From the Perfect World

1137th New God, Super High Energy Continent

Immortal Emperor Mao saw that the world behind the entrance of the sky was not the boundless sea of ​​blood that he saw back then, but the infinite chaotic source space.

Different from the area where the boundary sea is located, the infinite chaotic source space behind the cave entrance has an unknown atmosphere, and it seems that it is separated from the boundary sea by an unknown distance.

He could vaguely see a continent floating in the chaotic source space behind the cave entrance, which was extremely terrifying. It seemed to be formed by the condensed power of the infinite chaotic source. After countless times of compression, it finally became the current form.

Even looking at it from such a distance, his heart trembled a little.

"Can't the world-class Chaotic Source set foot?"

He murmured in a low voice, and there was a sense of astonishment in his tone.

World-class chaotic sources belong to the top-level existence in the vast and endless infinite chaotic source space. Now, after the collapse of the billions of source worlds, how many world-class chaotic sources are there?

Even in the face of only seven Lords of Chaotic Source, the world-class Chaotic Source is in the source world controlled by itself, and combined with the power of the source world, it can still contend. In the meantime, if you face the ancestor of Chaotic Source in your own source world, the odds of winning the world-class Chaotic Source may be a little higher.

However, today he actually saw an Eternal Continent. As a world-class Chaotic Source, he felt a little trembling in his heart?

"That is the place of eternity. Among the endless Chaotic Source beings, only the Chaotic Source Lord and a small number of Chaotic Source ancestors have seats there."

"Only Hunyuan at the lord and ancestor level can set foot in the eternal land."

Lin Yang spoke at this moment.

His words caused Immortal Emperor Mun to think deeply, and after a while, Immortal Emperor Mun murmured: "A small number of ancestors of Hunyuan..."

Lin Yang said with a grunt, "Although the ancestor of Chaotic Source life belongs to the same level of life as the lord, it is generally weaker than the Chaotic Source lord among the practitioners, which also leads to some weaker ones. The ancestor of Hunyuan has no seat of his own in the Eternal Land."

When Immortal Emperor was stunned, he couldn't see through Lin Yang more and more. Even he didn't know the secrets the other party said. He really didn't know how the other party got these top-secret information.

In addition, at the beginning, Lin Yang was able to leave the boundary sea with such weak strength and go to the continent of origin. Immortal Emperor suspected that there was a lord among practitioners standing behind Lin Yang, and at least he was the consummation among world-class chaotic sources. .

When his thoughts were mixed, he murmured in doubt: "The world behind the did it disappear?"

After Lin Yang heard the words, he replied casually: "Back then, the heaven and the world floating in the infinite chaotic source space had a certain degree of connection, so in the sky, there will be a hole opened, and no matter whether it is the sky and the outside The universe sea, or that side of the world, is a special world other than the source world type, and will not stay in a certain place for a long time..."

"The two special worlds are moving, and after a long time, they have become like this. The previous connection is completely broken, and only the hole of God still exists."

It is not without basis that Lin Yang would say so.

The infinite chaotic source space is very large, so big that even the lord of the chaotic source, the ancestor of the chaotic source, has not been able to fully explore it.

Although the existence of the source world is a normal state, not all worlds exist in the infinite chaotic source space in the form of the source world. Before Lin Yang brought Jiehai, he discovered the infinite chaotic source space Among them, there are many special big worlds, and the world that once manifested the giant eye on the world membrane belongs to this category.

"I see……"

"Nearly a million times of reincarnation, in my opinion, is indeed an unbelievably long period of time."

When Immortal Emperor Min whispered, he stepped off the back of Hunyuan giant beast, he looked at the somewhat familiar Shangtian Continent,



At this moment, the entire boundary sea was trembling slightly.

Immortal Emperor Min released his original power to transform the Continent of Heaven, and indirectly affected countless universes in the Boundary Sea.

Lin Yang could feel that the Shangshang Continent, which had almost completely melted, was revived under the transformation of the original power of Immortal Emperor Yu, the void became more stable, and the material structure was much stronger than before. Energy is gradually being replaced by the power of Chaotic Source.

Even the rules of the heavens, under the influence of a world-class chaotic source of Taoism, began to change and become more mysterious. It seems that the rules of the heavens have become a derivative of the Tao of Immortal Emperor Ming.


On the Boundary Sea, pieces of remnant worlds formed waves, slapping into the distance, and the king who was crossing the sea also started to take refuge in fear.

The wave after wave is composed of tens of thousands of remnant worlds at the very least. Apart from the emperor, how many kings can be found who can face down without changing face?

I don't know how long it has passed, but God's transformation is over.

"The king of the ancient law, when he set foot on the sky, died because of the Dao species in his body. It was difficult to adapt to the strange rules of the sky, so the immortal body and soul were so fragile."

"The king who uses his body as his seed is not like this."

Looking at this new continent filled with the power of Chaotic Source, Lin Yang murmured to himself, and then said with emotion: "After this transformation, no matter what kind of system the king is, when he steps into the sky, he will be under terrible pressure and extreme pressure. Under the oppression of a solid space, the body dies and the soul perishes, turning into dust on the ground.”

"Even the previous three emperors could only stagger forward in this new continent, and it was difficult to fly away."

Immortal Emperor Mao's transformation has completely turned the Shangcang Continent into a super-level continent. Although the previous Shangcang Continent was far stronger than the Boundary Sea, the gap with the normal universe was not so appalling.

At the entrance of the vault of heaven, after creating a palace, Immortal Emperor Min had a rather deep expression on his face. He said, "I only hope that this newly born Continent of Heaven will allow those practitioners of the younger generation to learn... to be in awe."

It can be seen that the attitude of the three emperors left some impressions in Immortal Emperor's heart, which made him feel touched. For this reason, he did not hesitate to consume his own original power to transform the Shangtian Continent into its current state.

After smiling, Lin Yang disappeared into the Continent of Heaven without saying anything.

It is very difficult to destroy the high-level Hunyuan of hundreds of millions of low-level Hunyuan with a wave of hands, and it is very difficult to destroy the newly-born Shangtian Continent. It is not difficult to imagine the fairy kings in the world sea, and the quasi-immortal emperors born in the future.


a perfect world.

It seems to be a coincidence that Shi Hao also came to the ultimate ancient land when Immortal Emperor Mao was transforming another Heavenly Continent.

He looked at the Immortal Emperor's magic circle and held the Emperor Sword.


The sword light that has amazed the years has illuminated the past and the future, and this immortal emperor's magic circle that has suppressed the ultimate scourge for hundreds of millions of years has also been broken in response.

"Above God..."

Looking at the stone tablet in the dark, Shi Hao stared at the vast world behind the entrance of the cave.


Soliciting the Emperor Title of Golden Retriever...

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