From the Perfect World

One thousand one hundred twenty-five source world

In the main hall of Tiandao Palace, there is no difference between day and night, and time here seems to stay at a certain moment forever.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yang ended his practice.

Step by step, he restructured the epochs of the world of the king of the first life into the heavens in his body.

That is the birth and death of the heavens and worlds thousands of times. If it hadn't been for the Dao Zun to prove the Dao Fruit, it is suspected to bring about the end of the kalpa, and perhaps in the endless years, there will be endless eras of birth and death.

"One thousand two hundred floors."

Lin Yang muttered to himself.

Counting the original heavens, the heavens in his body already have 1,200 layers, and each layer is the heavens and worlds with different rules. Because it occupies all the space, it can only be divided conceptually. So the way of existence is 'layer' rather than other.

"The structures of the heavens and worlds in some eras are very similar. When they exist in the form of 'epochs', it is not obvious. However, when they exist at the same time, some things above the legendary level will be affected by each other. "

"After leaving aside those eras with similar structures, the realm in my body is 1,200 layers of heavens and myriad realms. If I want to improve, there are two ways..."

After thinking of this, Lin Yang's attention shifted to a different world where he and I were.

Devour the starry sky world, originate from the continent!

"The first way is to go to a different world with a large scale, directly comprehend the world structure there, and become a new inner body."

"The second method is to deduce by yourself, deduce a new structure of the heavens that is different from the structure of the 1,200 layers of the heavens and worlds."

"Since you can enter the devouring world at this time, you don't need to deduce it yourself. It would be a waste of time. Moreover, after going to that world and re-constructing the source worlds in the body, you can further comprehend the infinite chaotic source space. mysteries."

Even if he is as strong as Lin Yang, it is difficult to calculate how many years he will be away this time.

The only thing that is certain is that it will not be too short. Even if the time scale of the perfect world and the devouring starry sky world is so large that it is staggering, judging by the time of the perfect world, it will take at least millions of years.

The so-called source world, in the infinite chaotic source space, does not know how many exist.

And each source world has a different structure, and the supreme rules inside are also different.

Devouring the starry sky world is one of the source worlds.

Beyond the primordial universe is the sea of ​​dimensional universes, where there are countless universes, and the sea of ​​dimensional universes has a total of three thousand, and the core is the continent of origin.

This is a source world.

With the cognition of many different worlds, each source world can be regarded as a multiverse, even more magnificent.

"I'm going to pursue a higher realm."

Lin Yang muttered to himself, he engraved these words in the deepest part of time, endowed them with eternal energy, and when Shi Hao came someday in the future, he would be able to understand the whole story.

After finishing everything, Lin Yang called out the 'system' and left the perfect world.

He didn't take the Heavenly Dao Palace with him. After all, this trip was not for doing business, but mainly for cultivation. If you want to comprehend the supreme rules and world structure of the source world, you can only come to that source world in person. If the amount is too large, if it is brought into the source world, there will be quite terrible changes, which will delay the practice.

At the same time Lin Yang left, his historical imprint lost its original power.

Although it is still very terrifying, it is no longer at the level of despair. Compared with the other shore, the imprint of his own history after he left is more like a natural emperor, an existence unimaginable by the world, but his consciousness It is impossible to pass through the past and the present at the same time.


continent of origin.

Standing on this land again, Lin Yang looked at the world.

In the depths of the sky, from time to time, 'meteorites' traverse the boundless high sky and fall to the earth. You can only see them after the brilliance dissipates. Those falling 'meteorites' are universes of different sizes.

It was originally suspended in the depths of the high sky, but lost its support due to the fall of its master. Under the traction of the continent of origin, it became a part of the earth. As for the ethnic groups in the universe, they were first melted into pure Energy up.

"It's been a long, long time."

Lin Yang said to himself.

It has been 520,000 reincarnation eras since the last time I practiced in the Origin Continent, which is a long time that is enough to suffocate.

After such a long time, great changes have also taken place on the continent of origin.

The projection of him and me that he threw into this world at the beginning... Lu Yuan, who is also the God Emperor of Origin at this time, has long unified the Origin Continent, even if the supreme rule blocks and prohibits the powerhouses of the Origin Continent from going to the three-thousand-dimensional cosmic sea, it will not be possible. Can't stop Lin Yang, or the origin god emperor.

Up to now, the three-thousand-dimensional cosmic sea is also under the rule of the origin god emperor.

Originally, it was a bit difficult to overcome the obstacles of the highest rules, but after Lin Yang mastered many other-level supernatural powers, the Origin God Emperor naturally also mastered the corresponding supernatural powers. After dozens of adjustments in the era of reincarnation, some moves adapted to After understanding the supreme rule, the Origin God Emperor officially made a move.

His generals, who were reincarnated in the cosmic seas of dimensions, became the native beings of the original universe in that sea of ​​universes. After being concealed by the God Emperor of Origin, the supreme rule could not detect the true identities of these people, and regarded them as native beings, unless Sensitive matters are involved, otherwise there are no restrictions.

And those who can be sent out by Lin Yang are all the masters of chaos, and they are existences on the origin continent that are worthy of being called holy.

Originally, there were ten saints in the kingdom of a god-king. However, after the complete unification of the Origin Continent, there were thousands of saints in the Origin God Kingdom.

Except for some people who were inspired by the origin and sincerely surrendered after the defeat, the remaining masters of chaos were all cultivated by Lin Yang.

The only thing the saints who reincarnated into the dimensional universe sea need to do is to grow up and go through the cycle of reincarnation, seize the original universe where they live, and, as the new will of the original universe, overlook many reincarnation eras and become the origin god. The country selects potential candidates.

"A few of them are also god kings."

Glancing into the distance, Lin Yang had a thought and appeared in the Origin Palace.

As for the few people he mentioned, besides Luo Feng, there was one, Lou Cheng who had been looking for Master's trace since the moment he set foot on Origin Continent.

When the real body came to Yuanyuan Emperor's Palace, Yuanyuan God Emperor's body was also under Lin Yang's control, and walked towards the secret room of cultivation.

"Since the real body has arrived, then the origin god emperor body will have enough time to complete the final transformation."

"Staying in place for so long, it's time to become a chaotic source life."


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