the avenues and all the mysteries as he did in the first world. If there is a special opportunity, even if it takes hundreds of millions of years or even longer to comprehend, it will be difficult to fully grasp a path. Even, when a strong person walks too deeply on a certain path, it will affect future generations' comprehension of this path.

A little bit of light condensed in Lin Yang's hands, forming a special type of self.

The so-called special other-self is a projection that is different from the normal other-self projection, or it has no cultivation base, or it is born with all kinds of supernatural powers...

As for the normal projection, as the other shore, when he returned to the perfect world, his volume had already expanded to a limit. For many monks, it was a height that they could not reach, and different projections, according to their own characteristics , has a certain degree of characteristics of the other side, but it is not as good as the projection of the other side in the world of the first life.

The world views of the two worlds are different. Most of the universes in the boundary sea have limits. The peak of humanity can fight to the edge of the universe and touch the chaos outside the boundary. Based on the projection of the universe, there is also an upper limit on the energy level.

Under the world view of the world of the first world, the universe is infinite. Even if it exceeds the speed of light by hundreds of millions of times, and flies to the end of time, it will not be able to reach the end of the universe. Because there is no end, the projection of the other shore will be so powerful that it will be terrifying The extent, infinite space, and infinite energy can completely fill the energy level of the other shore projection.

At the time of the legend, it was not obvious that he and I had a weaker projected energy level, but on the other side, the gap between the two can be seen at a glance.

Although many projections in the Boundary Sea also have the ability to create something out of nothing, as long as there is enough time, they can surpass the universe itself, but it takes hundreds of millions of years to compare with the projections on the other side that were born in the infinite universe.


Lin Yang is too lazy to pass down the true spirit system. If he only practiced in the perfect world, he would be no more than a legend, and even the legendary realm would not be complete. Otherwise, he would not have been stuck in the normal legend series for so long. If he hadn't found another way , The other self who has cultivated far beyond the body outside the realm, can use the power of the unity of all self, may have changed the practice system long ago.

As for good fortune and the other side, it is even more nonsense. The worldview of this world simply does not allow this kind of practice.

With a flicker of light, he and I disappeared, causing Lin Yang to be thrown into the interface universe and return to the lowest interface.

When crossing the boundary sea back then, he threw a special self into the interface universe, but on a whim, after returning this time, he discovered the difference in the interface universe.

In a sense, the existence of the interface universe has already violated the rules of the heavens.

He wanted to create the strongest bloodline of the human race back then. When he was an adult, he would have the fighting power of a fairy king, be able to reproduce without hindrance, give birth to offspring as easily as a mortal, and be able to assimilate bloodlines of other races. Like normal people, even in the dead and cold remnant world, they can grow without being affected.

For this reason, he created many, many kinds of bloodlines, but they all failed, and none of them succeeded.

The reason is that the rules of the heavens do not allow the birth of such a heaven-defying bloodline, which destroys the balance of all things. After countless attempts, Lin Yang finally figured out the limit allowed by the rules of the heavens and created the human royal family.

The growth cycle is ten thousand times that of normal human beings, that is, one hundred thousand years is considered an adult, and it can rival the supreme fairy king.

As for the situation in the interface universe, not to mention the middle and low levels, the creatures after the nine trillion level are probably so terrifying, and even surpassed, at least in the boundary sea, it is almost impossible to have several litters every year, and a litter of dozens of fairy kings A race of titanic monsters.

Not to mention that in the interface universe, there are still new interfaces that are slowly forming.

It is because the interface universe is so special that Lin Yang pays attention to the interface universe. However, maybe it is the balance of the rules of the heavens. The creatures in the interface universe, including his special projection, no matter how tyrannical they become, they will never leave that universe forever. , the same is true if outside powerhouses enter by mistake.

After careful observation, Lin Yang confirmed that the formation speed of the new interface is not a constant value, but depends on the strength of life.

The stronger the creatures in the interface universe, the faster the formation of new interfaces, and when the creatures become weaker, the speed of forming new interfaces will also decrease.

"Throw a quasi-immortal emperor in, and it is estimated that the interface that is currently bred will take shape in an instant."

After a murmur, Lin Yang secretly said: "Compared to other universes in Jiehai, that universe is more like a prison."

Even though he said that, Lin Yang set aside a part of his mind to comprehend the mysteries of the interface universe. He was very careful not to cause an unknown number of layers to be added to the interface universe in an instant due to his own strength.

And when he was comprehending, Shi Hao finally stabilized the realm of Immortal Emperor, and was about to take action.

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