From the Perfect World

One thousand one hundred and thirty-five Emperors are invincible! Lin Yang's silent mourning

Immortal Emperor Mao didn't know that the difficulty of becoming an immortal emperor and becoming a world-class Chaotic Source were basically the same, and even the difficulty of the latter was lower than that of the former.

Those who can become an immortal emperor, as long as they choose to jump out of the cage, they will definitely become a world-class Hunyuan being. However, if the world-class Hunyuan took the road of an immortal emperor, then it may not be 100% able to become an immortal emperor.

After all, the vast majority of world-class Chaotic Source beings can become world-class Chaotic Source beings after jumping out of the cage, going through hundreds of millions of hardships and obstacles at the high Chaotic Source level, and obtaining countless opportunities.

But walking the road of Immortal Emperor, before becoming an Immortal Emperor, is only at the level of the Cosmic God, and the opportunities that the Cosmic God and the high-level Hunyuan can encounter are not the same.

Without those chances that allowed him to go from a high-level Chaotic Source to a world-class Chaotic Source time and time again, the future is almost predictable.

Even so, there is no need to say much about the gap between the two.

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Min seemed to have thought of something, and he seemed to sigh with emotion:


Seeing his hometown, he was particularly emotional. This is the hometown he has been looking for for countless years. His growth, his glory, and his ending are all here.

Riding on the giant beast, while approaching the boundary sea, Immortal Emperor Ming said to himself: "In terms of understanding, the low-level Chaotic Yuan beings are far inferior to the Cosmic God, but this does not affect the low-level Chaotic Yuan beings waving their hands. In a short time, the strength that can kill countless god kings."

"Perhaps these low-level beings are limited by their comprehension, and cannot fully excavate their blood vessels to become high-level Chaotic Source beings, but they have also stood at a height that countless practitioners have never been able to reach in their lifetime."

"The reason is that one was born in the infinite chaotic source space, and the other was born in the source world."

Regarding these, Immortal Emperor Gong has seen it before. For example, in his glorious years, some of the most powerful races in the sky gave birth to descendants that surpassed human nature, and the Hunyuan life is just a kind of Just improve.

However, thinking of what I once thought was the highest state, there is a life that is close to that level of combat power when it is born, no matter who it is, it is difficult to calm down.

Usually it doesn't show up, but at this moment, thinking of his body that has been corroded by darkness, Immortal Emperor Min's heart is no longer calm.

The giant beast he was sitting on was also a high-level Hunyuan being. Needless to say, it was terrifying. Even though the boundary sea was so vast, within one step, the Hunyuan giant beast had already carried Immortal Emperor Yu on its back to the ultimate ancient world. The ground stood outside the Immortal Emperor's circle.

The rules of the heavens are constantly being broken, and there is no way to stop the existence of this series. The long river of time evaporates directly, and the various conceptual orders around Immortal Emperor Min become chaotic and lead to nothingness.

"Too fragile..."

This remark was not made by Immortal Emperor Min, but by the Hunyuan giant beast he was sitting on.

It is fundamentally difficult to understand how in such a fragile world, it is possible to cultivate a practitioner with a profound foundation that can become a world-class chaotic source.

The world-class Chaotic Source's 'Tao' is simply not something this world can bear, and it is above the rules of this world.

"Birth, doesn't mean everything."

"Before the birth of the first Hunyuan lord, which Hunyuan being could believe that the ant-like life in the source world could become the strongest life in the Hunyuan ancestor level."

Immortal Emperor Min spoke at this time.

It can be seen that the relationship between him and the Hunyuan giant beast is not a relationship of slavery, otherwise, the Hunyuan giant beast would not be able to bluntly say that this world is too fragile.

In order not to cause too much change to this world, the two deliberately restrained their power aura.

They have no malice in their hearts, but there is no wisdom in the rules of the heavens, and they are still instinctively suppressing the two, and the result is that they are broken.

Shattered image of the laws of the heavens in the ultimate ancient land,

It shocked the emperor in the depths of the sky.

The vision is monstrous, spreading across the universe, there is a gray light, there is a sacred light, and there is also a deep purple light.

Each kind of light is formed by the interweaving of countless avenue symbols, and possesses unparalleled power!

The quasi-immortal emperor laws of the three emperors are shining, even if they are a little far away from the ultimate ancient land, the three quasi-immortal emperors all come to this world with the strongest posture.

They all know that there is a big change in the ultimate ancient land!

The blazing emperor's brilliance has illuminated the eternity, the strongest and the most holy, affecting the past and the present, and the emperor's prestige has filled this great world.


The holy chariot came from the sky, marching in glory and ages.


Yudi's voice came from inside the chariot, and it was obvious how dignified he was.

Even if the breath of the two mysterious beings cannot be felt, even if the breath is not exposed, the rules of the heavens are broken, which also shows that the two mysterious beings are absolutely terrifying and powerful.

After the rules were broken, the shapes of the two mysterious beings became blurred in his eyes, which made Emperor Yu only see two mysterious beings, one in human form and the other in animal form.

Soon, Emperor Cang and Emperor Hong also came here.

They looked at the two vaguely mysterious beings with the same dignity.

However, they have an invincible will in their hearts. As the countless unrivaled beings born in countless epochs, who is weaker than whom?

The opportunity to become emperor belongs to only one person.

This is the record engraved on the stone tablet, so although the two mysterious beings are extremely powerful, they cannot be the real emperors!

At most, he can do the same thing as that person, stepping into that field with half a foot.

Under the same realm, who can lightly take the order of an emperor who exists at the same level?

The vision of the ultimate ancient land was overwhelming, and the flames of the avenue expanded layer by layer, crossing the dam and alarming the king under the dam.

They were trembling, but also excited.

There is really a strong man who breaks the king and becomes the emperor.

In the depths of the Ultimate Ancient Land, Immortal Emperor Gong looked at the three Unrivaled Emperors and remembered something, and whispered inexplicably: "So it's the three of you."

These words made the three emperors doubtful.

It sounds like one of the two mysterious beings actually knows about them, but why, they have never heard of any deeds about them.

Many epochs ago, the original emperor who returned from the catastrophe died on the side of the boundary sea, which is the other side of the boundary sea, and the emperors of later generations have fallen into the era.

The battle fluctuations at that time, even across the boundary sea, the self-appointed Immortal Emperor Miao could vaguely feel several auras.

Although the original emperor after the catastrophe had long lost his memory of the time of the Nine Emperors, Immortal Emperor Ming did not forget it.

At the beginning, he proclaimed himself the sacred palace of Yuanshen, that is, the rotten wooden box in the eyes of the world. The reason why he was able to go to the side of the sea far away from the body of the fallen immortal emperor was the original emperor who brought it there, and was finally taken there. Originated from the mainland, opened a new life, and came to the world again.

It can be said that the existence of a new life has a lot to do with the original emperor.

At this time, seeing the three quasi-immortal emperors who killed the original emperor turned into a robbery, it was a past event.

Just when Emperor Yu wanted to ask, Immortal Emperor Min casually said, "Kill them."

These words changed the faces of the three emperors, Emperor Cang sneered, and said: "They are all in the same realm, how dare one person make false claims to kill three emperors?"

"Arrogance, I will send you on your way."

Knowing that the enemy is not easy, the three emperors teamed up to attack, and they wanted to kill one person first to establish an advantage.

In this way, it can also be tortured to find out where the two mysterious existences came from, and why there has never been a trace of the two in countless epochs.

The power of the emperor is really terrifying. With all his strength, the great world is born and destroyed, and when the life is destroyed, the past shines through the present.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Yang couldn't help mourning for the three emperors. There was no problem with their cognition, but it was a pity that they didn't know that there was a sky beyond the sky at this time.

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