From the Perfect World

1152nd Mystery of the Pole

The Great Sage of Eternal Life stared at the inherited stele that almost changed his destiny, and thought to himself, "Could it be that some kind of unrivaled war took place in the last era? Why did the most powerful formulas back then become so different in this era?" It's hard to practice..."

"According to the few descriptions given by the Immortal Heavenly Venerable, in the world at that time, he was not the only supreme being, but one of many powerful beings, and there were even incredible beings that surpassed him."

"Did the melee of many powerful people make the world dilapidated? And it led to the nine heavens and ten lands that can accommodate more than one celestial being. At this time, after one person becomes enlightened, no matter how amazing the rest are, they will not be able to cross the final stage." the barrier of the world, and achieve the ultimate way of the world of mortals."

When he was thinking deeply, he also took out the treasures of heaven and earth collected by traveling through many star fields over the years, and began to refine them with the secret method of operation.

A vicissitudes and simplicity of the stone slab was also taken out by the Great Sage of Longevity. He split his soul and read some anecdotes recorded on the stone slab.

The stone slab in front of him was left by a great sage who was at the same time as Tianzun Dujie. When Tianzun Dujie became enlightened, this great sage was already a supreme saint. He was only half a step away from the realm of Zhuntianzun. remote.

It's a pity that after crossing the catastrophe, Tianzun became Taoist, and the Dao suppressed all the monks who came close to the Tianzun realm, and half a step away, they also became a heavenly scorpion.

After hundreds of years of efforts to no avail, the owner of the stone slab chose to proclaim himself the source of the gods, wanting to see what the future nine heavens and ten earths will look like, and how many powerful people there will be.

Until one day tens of thousands of years later, he broke out of the seal and reappeared in the world, but he didn't want to, it was still the heyday of Dujie Tianzun, the suppression of the Dao was as strong as ever, and the world couldn't resist at all, but this time, he traveled all over the world. Everywhere in the star field, the owner of the stone slab did not choose to proclaim himself in the world again. After recording everything he saw and heard, he faced death calmly and sat down on a certain ancient life star.

Looking at the record on the stone slab, the Great Sage of Longevity whispered: "A lone great sage who is not bound by a clan..."

"According to the records of the ancients, after Dujie Tianzun became enlightened hundreds of thousands of years ago, he did not really stop, but in the following years, his cultivation base has improved a lot. It can be seen that the "extreme way" in the eyes of all beings in the world ', not the end of practice, nor the ultimate of humanity."

"It's like, the person who will become enlightened is the quasi-celestial venerable, but not any quasi-celestial venerable is regarded as the one who will become enlightened."

"In the era that is so far away that it cannot be traced back, what is the state of the 'Extreme Dao' in the eyes of the world?"

Imagining the magnificent era in which many heavenly deities lived, the Immortal Sage felt envious in his heart, and he thought to himself:

"Without the constraint of 'Tianzun is in power, the Dao suppresses', which one belongs to the extreme standard of the chaotic ancient era, between the Tianzun Dujie when he first became a Taoist and the Tianzun Dujie who has practiced to the peak? If the former is the extreme way, which one belongs to the extreme standard? The Heavenly Venerable Transcending Tribulation at its peak belongs to?"

While thinking about it, the Immortal Sage also read all the records on the stone slab and mastered some ancient secrets hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After thinking for a long time, the Great Sage of Longevity shook his head, sighed, and said: "The past is history after all, and the standards at that time cannot be applied to this era. The Dao and the seal of Tianxin, and the achievement of Tianzun, is the ultimate way."

"Because no one except Tianzun can set foot in that realm, naturally, that realm is the ultimate way in the world."

He would be curious about Chaotic Ancient Era's extreme dao standard, in addition to his own character, but also because he had obtained Chaotic Ancient Era's formula, some terms in it made him at a loss, and there was some relationship with what he was thinking about now.

After thinking for a long time, the Immortal Sage turned his attention to the inheritance stone tablet again.

Even if it is the limit of a saint, he has to be moved. The formulas recorded above,

It's really too profound, even if it's not the first time to watch it, it's hard to keep calm.

According to the guess of the Immortal Sage, the Immortal Heavenly Venerable who left the inheritance stone tablet is also an extremely strong one among the Heavenly Venerates in the Chaotic Era, and will definitely not be weaker than the Heavenly Venerable Dujie in the peak period.

In a certain chance, he got the exercise of Tianzun Dujie by chance. Although it was not a complete exercise, it was only a fragment. The inheritance of Immortal Heavenly Venerable is profound and mysterious.

Even if they are compared with the same fragments, it is the same.

In this regard, the Great Sage of Longevity has his own understanding. He believes that the immortal Tianzun lives in the era of prosperous civilization and practice, and the Tianzun of Dujie is the first enlightened person in millions or tens of millions of years. In the new era, all the practice methods must be created by oneself, which has led to the exercises of the Dujie Tianzun, which are less profound than the inheritance of the Bu Lao Tianzun.

He didn't want to believe that the eternally famous Tianzun Dujie was not as good as the Immortal Tianzun, one of the many Tianzuns of the last era.

Moreover, he didn't know that although the cultivation technique on the inheritance stone tablet was left by the immortal god, it was not created by the immortal god himself, but the five elements mountain, the supreme magic weapon suspected of immortality, by the immortal god. A Xeon scripture that was born.

What the Immortal God left behind is the inheritance of the Five Elements Mountain, and it is also the core inheritance of the Eternal Mountain.

With all kinds of thoughts turning in his heart, the Great Sage of Longevity finally whispered to himself:

"It would be great if we could go back in time, reproduce the history of that year, and witness with our own eyes the great era when many gods coexisted."

"All the gods live together for a lifetime, which one can be truly invincible?"

At this time, he didn't know that the wish he said casually now will be realized after many, many, many years. Although he did not return to history, he really witnessed it personally and experienced the chaos of ancient times. Something about the era.

The mysterious scriptures circulated in his mind, and the Great Sage of Longevity was deducing a new formula suitable for the current era based on the formula on the stone tablet. Constantly improving.


The Chaos Body became the Quasi-Tianzun, and it didn't make much waves.

Many sages went on to prove that when there is Tianzun in the present age, the latecomers will not be able to stand in the ultimate way and become Tianzun no matter what.

The chaotic body that becomes the Quasi-Tianzun, unless he is willing to die, will choose to proclaim himself like other Quasi-Tianzun, and wait until hundreds of thousands of years later, the Immeasurable Tianzun will be reborn, and then he will choose to be born again to obtain the position of Tianzun.

Modern monks, unless they are self-proclaimed, no one will survive that time, so not many people continue to pay attention to the traces of the chaotic body, but the history library in the clan has recorded the past deeds of the chaotic body, It is also to let the juniors when the chaotic body is reborn know what the origin of this terrifying quasi-celestial being is.

However, no one expected that Chaos would experience such arrogance and act insanely.

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