From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred and fifty-eight past events

A long, long time ago, Lin Yang had a special projection into the prehistoric world. After going through all kinds of calamities and dangers, in an era when it was impossible to become a saint, he went against the world and became a holy man. He is called a saint by later generations.

In that world, only saints can be regarded as real masters. Saints are divided into many levels, ordinary saints, advanced saints, congenital saints, imperial saints...

The special projection at that time was called the future. It was an ordinary saint. Even if you searched the entire multiverse, there were only a few thousand people.

The human races of that era were just livestock, with no inheritance and no strong ones. They were raised by thousands of races on the prehistoric continent as rations.

The holy position in the entire multiverse is limited, and even among the prehistoric races, there are strong people who have no holy position and cannot become a strong man with a holy position. However, being born in the human race, which should be the future of livestock, has surpassed everyone's imagination. It is conceivable how much shock it caused back then, not much less than the shock caused by Lin Yang's achievement of Immortal King.

The sanctification of the future has aroused the hostility of many ethnic groups in the wild. They covet the holy throne of the future and want to kill the future so that the strong of their own clan can break through.

Even if the powerhouses with spiritual ranks can't match the powerhouses with holy ranks at all, those groups whose strongest are spiritual ranks can use some of their benefits to ask the groups with holy ranks to let the powerhouses with holy ranks of all races kill the future human saint .

Afterwards, there was a counter-kill that was beyond the expectations of the saints of all races. At that time, Lin Yang's main body had only mastered the moves of "cut the way to see me" and "the emperor stepped on the time" and because it was unique to the world of the prehistoric calendar The reason for the rules cannot be used 100% according to the gourd painting, but it can also exert quite terrifying power.

In addition to relying on his own plug-in, the future saint also created a unique holy skill during his rise. Even the newly-accomplished saint was extremely powerful in battle soon, and the three ordinary saints who came to intercept him were almost crushed. Killed, the holy positions of the three holy powerhouses were also taken away by the future saints, suppressing the total number of holy powerhouses of all races in disguise.

Later, even a very small number of high-level saints chased and killed the future saint. After a great battle, the high-level saint fell, and the holy position was also taken away.

From then on, the future saint roamed the prehistoric continent, hunting and killing ordinary saints of all races, even fourth-tier junior high school seniors, spiritual ranks, and even saintly powerhouses. Although the clan was not exterminated, it also caused a large group of people to decline completely. When they met those potential geniuses of all races, they would not refuse to come, and sent them away from this sinister and dangerous world for free.

If it weren't for the vastness of the Great Desolate Continent, the number of any large ethnic group would be astronomical, and many ethnic groups would have been wiped out that year.

Old and young, women and children, when the Wanzu used the human race as rations, Lin Yang had no mercy. Before he rose to power, he had seen too many human races being eaten by the Wanzu.

Forget about frying and steaming, what makes people even more angry is not killing them deliberately, but chewing them bit by bit from the hands and feet, listening to the wailing of those who serve as food, or the humanoids who regard the human beings in captivity as a tool for venting jade, and are insulted Even if the human race is not eaten on the spot, it will be eaten sooner or later.

Lin Yang saw it with his own eyes before he woke up.

In the human tribe named 'Wei', there was a young girl who was pregnant with a foreign heir. In the end, the girl's child was torn apart, and the foreign race came to the world bathed in blood, but the girl did not die immediately. With one finger dug into the soil,

Even though his fingernails were turned over and blood was flowing, he didn't know it. He kept wailing for dozens of minutes and finally his voice became hoarse, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Before she died completely, the girl who was a new mother was eaten by the newborn alien race, as if some creatures born from broken eggs would eat their own eggshells. The only kindness is to be chewed at the first bite What was left was the girl's head, and this alien race spared her mother from the subsequent pain.

It was the stimulation of that day that awakened Lin Yang's projection, and remembered everything, and thus everything that followed.

During the years of slaughter, the holy thrones of countless thousands of races fell, and the alien races that oppressed the human race also declined, and the human races that were captive by these races also got freedom.

As for whether those people were arrested again after they were freed, or where they hid and reproduced, Lin Yang didn't know. He attracted too much hatred at that time, and it was impossible to stay in one place for too long, otherwise he would be arrested A team of several senior saints stopped them.

In order to lure him out, some ethnic groups use the human race in the territory as bait, and slaughter everyone if they don't show up when the time comes.

It is conceivable how many masters will gather there to deal with his famous and fierce clan. It is not surprising that there are innate and true saints sitting in Lin Yang.

But before Lin Yang could make up his mind, he was attacked by Tai Yi and Di Jun, who knows how they found Lin Yang's trace.

The emperor-level saint, looking at the multiverse at that time, was a top powerhouse counted by one hand, it is inconceivable that he would put down his face and sneak attack an ordinary saint.

Even if Lin Yang had combined the mysteries of the Great Desolate Continent at that time, and could fully exert the power of "cut the way and see me", he would not be able to escape under the blockade of two emperor-level saints. The god king was intercepted, and it was a manifestation of Lin Yang's terror that he was not killed by Taiyi.

In the end, Lin Yang burned everything that the future saint had, transformed everything into energy, and made a slash towards Tai Yi, and was killed by Donghuang Zhongzhen after seeing me.

A completely mastered move, as long as he can produce energy, the power of that move can be close to or even equal to that of the creator of the move himself when he created that move. That is to say, if the future saint has enough energy storage, this The move completely fits the "Zhan Dao Jian Me" in the world of the prehistoric calendar, which can be regarded as being performed by Dao Zun himself during the period when "Zu Dao Jian Me" was created.

Although the might of the future sage who had exhausted everything could not match that of the Daoist at that time, Tai Yi, the emperor-level sage, was also injured. Even if he could not die, he would not be able to live and dance again for a long time.

"Di Jun advocates peace. Even if I committed a heinous crime at that time, even if he wanted to kill me with Di Jun's character, he would not be sneaky."

"Is there a stronger existence secretly influencing them?"

Lin Yang said to himself.

Even if there are not many emperor-level saints in the entire multiverse, the emperor-level saints are not the apex of the prehistoric world, otherwise they would not be regarded as the high-level world in Lin Yang's eyes.

Above the imperial level is the inner universe.

The inner universe is divided into a single supermagic universe with an infinite size inside, and a single supermagic universe with multiple infinite sizes inside.

Further up is the half-step detachment, detachment, indescribable...


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