From the Perfect World

One thousand two hundred sixty-two prophecy

Lin Yang glanced at a fragment beside him, and said calmly, "I thought you would continue to hibernate."

The gloomy fragment looked the same as the other fragments, but after using the perception of the Heavenly Dao Palace to perform the "integration of man and machine", he vaguely felt that most of the consciousness of the gloomy supreme was inside.

However, according to his experience, even if this fragment is obliterated, the Gloomy One will transfer his consciousness to other gloomy fragments in other forms.

The so-called rebirth from a drop of blood can be regarded as the ability of almost everyone at this height. The only difference is the speed of recovery from the "drop of blood" to its heyday. , in at most half a day, the Dark Supreme Being who was severely injured by him to the point of death can initially reunite with his real body, and destroying the entire Boundary Sea is only a matter of flipping the palm of his hand.

This kind of immortality is so strong that it is staggering. If you don't take the initiative to die like Shi Hao, you will basically be immortal.

Even if it is completely cold like Shi Hao, it is possible to recover from the extinction.

"You really saw it."

The hoarse voice of the Sovereign of Darkness came out, without the original indifference and majesty, and soon he repeated the question just now.

"How did that part of my body disappear?"

He suppressed the horror in his heart and questioned. He has fought for countless years and is not afraid of death. Even if he knows that he is a prisoner, he will not give in at all.

Seeing this, Lin Yang didn't bother to correct it, he smiled and said, "I'm using it to cultivate a very interesting world."

He is also not surprised why the Highest of Darkness cannot sense part of the body in the interface universe. Lin Yang's natural projections are all over the world, but only the interface universe is not included, as if the magical universe at the bottom of the sea is not in his real world. under the light of the spirit'.

Even he is like this, let alone the Immortal Emperor level.

"What kind of world needs to be cultivated with the body of the supreme being of the heavens."

The words of the Dark Supreme One were full of disbelief, and Lin Yang didn't expect him to accept this kind of thing beyond the original three views in a short time, and said with a soft smile: "When you are free in a billion years, and you come to the opposite day again, I'll take you to that world for a turn."

"I won't suppress you at that time, as long as you want, you can leave at any time after traveling in that world."

It seemed that he felt the malice contained in Lin Yang's smile, and the fear in the heart of the most gloomy man was even worse.

Intuition told him that if he really went to that world, he himself would become the nourishment of that world,

As for leaving and listening at any time, it's fine, after reaching the high level of the heavens, who would be so boring and take the enemy to another world just to go around.

"You and he were born in the same place, but the road you walked was not a fairy road, but a road that I had never heard of, not any of the most powerful roads in the world..."

"With the help of the power of the world, it's not that the great power belongs to oneself, but it can also aspire to the highest fruit position of the heavens?"

The most gloomy man paused for a moment, then suddenly said: "So that's how it is."

Lin Yang was a little speechless, wondering what this powerful figure in the perfect world had come up with.


Projecting the unity of all and me, isn't the great power attributed to oneself?

The Highest of Darkness can see that the power he used at that time originated from the infinite universe of all ages, so he shouldn't be unable to see through this.

"The mighty power belongs to oneself?"

"You are still at the level where the power is attributed to the body, the soul, and the Dao. I have surpassed this state, and you can't see it is normal."

"Ants can only see the sky, and they don't know what kind of vastness lies behind the sky." Good mood

Lin Yang wrote lightly that there are many misleading words in the words, referring to the uniqueness of different systems as the upper and lower of the same system.

As soon as this remark came out, the Sovereign of Darkness was silent for a while.

He wanted to refute, but he couldn't find a reason to refute. Now that he has been torn into billions of pieces and suppressed in this strange palace is the best evidence.

"Power doesn't belong to the body, soul, or Dao, does it belong to the will? It belongs to emptiness?"

The Darkest One murmured.

There are many roads to the top of the sky, but no matter which road, after reaching the end, it is difficult to distinguish the difference. In the final analysis, they are all physique, soul, and avenue. The difference is only the external appearance. Some people The body is unparalleled, some have infinite magic, and some offer sacrifices to the world...

There has never been a Supreme Being whose essence was different from the other Supreme Beings.

"Even if you walk out of a new path, you still can't surpass the supreme fruit. Sure enough, only that way can hope to surpass the supreme."

The Dark One whispers.

He obviously regarded Lin Yang as a supreme creature who had walked out of a new path after the end of the road. If he really surpassed the supreme fruit level, he would be able to kill him in a single blow, making him completely wiped out.

So what if he can come back through his thoughts, the dark and supreme man has already seen through it for countless years. The so-called immortality is too fragile when facing a higher realm, just like a dream bubble, but it can make him fall into such a situation in a moment Even if the emperor of heaven did not really surpass the supreme fruit position, he had stepped half a foot out.

Lin Yang, who knew what the "that method" was said by the dark and supreme man, was not interested in it. He looked at the void outside the Heavenly Dao Palace, saw through the river of time and the fate of all things, and said indifferently: "Creatures that surpass the highest fruit status, It will be born in a billion years."

"A billion years?"

Hearing Lin Yang mentioning this time limit repeatedly, the dark and supreme man was startled after thinking for a while, and thought of something.

"That's right."

Lin Yang's deep voice was filled with a mysterious atmosphere, making it difficult for people to see through.

Why is the main body not there, but he is still so sure in the projection body?

It's not because Lin Yang's realm is so high or strong, but because his upper body Tianxin has touched the veins of the Supreme Creator in the dark.

In the Era of Shrouding the Sky, the Great Emperor is the limit, and only one Great Emperor can be born in one universe and one era. The old emperor will not die, and the new emperor will not come out, unless the new emperor is very strong and strong, breaking the shackles of the predecessors.

In the Era of the Holy Ruins, the supreme is the limit. Only one supreme can be born in a whole universe. Unless the future generations are extremely strong, it is impossible for the supreme creature to be born, and the supreme creature has not fallen. fruit position.

In the past, there were evildoers who formed a group to surpass the emperor and become immortal mortals. Then in the era of the holy market, there will be someone who surpasses the highest and achieves the fruit status whose name is temporarily unknown. Maybe there is more than one person.

It is precisely because of this kind of speculation that what Lin Yang said now is so certain that the most gloomy one has no choice but to believe it.

If that day comes, no one surpasses the supreme, but one extinction, two extinctions, three times...

As long as his body returns, everything is real.

"Looking at it can cause the highest of the heavens to suffer heavy damage, so looking at it is almost beyond the realm of the highest."

"But after the changes in the worldview of the Holy Ruins Era, this world will become stronger. I can't relax, otherwise, after the appearance of those creatures that surpassed the Immortal Emperor level, my way will inevitably be blocked."

Lin Yang secretly thought that he wanted to find a new high-level world even more urgently.

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